Sagittarius decan 3 is ruled by Saturn and the Sun (Leo Triplicity). The Sun slithers its way through the constellations of the Serpent Bearer, the Scorpion, the Dragon, the Altar, the Southern Triangle and the Bird of Paradise from December 12 – 22 from degrees 20º to 30º. I believe that Sagittarius decan 3 might be one of the most difficult decans to be born under in the early 21st century. If I was to do a modern Ptolemy and assign a planet to have rulership here, I would probably choose Eris and Sedna.
Sagittarius Decan 3 Fixed Stars
Sagittarius 20º 54’ ~ Atria in Triangulum Australe the Southern Triangle 1.9*
Sagittarius 22º 27’ ~ Ras Alhague in the head of Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer 2.1
Sagittarius 22º 42’ ~ Gamma Apus in the Apus the Bird Of Paradise 3.9
Sagittarius 24º 01’ ~ Lesath in the stinger of Scorpius the Scorpion 2.8
Sagittarius 24º 12’ ~ Beta Ara in Ara the Altar 2.8
Sagittarius 24º 35’ ~ Shaula in the stinger of Scorpius the Scorpion 1.6
Sagittarius 24º 45’ ~ Grumium in the jaw of Draco the Dragon 3.9
Sagittarius 24º 56’ ~ Alpha Ara in Ara the Altar 2.9
Sagittarius 25º 20’ ~ Kelb Alrai in the right shoulder of Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer 2.9
Sagittarius 26º 51’ ~ Galactic Center
Sagittarius 27º 58’ ~ Etamin in the right eye of Draco the Dragon. 2.4
Sagittarius 28º 45’ ~ Acumen star cluster above the stinger of Scorpius the Scorpion 3.2
Sagittarius 29º 45’ ~ Sinistra in the right hand of Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer 3.5
*Magnitude and star positions for the year 2000
Like the new energies, these people are often seen as troublemakers and are often misunderstood, exiled and tortured for their beliefs. If these folk are brought up in a loving family, have access to nature, have an active spiritual life and are free to express their unique selves, then they are as good as gold. But if not, their dark side is the most treacherous of all. More than any other decan, these folk absolutely cannot function as an inauthentic being. They will see right through any false veneer.
Dis-ordered Crystals
Sagittarius decan 3 doesn’t really use words and often finds it difficult to listen to them. They often just sense things and this is why they get into trouble. A typical example is when they find themselves scowling at someone, who from the outside seems like an adorable, charming person but is hiding something less than savoury within. Sagittarius decan 3 can see right into the sorcerer’s dark soul.
The problem is, a lot of the time they themselves don’t know why someone gives them the creeps. When this happens, Sagittarius decan 3 are accused of being rude, anti-social, cold and even sociopathic. Sagittarius decan 3 wants to fit in and needs to be loved, so they will feel guilty when they don’t find these false buffoons the scintillating company that everyone else seems to.
This is when Sagittarius decan 3 starts to believe that the darkness must originate from themselves. Another thing these subjects finds impossible is small talk and flattery. Again, it’s very hard for them to lie about someone’s bulging arse. Yes, it does look big in that. Sorry! Here is where tropical Sagittarius’s judgemental and untactful reputation comes from.
What I am describing does sound a lot like how children diagnosed with Aspergers are experienced. Indeed, we are still coming to grips with why there are currently so many diagnoses of Aspergers, ADHD, or any of these autistic spectrum “disorders”. in the west. I have heard various commentators say that these kids are crystal children, born with a very high vibration who find it hard to ground themselves on this very dense and low-vibration earth.
ADHD & Aspergers
They say that in order for these crystal kids to fit in, we have to raise the aggregate vibration of everyone on earth. If we did that there would be no need for Ritalin and the like. But in terms of this decan, the Aspergers/crystal children phenomena certainly seems to fit with the descriptions of these hugely misunderstood darkstars. Very often these kids are drugged into so-called “normality” with venom from our Sagittarius decan 3 medicine man.
If these folk do find themselves feeling like failures or just feel really uncomfortable in earth vibratory field then yes, they may very well self-medicate to take away the pain. This is when the Lesath stinger can be the injection of heroin’s needle. Heroin, morphine and poppy derivatives are the drugs closest to death.
Like Saturn, these drugs dry people out and make them very skinny. The worst cases they literally become a bag of bones, with rotting teeth so that addicts end up looking very much like the living dead. This decan can demonstrate the very worst examples of living between zones, like a zombie.
Crystal Children & Illuminating Shadows
Giving psycho-active drugs to beings of such hyper-sensitivity can really mess with their fine-tuned bodies. I would imagine that super-sensitive folk can become totally overwhelmed and just shut down, maybe their soul just flees their body so they are no longer present anymore. Sagittarius decan 3 can also become so open that they even become possessed maybe?
