New Moon 11 April 2021 ~ Dispelling Anger

New Moon April 2021 Key Factors

  • New moon is at 22º Aries Decan 3 ~ Bounty Hunters & Black Gold
  • New Moon falls in 2nd Lunar Mansion ~ Belly Of Aries
  • New moon will be on fixed star Acamar in Eridanus
  • New Moon is conjunct Ceres and Eris
  • Venus square Pluto
  • New moon tarot card is the 4 of wands ~ Reunions & returning home
  • The healing crystal is the Coral
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Welcome to my new Red Bubble store! Here are some example of the products that are available with my New Moon Aries design. I will be adding new designs over the next few weeks. Please follow me and favourite my designs if  you are a Red Bubble shopper as this will help me rise up through the rankings.


New Moon In Aries Decan 3 ~ The Moon here does not have any dignity, and usually, the watery, emotional moon is quite uncomfortable and even quite vulnerable in Aries. However this Venus/Jupiter ruled decan has a certain watery vibe due to the seafaring stars here. I believe that emotions channelled in the right way here can still make us successful despite the problems of some of the difficult fixed stars. The Moon can ebb and flow through this decans rough seas. The Moon feels quite at home here since the dark lunacy of this decan is something that the imagination can really thrive in.

So it is really important that we have some creative outlet with which to unleash our passions at this time. Again, like the Sun in Aries decan 3, we will really need to perform our ever-changing Moons to an audience. Our dancing emotions are often very entertaining, even if it’s just a rant to a friend about how dreadful the service was in the local shop. Aries decan 3’s personal spin on the event makes our experience an adventurous quest rather than a mundane moan about some inferior fruit and veg. At this new moon the minutiae of everyday life has the potential for high drama, a bit like a Mike Leigh film.

What will this New Moon Aries 2021 mean for your starsign or rising sign?

The new Moon in Pisces will be in the solar/horoscopic 1st house for ARIES,  2nd house for TAURUS 3rd House for GEMINI, 4th house for CANCER  5th house for LEO, 6th house for VIRGO, 7th house for LIBRA, 8th house for SCORPIO, 9th house for SAGITTARIUS, 10th house for CAPRICORN  11th house for AQUARIUS, 12th house for PISCES. Click on links for meanings.

Become a member for the indepth report of the New Moon April 2021 astrology and the best time and date to create your lunar talisman. (Revealed below.)

Members New Moon April 2021 Report (59 mins)

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New Moon In 2nd Lunar Mansion 

New Moon April 2021

Al- Butain ~ The Little Belly

This mansion was originally located in the tail of Constellation Aries The indicator star is Botein. Ptolemy says the stars in the tail of this constellation have the nature of Mercury with some Saturn effects.

KEYWORDS: Sovereignty, omnipotence, over-soul, serene patriarch, peace and reconciliation. GOOD FOR: Relationships, asking favours from authority figures, resolving conflicts, requesting a raise or promotion.

Christopher Warnock says although this mansion suggests reconciliation after conflict “ we must heed the volatile nature of the situation and approach with tactful deference the person or people concerned. We are not in a position to issue commands or to act imperiously. Yet passivity too is ill advised. Rather we must humble ourselves and actively seek to resolve the situation.” [1]

This mansion seems to promise peace, but it’s not as simple as that. The Mercurial nature of this mansion means the tide can turn at any moment just like the decan suggests.  You will need to keep the boss happy and be respectful when asking for favours. The same goes with relationships with those older than you. There is still the potential for histrionics in Aries decan 3! The colour associated with the 2nd lunar mansion is SCARLET

Key words & image for the 2nd Lunar Mansion

Talismanic Image: A crowned king. Talismanic Properties: Removal of anger, supplication, reunification. Finding treasures and underground resources, destroying buildings, and causing strife in relationships.~

The Picatrix’s Talisman Instructions

For entertainment purposes only! “The Picatrix book 4, chapter 9 says that the talisman of Al-Butain is for “For the removal of anger. When the moon has come around this mansion take white wax and mastic and melt them together over a fire. Then remove this from the fire and make the form of a crowned king. Suffumigate the talisman with lingnum aloes and say; “ You Enedil, drive away this anger from me, and let me be reconciled, and let my petition be satisfactory” Keep this image with you and it shall be done.

How to make a Lunar Mansion Talisman

This handy Lunar mansion ephemeris gives you the dates and time of moons entry into the mansions for each month.

The very basic method for making a magical talisman would be to print out a black and white version of the profile picture of this post and colour it in for step 3 listed below. (Or you could draw your own.)

  1. Place the moon in the proper mansion
  2. Make sure moon is in the correct moon phase. (Usually waxing for gain*.)
  3. Make the talisman when both 1 & 2 are in effect.

You can do this at anytime the moon is in the mansion of your choice. Traditionally it is best to wait 12 hours after a new moon so that the moon is not combust the sun.  There are more advanced ways to make a talisman, this post is just a starting point. Here is an example of how to make a Talisman for Health using the lunar mansions.

My 2nd Lunar Mansion Talisman Instructions

At the appointed time, get hold of a Coral cabochon ( A crystal with a flat back). Roll up this post’s image like a scroll. Flatten it and seal it by gluing the cabochon onto the fold. Drip white wax and a Mars essential oil around the cabachon like a frame. (Mars oils are spicy like black pepper or Ginger). Ginger or clove oils might be less aggressive and better suited to conciliation at this moon. Inscribe into the wax the glyph for Mercury. (Ruler of this mansion.) You can substitute the Coral with a print-out of it, however the more durable the materials you use the more potent the effects will be. Members will have access to my election chart for timing the inscription of your talisman.

*For the removal of anger only, pick a waning moon. To petition an authority figure use a waxing moon.

New Moon April 2021 Crystal ~ Coral

aries crystal

SPONSOR Some more Coral jewellery items

 CORAL  will give you the endurance to keep your promises and to come through for your significant other when they need you.” Red coral is also associated with the sign of Aries and its ruler Mars. Although Coral is a red colour its fleshy peachy undertones are still soothing. This crystal has a great balance of invigorating, warming heat combined with the protection of its fiery red hue.

Invigorating, Warming & Protective

 “Coral will inspire you to conquer your fears and be bolder in your choices. It will not do you good to be so safe or scared all the time. Life is simply not meant to be lived that way! This stone will restore the harmony in your heart. It will quiet your emotions and remove the fear and tension that you’re feeling. It will also clear your judgment, resentment, and frustrations at being told what to do. Coral is a very effective stone in getting rid of compulsiveness and quitting bad addictions.” ~ crystals &

Since this moon is about conflict and reconciliation I chose red coral as it is joyful and warming. It replaces misfortunes and disappointment with optimism. Coral becomes pale if you are stressed out or are affected by spiteful and negative people. The ancient Greeks believed coral was formed from the severed head of Medusa. so it was given as a protective amulet against  exploitation and manipulative people. Coral teething rings were given to babies in many cultures to protect them against harm.

These Coral Jewelry pieces are from KARIN’S FORGOTTEN TREASURES  based in Oregon. Click images for details.

New Moon April 2021 Astrology

New Moon April 2021


Artwork by Marina
1. Christopher Warnock The Mansions Of The Moon p. 45
*Using tropical positions for the lunar mansions now since they are the positions the medieval astrologers used for making their talismans.