Gemini Decan 1 is ruled by Jupiter and Mercury (Gemini triplicity). The sun crusades through the constellations of Taurus the Bull, Perseus the Hero, the Sculptors Chisel and the River from May 21 to 31. This section of the sky houses the famous star clusters the Hyades, the Pleiades, and the royal star Aldebaran in the Bull’s eye.
*Members only
These clusters have stormy reputations, Alcyone is scandalous in love and the Hyades bring tears and violence. Perseus is not the most sedate fellow either, brandishing his sword and grasping poor Medusa’s decapitated head. The “Good V Evil’ duality of Gemini is strong here not just because it is the Gemini decan, but mainly because of Aldebaran’s dragon-slaying tendency. As St Michael, god’s first soldier, he is, therefore, the chief slayer of all things Satanic.
Gemini Decan 1 Fixed Stars
Gemini 00º 00’ ~ Alcyone in the Pleiades of Taurus the Bull 3.0*
Gemini 00º 06′ ~ Alrai in the left knee of Cepheus, the Ethiopian King. 3.4
Gemini 00º 21′ ~ Atlas in the Pleiades in the shoulder of Taurus the Bull. 3.8
Gemini 01º 09′ ~ Atiks in the left sandal of Perseus the Hero. 3.8
Gemini 02º 05’ ~ Mirfak in the right side of Perseus the Hero 1.9
Gemini 04º 48’ ~ Menkib in the left foot of Perseus the Hero 4.0
Gemini 05º 15’ ~ Sceptrum in Eridanus the River 4.0
Gemini 05º 48’ ~ Prima Hyadum in the Hyades of Taurus the Bull 3.9
Gemini 08º 24′ ~ Gamma Caelum in Caelum the Sculptor’s Chisel. 4.6
Gemini 08º 28’ ~ Ain in the left eye of Taurus the Bull 3.6
Gemini 09º 47’ ~ Aldebaran in the right eye of Taurus the Bull 0.8
*Magnitude. Star positions for the year 2000.
With Jupiter’s influence here then, we get activists and militants who are on a spiritual or religious mission to add to the already zealous theme. So Gemini Decan 1 see themselves as spiritual warriors and reformers, they are on this earth to stamp out evil!. This area is also very artistic, so those in the entertainment business here will always have a socio-political message behind what they do. Gemini Decan 1 also want to gain status and be admired for their intellect.
These people are great conversationalists, come out with great one liners and have the ability to abruptly and skillfully steer the discussion of any subject matter that is not their forte. The last thing these brainiacs want to appear as is stupid!Gemini decan 1 are the thinking man’s warrior, they will rescue damsels in distress; the underdog and the hard done by. They are the proverbial good Samaritan, so they are not fighting for the thrill of spilling blood. Good gracious no! The twins are chivalrous knights but nevertheless can’t help getting embroiled in dramas, mainly because they cant keep their mouth shut. Gemini decan 1 thrives on scandal and they are terrible gossips.
Dandy Warriors & Geek Chic
The medieval “scold” mask was just made for them. These folk are naturally very funny, the mix of Jupiter’s joviality and Mercury wit cannot fail to tickle even the dourest person. They are also extremely expressive and talented with those agile fingers. We get excellent piano players, harp players and lead guitarist here, as well as fine craftsmen who create very detailed and elaborate objects. (The sculptor’s chisel here.)
The negative side of Gemini decan 1 is a certain shiftiness however, they could be trickster supreme with Aldebaran’s great gallant charm and Alcyone’s supposedly “Evil disposition”. Gemini decan 1 can get away with murder just because they make you laugh so much that your sides split, followed by your purse.. They can make excellent thieves (Pickpockets!) and can work on you much like a magician. While you are entranced by whatever their deft right hand is ..erm.. doing, their left is syphoning out all the pennies from that split purse.
tarot Card ~ 8 Of Swords
The tarot card associated with Gemini Decan 1 is the eight of swords. Unfortunately, the air signs are stuck with the swords suit as representing them so the imagery is not going to be so positive.

We must remember that these cards must be read slightly differently when associated with the decans as they will show the lessons learned in other lifetimes and karma that may have already been paid back. In this case, you can see already that this intense decan has Alcyone, the Hyades and Aldebaran no less. This is an old soul who has learned many, many harsh lessons.
