The Full Moon April 2024 falls at 4º Scorpio Decan 1. Type: Pink Moon. Aspect: Square Pluto. Fixed Star: Gacrux in the Southern Cross. Asteroid: Hebe. Tarot Card: 5 Of Swords. Healing Crystal: Rhodonite.
full Moon in Scorpio decan 1
The Moon has the precise degree of its fall in this decan (3º Scorpio), which is supposed to make it extremely unfortunate. We are only one degree away from it! This position is the devouring Moon, the goddess Kali and the vagina dentata (yes, a lady’s part with teeth!). The Moon is desperately famished here and can also be sexually insatiable. Therefore, the collective either becomes ruthless and Plutonic with their hunger or they fear starvation. Those who learn to understand nature’s sometimes cruel cycles of death and rebirth will be less inclined to act in a ‘kill or be killed’ mode. Evolved folk have faith in the power of resurrection!
Nature always seeks to correct itself, even if it has to go through a bloody abortive stage first. In this eclipse of extremes, success can only be all-or-nothing. It’s a blazing hot summer heatwave or a severe frost. Moon Scorpio 1 offers stark contrasts that will require us to adapt quickly. Those who do not sink develop sharp brains and become wise survivors. The survival of the fittest plays out here, or it can also fail spectacularly. But generally, despite being branded ‘unfortunate’, a new moon eclipse here can work to produce unexpected excellence. Interestingly, the Davison chart of King Charles and Camila has its Moon in this decan!
The Pink Moon Meaning
The Pink Moon is a name given to the April full moon, originating from the pink flowers, known as wild ground phlox, that typically bloom during this time of year in North America. However, despite the name, the Moon itself doesn’t actually appear pink but instead takes on its usual golden or white hue.
Combining the Pink Moon’s energy with Scorpio’s intensity can create a powerful time for personal growth, transformation, and letting go of what no longer serves us. It’s a time to delve into our subconscious, release emotional baggage, and embrace change and renewal. This period invites us to embrace our vulnerabilities, confront our shadows, and emerge more robust and more self-aware on the other side.
The Algonquin community names this lunation the “Breaking Ice moon”, while the Dakotas call it the “Moon When the Streams Are Again Navigable.” This lunar phase extends the ice-thawing theme of the previous Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. However, with this full Moon, the threat of frost diminishes significantly as the ice completely melts and the Sun’s rays are potent again.
Full Moon Asteroid Hebe

Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth. She served as the cup-bearer to the gods before Ganymede took her place. Her name comes from the Greek word meaning “youth” or “prime of life”. Hebe is associated with being of service; she can be a servant or even a slave. There are negative associations with abuse, probably from her elders or elites. She could also be about healing from childhood trauma, especially in the context of this Scorpio/Pluto moon energy.
There is an account that Hebe’s demotion as cup-bearer was because she fell, ripping her dress, shamefully exposing her naked body publicly. Hebe is also associated with the Fall in terms of the change of seasons. Similar to Demeter and Persephone, Hebe is the maiden version of Hera, her mother. So Hebe is the springtime Virgin goddess. Other positive associations with Hebe are elixirs that rejuvenate, eternal life, mercy and forgiveness.
Fixed Star Gacrux
So here we are at Gacrux 6º, which sits at the top of the Southern Cross ( Palida 5º is also here in the Crucifix). In ancient times, this constellation was once seen in the northern hemisphere from Egypt, but due to precession, it has “slipped” into the southern. The constellation’s insignia is used significantly in Australia, New Zealand, and South America on flags, stamps, and other things. Crux is a minor constellation in the sky but stands out in the south. Its brilliance and symbolism reassured the Christian pioneers as they sailed into unfamiliar waters.
Gacrux is not the brightest star in the constellation, but it glows a powerful red to echo Scorpio decan 1’s Martian flavour. This side of the Crux emphasizes Christ’s bloody wound and sacrifice on the cross. “No doubt the European explorers saw the sign of the cross in the sky as a potent symbol of blessing for their endeavours to bring Christianity to new lands, but their exploits were never easy, and others have pointed to the constellation as expressing a danger of wounds or accidents, or of ‘the cross’ being symbolic of heavy responsibilities and suffering, such as that which Christ endured in the crucifixion.”

