In 2021 Cancer will learn to…… Resurrect!

Your Cancer horoscope 2021 allows you to dive deep into the dungeons of your brain to pull out some spiritual gold. You are hyper-focused and even quite obsessed with rooting out all the nastiest skeletons lurking in your psyche. You might come into some life-changing inheritance this year too.

The paradox is that both the planets of loss and gain are in this debt house, so it could be a case of easy-come, easy go with any inheritance or legacy that comes your way. Possibly your partner, if you have one, may also get a huge boost in income but then not want to share it with you! Whatever the scenario, other people’s money is a double-edged sword in 2021.

Saturn Challenges & Opportunities

During this time you are going to learn the hard lesson of not relying on other peoples money. This means living within your means and having to minimise your debt as much as possible. Externally this could manifest as loans being called in, banks refusing you credit or failing to get a mortgage. You should pass through this period relatively unscathed if you are already self-sufficient. If however, you rely on the generosity of others then you may suddenly find they are withholding funds more than usual. Yes, this is the proverbial credit crunch transit!

These days women tend not to live solely on the husband’s income, but it is still possible that the spouse’s income might well take a tumble during this transit. If you are lucky enough to be a kept woman (or man!), you might find you are rudely forced to share the financial burden or face severe lifestyle downgrading.

This might be a period where you get a job for the first time. Conversely, you might equally leave work to have children, which then makes you more reliant on your spouse’s income. This action, in turn, forces them to be more responsible and hard-working.

Jupiter Growth & Luck

Traditionally, generous Jupiter in the 8th house of inheritance can mean that you come into an unexpected legacy. (Apart from May 14 to Jul 28 when Jupiter moves into Pisces ~ Details in the full Mp3 report.) Inheriting money or property sometimes happens, but mostly this placement means that you benefit from other peoples wealth. One example is pooling resources with a partner to invest successfully.


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Cancer 2021 Horoscope

CANCER HOROSCOPE 2021 eBOOK ~  Mp3 package with full transcripts. 4 Seasons (20 mins each). Love Horoscope (12 mins) 2021 aspectarian pdf. Transcript example: Aries Winter 2021

It is also a fantastic time to borrow money too, or you might be able to pay off a large debt that you had from the past. Whatever the scenario, dealing with banks are emphasised and will tend to be beneficial.

Often Jupiter’s transit through the underworld of the 8th house can feel like nothing is happening, but these still waters run very deep. The healing is operating so far down that it is invisible. Think of it as a decaying matter that is broken down and compressed to create power for your future, like oil.

Mars Action Periods

JANUARY 1 to 6 2021 This is an extremely powerful position for ambitious Mars, it loves to be in this most status-seeking zone and will do all it can to launch you higher in your profession. This position might be quite hard to temper if you are on the bombastic side with your dealings. You will certainly not be very tolerant of anyone else’s authority over you.

This means you will not hold back from telling them where to go if they insist on putting obstacles in the way of your career goals. If you need a jetpack to reach your targets however, then this is it! You might offend a few people due to your ruthlessness, but right now you will do whatever it takes. Being annoyingly self-confident is one thing though, just try not to injure anyone in your stampede to the top.

APRIL 23 to JUNE 10 You are feeling quite passionate about everything right now but could become extra-moody if people get too close. Give yourself a wide-berth while you enjoy feeling so hot-blooded and virile, because you might snap at others if they get too close.

This is a time when people see your tempestuous side! Coming out of your watery sea-shell means you are successful with ‘shock and awe’ techniques of persuasion. Don’t overuse this tactic however, take the bootie and carry on with your independent activity. Solo projects at this time can fly, sky-high because you carry an enthusiastic, can-do, upbeat attitude.

SEPTEMBER 15 to OCTOBER 30 2021 Maintaining agreement with those you live with can be quite difficult at this time as you are much less willing to compromise than usual. You will certainly need some space from the rest of the household, so don’t let others enforce too much intimacy. If you find you need to go out more or barricade yourself inside your bedroom then do it.

Cancer 2021 Horoscope

You are easily irritated at this time so respect your need to disconnect, or risk majorly offending a family member or flatmate. If you live alone, then you will enjoy making it your sanctuary. Put energy into your living space by clearing out clutter and refreshing the décor.

Magic & Healing

FEBRUARY 21 TO MAY 7 2021 Painful career/mother revelations could come up at this time. For example; You may have chosen to put a career ahead of being a parent, but then realise that you really should prioritize having children very soon. At worst this may be a period of mourning when you wake up to the fact that it is far too late now to even have a child. Equally, there could be a feeling of the ’empty nest’ after children have left.

MAY 8 TO JULY 30 2021 If you have been in a co-dependent relationship or have addiction problems, you may be drawn to connect with others who have similar issues. (Like a 12 step type program.) With Ceres in your friend’s house, there is a strong possibility of finding that alternative family and sense of belonging, if you bare your soul honestly. This can be a perfect time for spells, incantations and practising divination to put yourself on course with your desires.

JULY 31 TO DECEMBER 25 2021 Good relationships may become warped and distorted so that they are hard to trust or seem too good to be true. Bad relationships seem more glamorous and seductive. It is like being in a hall of mirrors. The best advice at this time is to surround yourself with down-to-earth, old friends and family who you can trust. Going for some alternative, relaxing and cleansing therapy would be beneficial like; hydrotherapy, swimming in the sea, acupuncture or saunas. Anything that flushes out the mind-demons in a controlled, medicinal setting would be good.

Cancer 2021 Love Horoscope

 eBook transcript sample below ~ Full Love report is free for Stellar/Deluxe members

January To February

We start with Venus in your marriage house right at the beginning of the year. This is fantastic for all romance and it’s the best place for it to be. Even more intense is that it’s going to make a conjunction with Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, on January 29th in that house. Pluto is coming to the end an almost 15 year transit in there. But it doesn’t really make itself felt until Venus or Mars or another planet activate it. This is one of those times. So it can be that you have some kind of altercation with a very possessive abducting type of partner.

If you feel like you have a very controlling partner, then this will bring that to the surface. There could be an argument and you make a stand here. Or it can be the Phoenix from the flames where you’ve released yourself from captivity, or you’ve transmuted a relationship with a very powerful possessive partner. Now you’re equals and just as powerful as they are. Persephone becomes Queen of the underworld at the end of January.

So as I said in the whole year ahead, all the action that was in Capricorn has now moved into your eighth house. So any relationship issues that have been brought up need to be put on the psychologists couch. You are going to be doing that this year. This is the moment when self-analysis can be initiated with the event of January 29th. So Venus moves into the eighth house on February 2nd, so now, any relationships with toxic people will be put under the spotlight. You’ll see if the relationship you’re in IS indeed very toxic, or it’s with an addict. If you feel suddenly attracted to darker, bad boys or girls, this will be the month when you feel pulled into that underworld, and down the rabbit hole. If you want to use this energy to study these kind of relationships, if you’re interested in how people tick, then by all means, go down the rabbit hole!

You may feel the Persephone pull on February 6th when Saturn and Venus join together. This can also be actually a relationship if it’s a good one. So a relationship with someone who’s also into psychology, who’s really into studying the occult and going deep into studying the deep state, then this is fine, it will be a marriage of minds. It should be a happy connection, because then you can study these things together. And Venus with Saturn relationships deepen and become long term. So if you are interested in that sort of person, and they’re a psychologist as well, then this will be a great one for you.

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Cancer Horoscope 2021 artwork: Mixed media collage by Marina using archive photo of Cancer woman Natalie Wood

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