Virgo decan 2 is ruled by Venus and Saturn (Capricorn triplicity). The Sun navigates through the constellations of the Lion, the Great Ship, the Great Bear and the Hunting Hounds from approximately September 1 to September 10. Most of the stars here have a Saturn/Venus nature, which is going to make them all rather bittersweet. Virgo decan 2 runs from 10º up to 20º Virgo.
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Saturn gives Venus a bleeding heart, but it can also make this person somewhat of a masochist. Virgo decan 2 can push people away and then wonder why those people sometimes stay away. They seem to need to test their partner’s backbones and push them to the limits.
Virgo Decan 2 Fixed Stars
Virgo 11º 11′ ~ Alsuhail in the sails of Argo Navis the Great Ship. 2.2*
Virgo 11º 19′ ~ Zosma in Leo the Lions back on the rump. 2.6
Virgo 13º 25′ ~ Coxa in Leo the Lions back on the hind quarter. 3.4
Virgo 15º 42′ ~ Mizar in the tail of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 2.4
Virgo 15º 52′ ~ Alcor in the tail of Ursa Major the Great Bear. 4.0
Virgo 17º 42′ ~ Asterion in the hunting hound Chara in Canes Venatici . 4.3
Virgo 18º 58′ ~ Delta Vela in Vela the sails of Argo Navis the Great Ship. 2.1
*Magnitude. Star positions for the year 2000.
Only the strongest will stick around, (if there is something worth staying for) otherwise their partners could become masochists themselves. The Persephone myth then, turns up here, just as in Virgo decan 1, but becoming even richer and darker. This Venus-ruled decan is more like Babylonian Ishtar, the goddess of love and war or Venus retrograde.
Virtuous in Shame & Great Stalkers
Virgo decan 2 have a “quick temper which endangers personal relationships and their place in the world, they are usually loners… Tales of ancient heroes and glorious exploits lead some to extreme conservatism or reactionary politics; combined with the purification instinct of tropical Virgo, can become skewed into distrust or hatred of outsiders, even to fanatic xenophobia…others denounce prejudice and injustice, challenge persecutions, fight tyranny and lead rebellions against it” [1] This can be in literal battles or through writing and the arts.
Virgo decan 2 can be great stalkers, but they don’t want anything that comes to them too easily. They feel they have to go through hell and back, severe trauma and a mental breakdown before they deserve to win anything. However, when they do have their prize in hand they will stick with it… forever. This is because usually, it takes them, forever (and a few broken bones) to get their dream, so they won’t do that again in a hurry.
Scarred by life then, these subjects will actually be quite proud of their badges of torture. The sad thing is that Virgo decan 2 doesn’t really have to put itself through “Fifty Shades Of Grey” in order to win acclaim, they just think they do. The problem is that they don’t believe they deserve anything unconditionally.
Virgo Decan 2 Tarot Card

The tarot card that is associated with this decan is the 9 of pentacles which is an extremely positive and successful card which really helps counteract any of the dark edges found in this decan. You could say this card is like a positive Pluto. Wealth! This card is about hard work paying off and prosperity. Karmically this card tells of many hard lives of hard graft.
“To say that you have made a success is an understatement, but both you and I know that it was hard-earned. By the way, you have done this almost single-handedly too, with very little input from others.
This card can suggest that you have made many sacrifices or denied yourself freedom and spontaneity in order to achieve your goal or dream. You are not afraid of hard work even though you may miss out on fun in your life.” ~ teachmetarot. As we have seen, Virgo decan 2 can run itself ragged even if it doesn’t need too. This life you must learn to sit back and rest on your laurels for once.
Virgo 2 are much better at giving than receiving, so when they do get the perfect job or partner handed to them on a plate they are immediately suspicious. Their uncomfortable shuffling is misread as rejection so that the gift is whisked away and offered it to a more eager recipient. Of course, after that our abandoned damsel can then validate her melancholia. “What did I do to deserve this?” Not LOVE yourself enough, that’s what.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth Virgo decan 2! Again these folk need to take a tip from their neighbours in tropical Leo, learn to love yourself! Ask for favours if you need them. Often the only way Virgo decan 2 can get any help is by falling ill. This can turn them into hypochondriacs. They may not realise their subconscious is making them sick just because they need some of the nurturing they so readily give to others.
Talented Virgo decan 2’s will attract powerful Plutonic mates because they are the only people who can handle their prickly and temperamental side. Low vibration Virgo decan 2’s will just attract co-dependant, hypercritical and abusive partners who stay with them because they are too lazy or insecure to leave. This, of course, breeds resentment and a whole lot of blame and victimisation on both sides.
Virgo Decan 2 Fixed Stars
Alsuhail 11º is a star in the billowing sails of The Great Ship which gives “Prosperity in trade and voyages. Strength of mind and spirit.” It is one of the more fortunate stars in Virgo decan 2. The next few I’m afraid are not noted as being pleasant hence my bittersweet commentary above.
Zosma 11º on the back of the Lion “ causes benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, Immorality, meanness, melancholy, unhappiness of mind and fear of poison, and gives an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature.”
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Virgo Decan 2 Planets & Angles
Sun Virgo 2
Zosma 11º ~ “ To receive, or cause, suffering. Struggling with the mentality of the victim, either in oneself or other.” [4]
The Sun is not very strong here because this is a planet that wants to shine in a sign that would rather work behind the scenes. Mostly these natives identify very strongly with their work, but with that, there is the danger of if they lose their job that they feel like they do not exist.
Yes, Virgo is most definitely the service sign, and the Sun here’s mission is to do just that. Their product has to be perfect and is very much a symbol of who they are, so it has to work! They work best-creating something tangible because they enjoy the actual physical labour of producing their wares.
The list below may not be very ‘true’ for regular Sun Virgo 2’s as most of them will not turn up on these sort of famous lists. Instead, these folk will be the unsung heroes that do great healing work but are shy of having to stand on stage and receive any awards.
Brady seems to have quite a negative view of the Sun here, but I think these natives will probably excel in working as the wounded healer. This means that these folk can do very well helping addicts come out of self-pity and victim mentality by serving as a role model. Sun Virgo 2 work very well as sponsors in say a 12 step program or doing voluntary work after they have retired and have a comfortable pension to live off.
Yes, these folk can cause suffering to others, but only if they are bitter in themselves because they are leading a life that is not gainfully employed. Those evolved types, aligned with their life-calling, will simply be too busy being productive and have no time for petty and resentful behaviour.