With this decan, it is vitally important to break out of the negative cycle of doom and gloom and realise that the worst is OVER! “With the Eight of Swords, there is often a failure to take responsibility for your situation. You will not act or take control. Instead, you wait for others to come to your rescue….in the majority of cases suggests that the problem you are in is more than likely of your own making.
Yes, we do get into binds or get caught in traps created by other people, but then allow ourselves or give permission to be taken, prisoner.” ~ Teach Me Tarot. With Aldebaran the royal star here it is entirely possible to become your own saviour, but you may just be too blind to see that.
Gemini decan 1 are high in passion which is unusual for such a geeky sign, but this is due to the emotional Hyades and lusty Pleiades. They are also passionate about what they believe in, but because they also have been ‘appointed by God’, they can also be incredibly arrogant. Having God’s Soldier here is all very well, but its volatile energy could turn the Aldebaran glory into gory, if the subject gets too big for his boots.
Austin Coppock calls this decan ‘The Apple Of Eden’ which is very appropriate for a decan so keen on knowledge and wisdom. But Austin warns that “Those who walk this face may be similarly paralysed by the sheer abundance of knowledge possible. No being could take in and process the amount of information the world provides.” [1] He also makes the point of twins, duality being associated with binary numbers.
Binary code makes computing possible which is just so Gemini. He goes on to say that “The mind powerful in the art of analysis bisects the soul, initialising the realisation of its dual nature. Alive with spirits of both light and darkness, day and night, the revelation of dual-being shatters the unity of experience. The devil and angel exist within one body, one soul.”
Gemini Decan 1 Fixed Stars *
Alcyone is the main star of the Pleiades; this mysterious star cluster has beguiled us for thousands of years. Their role is supposed to help humanity evolve by purifying our astral and etheric bodies in order to receive higher wisdom. The Pleiades are supposed to dissolve away our dirty devils, rather like Perseus’s mission to slay the demon Medusa. We find most of Perseus the constellation in this decan too. Our hero risked life and limb to rescue his love Andromeda, so very chivalrous and noble.
Or was he really after her father King Cepheus’s kingdom..? Somehow it all seems to good to be true, which is why Gemini decan 1 can get the reputation of being a cad. Alcyone can also be a bit sleazy too! Some keywords are “vain, venerated, indulgent, spoilt, easily flattered, flirty, beautiful, poetic, talented, theatrical, ravishing, handsome, designer, dandy”. The stars of the Pleiades, like the Gemini archetype as a whole, are a mass of contradictions; they can be the good twin or the evil twin.
Gemini Decan 1 Planets & Angles
Sun Gemini 1
Alcyone 0º ~ “Throat ailments, chronic catarrh, blindness, bad eyes, injuries to the face, sickness, disgrace, evil disposition, murderer or murdered, imprisonment, death by pestilence, blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck.” [3] ” The ruthless visionary, a passionate but potentially arrogant person. A tendency to be harsh in the judgement of others, and thus a need to balance one’s instincts with compassion.” [7]
Mirfak 2º ~ “To have vitality and enthusiasm. The sportsperson or athlete, or to have a great deal of energy for one’s daily life.” [6]
Prima Hyadum 5º ~ “Evil disposition, disturbed mind, failure in study, muddled thinking, misfortune, murderer or murdered, death by blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck.” [8]
Aldebaran 9º ~ “Great energy and perseverance, high material honors but danger of losing them, danger from quarrels and the law, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, liable to disease, fevers and a violent death.” [10]
The Sun here has great creativity and wants to try everything and everyone.. They wear many faces and can make great impersonators. The problem these folk may have is spreading themselves far too thin and being all things to everyone. They really need to focus on one thing at a time instead of being the perpetual juggler.
Saying all that, if these folk do manage to find an occupation where they are in their Mercurial element then they can do really well. Yes, Sun Gemini 1 certainly can multi-task, and they might need to if they go on to have a large family.
Having many children and/or twins is possible if other factors in the chart support this. These young at heart folk can make great primary school teachers. They can give a fun, all-round education not spending too much time on any one topic. Their boredom threshold is such that Sun Gemini 1 maybe not so good at being a master of one subject, however.
The main thing about the Sun here is their wit and enthusiasm which is just so infectious. They also have a real childlike quality about them and retain a youthful vigour until old age. Sun Gemini 1’s main talent is their persistent curiosity that never leaves them. They are constantly experimenting and can come up with great innovations if they stay on a project long enough. Sun Gemini 1 are very often attracted to the theatre where they can dress up and play different characters to their hearts content.