Leo Decan 1 ~ Jul 22 to 31

Leo decan 1 is ruled by Saturn in the Chaldean system and the Sun (Leo triplicity). The sun shimmers through the constellations of the Great Bear, the Crab and the Great Ship from approximately July 22 to 31. This section of the zodiac contains most of Sidereal Cancer, known as the Gate Of Man, where souls entered into incarnation.

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Leo Decan 1 Fixed Stars

Leo 2º 48’ ~ Talitha in the front paw of Ursa Major the Great Bear 3.0*
Leo 4º 15’ ~ Al Tarf in the southern hind foot of Cancer the Crab 3.8
Leo 6º 02’ ~ Azmidiske in Puppis of Argo the Great Ship 3.5
Leo 7º 20’ ~ Praesaepe in the Beehive Cluster in Cancer the Crab 3.7
Leo 7º 32’ ~ Asellus Borealis the Northern Donkey In Cancer the Crab 4.7
Leo 8º 43’ ~ Asellus Australis the Southern Donkey in Cancer the Crab 4.2

*Magnitude. Star positions for the year 2000.

Directly opposite in Capricorn is where we find the Gate of Souls where the man leaves his physical body. In the heart of constellation Cancer is the location of the beehive cluster which resembles a little star nursery. This is an industrious zone though, and with Saturn ruling this decan we find a strong work ethic, family pride and a dutiful spirit.

Leo decan 1 are extremely dedicated to their field of endeavor. Some may pursue a career for the sole reason of achieving high status. They need to be seen as the boss, the leader of the pack or the queen bee.

Leo Decan 1 General Meaning

They do not like to play the role of the underling. However, they will doff their hat and play the loyal servant if they have to, anything to get up the ladder. Watch your back though Caesar, these folk are trying on your crown when you are not looking. The biggest problem for this decan is coveting what others have.

Leo decan 1 can be overly defensive. If threatened, the sidereal Cancer shell can harden into Saturn armour. This is when the famous Leo pride only intensifies its resolve never to show their vulnerable soft core. Encased in that hard skull though is an incredible brain.

The Egyptians saw the crab as their sacred scarab beetle. If you look at the Beetle from above it resembles a brain. It represents the path to enlightenment in that it balances the right and left hemispheres. Leo decan 1 has equal amounts of logic and intuition and they use this to create practical objects that are also beautiful. Everything they create is built to last, has a solid foundation and their craftsmanship is second to none.

Stately Elevators & Busy Bees

With this brain-balancing ability, these Lions also have the ability to teach others meditation and other mind-harnessing techniques. They can also be fascinated by psychology, but sometimes their logic takes over and they can be sceptics. However, their wonderful intuition is a great back-up when science cannot explain it for them.

This is because they have a hotline to the wisdom of their ancestors through the star cluster in the heart of Cancer. Leo, in general, is supposed to have a prophetic ability and I think this comes from this past/future connection. Bringing up the new generation and leaving a legacy for them is hugely important to Leo decan 1. They are very proud of their roots and ancestry. Feeling part of a continuum in history and preserving family traditions and talents seem to be a theme with this decan.

Leo Decan 1 ~ Tarot Card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the 5 of wands. “The Five of Wands tears up the rule books … and begins to write its own. Its energy explodes, the Wands splitting in several directions all at once. It is unclear what is happening and where it all will end. Drama, mayhem and chaos will rule the day.

Expect the unexpected for that is the only thing that can be relied on… Fire likes to travel and expand. It does not like to be held back or restricted. It is a positive forward-flowing energy that thrives on momentum and enthusiasm.” ~ Teachmetarot.  You can clearly see the dramatic and boisterous energy of Leo depicted in this card. The competitiveness and struggle of Saturn ruling this decan are also evident too. 

There can be problems with ego inflation here. Austin Coppock calls this decan the spotlight and says. “The character of those seen in this decan is often in question, for in its light the ego can grow with cancerous abandon. Accustomed to an unsustainable diet of attention, the identity can swell to monstrous size. On the other hand, some of the figures which move across its face hide from the light compulsively avoiding it at all costs…The ray can heal or scorch.” [4]

Leo decan 1 has prophetic ability because they have an unusually strong connection with their ancestors and recently passed relatives with the star Praesaepe. These folk may even travel with an entourage of spirit guides which means their lives could feel very fated. These Lions may have near-death experiences or be guided away from a fatal situation just in the nick of time.

