The 36 zodiac Decans
Become a member for full access to all 36 Decans
How To Find Your Decan
The dates given for the decans are for the Sun position, ie: your birthday. They are just an approximation and change by a few days each year.
Accurately find your Sun’s decan with the HOROSCOPE MAKER. Each decan is made up of 10º divided as follows.
Decan 1 = 0º up to (but not including) 10º
Decan 2 = 10º up to (but not including) 20º
Decan 3 = 20º up to (but not including) 30º
Wheel Of Stars

The Ultimate Guide To All 36 Decans
eBOOK $36
About The Decan eBooks
All ebooks include the full general meaning of the decan, plus details of all the fixed stars residing in that decan.
Full interpretations for the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Mercury, Venus and Mars in the decan.
You can download a sample what you will this Aries Decan 1 sample. The eBooks designs are currently being updated through the year, so some of the decans may still be in the old style. You will see the updates on the individual decan posts.