
Scorpio Decan 1 ~ Oct 23 to 31

AGONY & ECSTASY Made of true grit, risk life and limb for a cause they believe in. Excellent interrogators, relentlessly probing. Can withstand a great deal of torture.


Libra Decan 3 ~ Oct 11 to 22

BRILLIANT INTELLECT: Anti-heroes, fallen souls and the victims of society fascinate them, but ironically in helping society’s outcasts, they become the outsider themselves.


Libra Decan 1 ~ Sep 23 to 30

TRIANGULAR RELATIONSHIPS: Adept at bringing peace and harmony into the most fraught situation. The good guys, your best friend in the whole world, you can call at 3 am in the morning..

Virgo Decan 3 ~ Sep 11 to 21

SACRED HARLOTS. They live on their nerves and burn a lot of calories just worrying! Their mind is so white hot you can sometimes see quicksilver flashing behind their eyeballs.

Darkstar Meets Phoenix

New interview with Robert Phoenix. This time we got into some heavy duty Astrotalk, Epstein’s Venus/Mars conjunction, the Capricorn stellium eclipse in December 2019, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, Uranus in Taurus … READ MORE

leo decan 3

Leo Decan 3 ~ Aug 11 to 22

DIVINELY RIGHT. They are always right, their rule is absolute, any challenge to their authority is seen as betrayal. Loyalty, loyalty and more loyalty. By golly are they devoted!