Scorpio Decan 1 Tarot Card
This decan is associated with the tarot card, the five of cups: Its divinatory meaning “brings sorrow, loss, grief and suffering. Its very presence indicates that you have suffered a crushing blow on an emotional level… We must all learn to accept loss as part of life, yet we flail and rail against it. We must trust that once we are prepared to let go, the Universe will replace our loss with something of worth and real value.” ~
Cups are usually more positive in their meanings, so this is an unusually melancholic image for this suite. However, it fits the sombre mood and bittersweet vibe of this decan. Loss is echoed in the crucifix constellation, but there is also that hope of renewal when the Universe brings in a new love to fill the void left behind.
Full Moon April 2024 Astrology

Moon square Pluto
When the Moon squares Pluto in the sky, there is the urge to probe deeply into unsolved mysteries and a fascination with evil doings. There may be stories of gruesome crimes in the news, or we may meet the dark goddess as an evil, blackmailing temptress. The collective shadow surfaces, and we face a person who embodies humanity’s unaccepted, nasty traits. We may enjoy making this person the scapegoat, but we must also realize that we are only avoiding important, deep psychological work on ourselves.
Sun square Pluto
When the Sun is square Pluto in the sky, leaders and bosses want to exert more control over their underlings. This can be when the public feels they are under more surveillance than usual. However, this is an excellent period for those who work in psychological fields as they will find it easy to go in-depth with their patients. So, shadow work and getting to the roots of any unresolved trauma is advised now. The investigative vibe is just perfect for exploring your authentic self. It is also a good opportunity to detox those dark thoughts and move towards the light of optimism. Self-hypnosis would be beneficial.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus
Jupiter conjunct Uranus is a seed moment that can create exciting new utopias and visions for the future that inspire people to follow their path to illumination. This conjunction can be liberating as both these planets are about freedom. If this conjunction falls on a sensitive point in your natal chart, expect thunderbolts or a breaking of the chains in that area. Uranus is the great enlightener, so it can also be a Kundalini awakening since, with Jupiter, spirituality and sex merge. Jupiter and Uranus also both share thunderbolts in common! Uranus is associated with electricity, so these fellows need a great deal of space to allow that inspirational lightening to fizzle freely. Jupiter/Uranus is controversial, volatile, and spirited but always unique and inventive. They come up with the most eccentric ideas, which tend to be rejected initially until the world catches up.
What the Full Moon April 2024 means for your sign
Click links for meanings
Moon in 1st house for SCORPIO
Moon in 2nd house for LIBRA
Moon in 3rd House for VIRGO
Moon in 4th house for LEO
Moon in 5th house for CANCER
Moon in 6th house for GEMINI
Moon in 7th house for TAURUS
Moon in 8th house for ARIES
Moon in 9th house for PISCES
Moon in 10th house for AQUARIUS
Moon in 11th house for CAPRICORN
Moon in 12th house for SAGITTARIUS
Full Moon April 2024 Summary
The April 2024 Full Moon is quite a treacherous one coming after a couple of eclipses. The theme in the collective is continued transformation, but I won’t lie; this lunation will be a rough ride. It feels like we are not entirely out of the woods, and we need a cup of Hebe’s magic potion to help resurrect us. We must accept that we can’t always do everything ourselves and need help. It could even be some temporary medication to get us through some stressful event.
Resurrection is the big theme for this Full Moon. I don’t want to dwell too much on the very negative aspect of this lunation. The comforting thing about the cycles in astrology and the seasons is that darkness cannot reign forever. The Sun comes up another day, and we watch the plants grow and blossom, re-seeding and rising again the following year. The only place where people remain eternally youthful is in heaven.
Unlike Hebe we cannot cheat the process of ageing and learn to accept that ageing is natural and everything on Earth dies eventually. Sadly, the collective will experience much loss at this Full Moon, with many souls leaving the Earth plain. But there will also be many births at this time, including many significant incarnations important to the evolution of planet Earth.
Healing Crystal ~ Rhodonite

With the pink Moon, we have to have a pink crystal. Rhodonite brings love and compassion but has a potent edge, for within its pink hues are shots of black. So we have a soft, forgiving, empathic heart with protection and tough love when needed. This crystal can suppress anxiety and comfort for those suffering from depression as a result of loneliness and grief.
Rhodonite helps with psychic awareness and can translate the meanings of dreams. It forms a bridge between the angelic and material realms. The pink elements in the stone help to calm the mind of worries while the black stripes are grounding and help stabilize. As I already said, this is a problematic moon, so we need good balancing energy, which this crystal provides. Rhodonite helps give us the courage to deal with stressful situations while, at the same time, it is gentle enough to soothe us when we are feeling overwhelmed and wired.