This gives them the famous Lion’s courage. They may feel like they are the proverbial cat with nine lives and be quite fearless because if this. Some may even make a career from the connection to their guardian angels. A good example of Praesaepe in action is an astrologer. They deal with birth charts, very appropriate for the Gate Of Men birthplace and the symbolism of the nativity scene.

At first glance, this Saturn ruled decan of Leo may seem quite unassuming since it is not filled with many large or famous stars. Leo decan 1 has a stately, serene power due to its connection with Christ consciousness.

You can see it in the quality of some of the famous people below. There are some great seers. This section can be very materialistic, but once its subjects have achieved high status and wealth, their motivation to elevate becomes more spiritual.

Leo Decan 1 Fixed Stars *

Talitha 2º in the bear means ‘daughter of the assembly’. Robson gives no meaning for it, but it is associated with a bible story where Jesus is called to revive a dying girl. Jesus says ‘Talitha arise’, so this star can bring healing and compassion along with Ursa Minor’s other protective, nurturing traits. This side of Leo decan 1 is less obvious since the natives of the constellation of Cancer are actually keen merchants and hardly have tropical Cancers sensitive, nurturing qualities.

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Leo Decan 1 Planets & Angles

Sun Leo 1

Praesaepe 7º ~ “Evil disposition (used to be a term in astrology for homosexuality), murderer or murdered, blows, stabs (operations nowadays for blows, stabs, wounds), serious accidents, shooting, shipwreck, execution, banishment, imprisonment, sharp diseases, fevers, hemorrhage, lawsuits, danger of death from fire, iron or stones, injuries to the face, wounds, bad eyes, and if in an angle blindness.” [4]
Aselli 7º/8º ~ ” Blows, stabs (operations nowadays), serious accidents, shooting, shipwreck, beheading, hanging, murderer or murdered, violent fevers, danger of fire, disgrace and imprisonment. [6a]
Asellus Borealis 7º ~ “ Favorable for dealing with the public and influential people, business success.” [6]
Asellus Australis 8º ~ “ Unfavorable for dealing with the public and influential people, trouble in business.” [6c]

The star interpretation does no favours for the Sun in this decan, but that is because it is a nebula and for some reason, these nebulae were deemed to be extremely problematic by the ancients. This is probably because they are difficult to see without a telescope. Therefore in order to ‘read’ these nebulae, one is forced to use the other senses. If naturally intuitive then all is well and good, but if not, there is dependence on another’s sight.

This leaves one very vulnerable to both good or bad influences. The need to be one’s own sovereign is paramount then as is having people around you that you can trust. As you can see this position did not prevent fame and fortune for some of the natives below. There are also a high proportion of astrologers and visionary writers too. We cannot forget that the Sun is very strong in the sign that it rules, plus this is also the most Leo decan of Leo.

Here the Sun has great authority. The strength of its rays really is like the super trouper spotlight, whose brightness is such that you have to be very confident to step under it. With this position, one is challenged as to whether you can bear the spotlight’s luminosity. Some find that it is too much for them and they will run for the shadows. This contradiction is probably why there are mixed fortunes with this star. It seems that it is all or nothing, bright light or dark shade with no in between.

This is a very focused position also, so when these people are in their creative mode there is no stopping them. Sun Leo 1 can be very prolific for a time, as if they are channeling inspiration from their ancestors, but then burn out fairly quickly. Remember the Chinese called Praesaepe, ‘The spirit of the ancestors’ so there can be a very close connection with one’s ancestral line. These ancestors could also offer some kind of protection too, which is often very much needed! After their creative bursts, these natives need to make sure they get adequate rest because it is through sleep deprivation that they can make very silly and sometimes dangerous mistakes.

SUN LEO 1 EXAMPLES: Carl Jung, Stanley Kubrick, Aldous Huxley, Benito Mussolini, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Monica Lewinsky, Henry Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Amelia Earhart, Kevin Spacey, Helen Mirren, Sandra Bullock, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Hilary Swank, Daniel Radcliffe, J.K Rowling, Wes Craven, Wesley Snipes, Mick Jagger, Kate Bush, Martin Gore, Jennifer Lopez, George Bernard Shaw, Emily Bronte, Beatrix Potter, Zelda Fitzgerald, George Grosz, Marcel Duchamp, Louise Brown, Alan Whicker, Demetra George, Gwen Plumb, Jessica Adams, Mystic Meg.


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1. Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 4, p.235.
2 & 3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.47 & p.44
4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1933 p.188.
5. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.44.
6a & 6b. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1933 p.142. p.143, p.144.
7. The 36 Decans. Austin Coppock. p122 & p.127a

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