Whatever the reasons for this ‘possession’, is it extremely worrying for the future of humanity. This decan can serve as a mirror or as a barometer as to the spiritual state of the human race. Like Black Moon Lilith, the lunar apogee and empty focus, the decans of Ophiuchus are like an empty void that are only as ‘evil’ as whatever the projector is putting in there. But what is ‘evil’ anyway but our worst fears. Isn’t it only fear that makes us lash out in defence?
Like some of the Pisces decans it is vital for this decan to be grounded, pure and trusting. Sagittarius decan 3 are great at prescribing medicine, but need to have a strong enough will to not take any of it themselves. These folk really need to keep as toxin-free as possible to bring out the wonderful, earth-raising vibration potential of this decan.
In all this Saturn darkness, ironically, it is Sagittarius decan 3 (when pure) who make the greatest ‘light workers’. Now do you see why they have been attacked? It’s because these folk are so darn threatening to the real psychopaths and leeches on this planet. I believe this decan to be very strong in sacred masculine energy.
These are the spiritual warriors who, when feeling psychically strong, can influence enough minds to cause a massive uprising. They are not front-line Aries types, but they can influence those that are fighting up front. Sagittarius decan 3 works in the background, spreading wisdom, shocking us out of complacency, and inspiring us to do something magical with our lives.
They are dangerous because they have the power to move many souls into awakening; enough to cause a tsunami of enlightenment that will prove unstoppable once the momentum gets going. This is why they have to be controlled; this is why they have to be drugged, belittled, exiled, silenced, gas-lit, mind-controlled and made to feel like they have a ‘disorder’.
Sagittarius Decan 3 Tarot Card

Sagittarius decan 3 are amongst those who are dissing the New World Order, and that is a good thing! It goes without saying that the “order” being “dissed” has not been beneficial for the planet. So Sagittarius decan 3, the future of the human race is in your hands.
For some sadly, the responsibility can be just too much to handle and so they zone out with the “medicines” mentioned above. But to those who managed to work their magic without selling their souls to the devil, we bow down in awe.
The tarot card associated with this decan is the ten of wands “The Ten of Wands can suggest that someone has put a saddle on your back and will ride you to hell if they want. They may see you as a workhorse and take advantage of your good nature and willingness to help.
You may be given the hardest and messiest tasks to carry out, and because you are obliging and successfully complete them, more and more is then asked of you.” ~ Teachmetarot. This being the tropical sign of the archer, the work-horse metaphor is quite appropriate. The trusting nature too is shown and the Saturn rulership gives the strong work ethic also. It seems they folk either work extremely hard or zone out altogether.
Sagittarius eBooks
Sagittarius Decan 3 Fixed Stars
Atria 20º the alpha star of the Southern Triangle has no mythology associated with it as it was invisible to the northern hemisphere. It was given the title of the “Three Patriarchs.” It is a 1st magnitude star, so will be nice and bright for the Antipodeans. An Atria is a central open aired court in a building with rooms leading off it. Maybe this star could be associated with careers in architecture and sacred geometry.
STARS Continued in eBook & members only
Sagittarius Decan 3 Planets & Angles
Sun Sagittarius 3
Ras Alhague 22º ~ “Reserved, thoughtful, studious, suspicious, solitary, reputation for athletics, little wealth, careless of public opinion..” [1] “A reporter, interested in the stories of events and people. A career which is in some way involved with the stories of human nature. A popular story or novel is released.” [2]
Acumen 28º ~ ” Subjects to attacks on one’s credibility. To experience small challenges which can slowly weaken one’s defenses. Needing to learn how to allow time to sort out issues, needing to learn how to bend and flow with the times. A time when a leader is challenged.” [2]
These folk are realistic about what they can achieve and stoic in their approach and far less idealistic than your average Sagittarian. Yes, they still have big dreams, but they make damn sure they go a long way into realizing them too. Studiousness is very marked here, and they will not make grandiose statements before researching the backstory to any situation.
These folks are living libraries, they love to be informed and are eternal students of human behavior. They themselves have complex personalities so they seek to understand themselves through the study of extreme characters in history. They are quite fascinated by the criminal mind or the psychopath and don’t balk at getting their teeth into gruesome subject matter.
These folk can often have quite a black sense of humour too, but this conversely prevents them from getting too morose generally. This is a Saturn-ruled decan which actually is a great leveler for Sun Sagittarius 3, for they have a healthy mix of skepticism and hope that people admire. Because of this balance, these folk will often be in great demand as teachers and counselors.