Gemini Decan 2 is ruled by Mars and Venus (Libra Triplicity). The Sun takes giant leaps through the constellations of the Hunter, the Hare, the Charioteer and the River from June 1 – 11. This is the zone of the speed freaks and multi-taskers.
The hare is known for its swiftness while the charioteer thunders across the sky holding a whole family of goats! These people don’t do anything by halves. All too often, however, Gemini decan 2 takes on far too much and then suffers burn out. Having an accident or becoming ill is the only way they may get any rest.
These subjects can also become totally driven by their desires. Orion is the hunter, so stalking is their speciality, surprising in a sign supposedly carefree and light-hearted. This decan is ruled by both Mars and Venus, the sexual planets, so these twins can get extremely irritable when they can’t channel their libido.
Gemini Decan 2 Fixed Stars
Gemini 11º 55’ ~ Tabit in the Lion skin trophy of Orion the Hunter 3.3*
Gemini 12º 03’ ~ Epsilon Lepus in the Hare 3.2
Gemini 15º 17’ ~ Cursa in the mouth of the river Eridanus 2.9
Gemini 16º 38’ ~ Hasseleh in the left foot of Auriga the Charioteer 2.9
Gemini 16º 51’ ~ Rigel in the left foot of Orion the Hunter 0.1
Gemini 18º 38’ ~ Hoedus I kid goat in Auriga the Charioteer 3.8
Gemini 19º 27’ ~ Hoedus II Kid goat in Auriga the Charioteer 3.3
Gemini 19º 40’ ~ Nihal in Lepus the Hare 3.0
*Star positions & magnitude for the year 2000
Orion is also the lustiest, phallic constellation in the sky, rivalling only Aries and Taurus in virility. But where the Ram and the Bull are fuelled by procreation and biology, Orion loves the whole drama and courtship of sex. The chase is the best bit, lots of twists and turns, intrigue, titillation and teasing.
Roller Coasters & Strategists
Sex can also be a sedative for Gemini decan 2, orgasm will be an explosive release of tension. The twins here are extra inquisitive, intellectually daring, and their mind is as agile as their bodies. They need to have this acrobatic ability since their propensity for living on the edge means they often have to make very narrow escapes.
Gemini decan 2 gets away with this reckless manoeuvring so often that think they are immortal. Both stars of Orion featured here are connected with victory, or boasting that they have victory over nature. The charioteer has to learn to keep its wayward passions on a tight rein. Channelling Gemini decan 2’s fast and furious mental gymnastics into science and engineering would be a good outlet. They would make fantastic formula one drivers, as they are not great with suburban speed limits.

The tarot card associated with this decan is the nine of swords, unfortunately, the air signs are stuck with the swords suit as representing them so the imagery is not going to be so positive. We must remember that with the decans, the tarot is read differently. Decan cards indicate lessons learned in previous lives and karma that may have already been paid.
This is the most karmic of all the decans, where the past has accrued many paybacks and unfinished business with relationships. Its divinatory meaning: “Your past may have caught up with you or something you thought dealt with, done and dusted, has reared its ugly head and resurfaced once more bringing all its unpleasantness with it.
This may be on a physical level but more than likely a return of some inner-demons or past nightmare, which has thrown your mental equilibrium out of balance. Something from your past may have come back to haunt you.” ~ Teach Me Tarot. I take this card to mean that, like the boastful hunter Orion, natural law will come back to bite you in the foot if you try to mess too much with nature and play god. But those who do work with nature will be spared the nightmarish scenario seen on this card.
Gemini decan 2 then, generally has great speed, vigour and an enterprising spirit. It also has the tactical skill to stalk its target relentlessly, never losing sight of its goals. Their major problem is holding onto their success once they have it. Gemini 2’s ultra-focused pursuit of their goals means they may overlook the bigger picture. Sometimes this means that they miss some grand flaw that opens up to engulf them later on down the road. For Gemini decan 2, capturing their prey is easy, but again, keeping hold of it can be difficult also when they are distracted by yet another passing tasty morsel. Gemini decan 2’s life can resemble a roller-coaster and they often need to team up with a solid Saturnian type to bring them more stability and to fix their chariot’s brakes!
Austin Coppock calls this decan ‘The Hermaphrodite’ which suits it being ruled by both Mars (male) and Venus (female). Coppock also points out that this decan is allocated to the earth Goddess Cybelle who (according to a Hellenistic text [4]) was a hermaphrodite.
The story is that the rest of the Gods were none too pleased with Cybele’s double sexuality, so she was castrated and left as a female. The discarded phallus grew into an almond tree. A passing nymph ate the almonds and became pregnant with an almond child Attis. Later on, Cybelle then falls in love with the adult Attis. This yearning for one’s lost part can perhaps explain the frantic chasing of Gemini decan 2 already mentioned. There is a raging battle within, angry at the gods for splitting their soul in two.
Gemini Decan 2 Fixed Stars meanings*
Tabit 11º is found in the lion’s skin that Orion holds so triumphantly. This is a great warrior and needs to display his trophy’s. “Orion will fashion alert minds and agile bodies, souls prompt to respond to duty’s call, and hearts which press on with unflagging energy in spite of every trial.” ~ Manilus. Orion’s sexual energy seems to be about conquering territory; his sword hangs suggestively below his belt.
If you look at naked Orion in a sky without light pollution and cloud, the phallus is very clear! For the Egyptians Orion was Osiris and we know that this missing member was an important element of his resurrection. With the mix of phalluses and chariots, one could think of the notion of fancy sports cars as being penis extensions here.
Gemini Decan 2 Planets & Angles
Sun Gemini 2
Rigel 16º “Bold, courageous, insolent, unruly temper, hasty actions, bloodshed, many enemies, great good fortune, military success.” [3] “Imposing one’s will on a situation to change the natural outcome, or bring natural reform. A person who wishes to help others by imposing their idea of order. The government decides to reform a situation.” [5]
Agrippa points out that these natives have a ‘dishonest agility’ [6] which certainly suggests the trickster archetype and some nefarious qualities as seen in the subjects below. It just seems these folk becomes victims of their own success because they are so good at ‘working the room’.
People witness the native effortlessly seduce each guest with different masks to suit their objective. Of course this means one is left wondering if there is a real soul behind the mask at all! Sun Gemini 2 can also stir up a great deal of envy too and when they make enemies, they make really vindictive ones. A lot of the time darkness is projected onto the native without them even really deserving it. They easily become the ‘Black Sheep’ due to the Gemini twin effect. Luckily they make enough loyal friends and allies to protect them from any real damage.
This is a decan of extremes for the Sun here, when the native can be either super-successful or despised, often it is both. It helps if they choose a partner who is a shining example of virtue and trustworthiness to offset Sun Gemini 2’s duplicitous tendencies. Some gain a reputation of being the scoundrel which they like to play up to even if deep down they are quite the opposite. Sun Gemini 2s don’t want people to see their naïve, goody-goody or (god forbid) vulnerable side.