The Lunar Eclipse 28 October 2023 is at 5º Taurus Decan 1. Aspect: Opposite Mercury & Mars. Fixed Star: Caph in the chair of Queen Cassiopeia. Tarot Card: 5 Of Pentacles. Healing Crystal: Emerald.
Lunar Eclipse In Taurus Decan 1
This is the decan of sexual indiscretions! Some of the natives with Moon in Taurus decan 1 bear this out. For example: Hugh Grant was caught having oral sex with prostitute Divine Brown in a public place, Annie Sprinkle made a career out of sex, King Charles III was ridiculed over ‘Tampon-gate’ in the 90’s with his then mistress Camilla, and Monica Lewinsky, need I say more….

Those touched by the shenanigans of this lunar eclipse will wrestle with remaining within the institution of marriage. It seems that traditional values will help keep some of us out of trouble. Also being responsible for children will have a stabilising effect. The Moon is exalted in this decan of Taurus, which sounds good and mostly does promise ease of acquiring material abundance. The only problem can be if things come too easily then we become complacent.
In this case, the devil makes work for idle hands and the indulgent and decadent tendencies of Taurus decan 1 kick in. Again I believe the influence of the family can help keep us on the straight and narrow during the effect of this lunar eclipse. Having the responsibility of dependants ensures that we continue to plough our fields and keep the abundance flowing rather than stagnating.
Otherwise, singletons are prone to spend their fortune on immediate sensual pleasures rather than investing in the future. This is a great decan for real estate and we can be very lucky with it of this lunar eclipse plugs into our horoscope. Storing the money in bricks and mortar also means that there is less temptation to spend it on frivolous activities.
Lunar Eclipse Fixed Star
Caph in Cassiopeia has a brief but interesting interpretation, according to George Noonan “A troublemaker as concerns the fortunes of Islam.” (Interestingly Salman Rushdie has his AC 5º away in this decan). [1] The constellation as a whole however according to Robson “ Is said to give haughtiness, boastfulness and exaggerated pride, but at the same time the power of commanding respect.”
Manilus says of Constellation Cassiopeia “Cassiope will produce goldsmiths who can turn their work into a thousand different shapes, endow the precious substance with yet greater value, and add thereto the vivid hue of Jewels. From Cassiope come the enhancement of beauty and devices for adorning the body: from gold has been sought the means to give grace to the appearance; precious stones have been spread overhead, neck, and hands and golden chains have shone on snow-white feet. …..[..] she bids men look for gold beneath the ground, uproot all which nature stealthily conceals, and turn earth upside down in search of gain” [2]
What the Lunar Eclipse April 2023 means for your sign
Click on links for meanings. Eclipse in 1st house for TAURUS, Eclipse in 2nd house for ARIES, Eclipse in 3rd House for PISCES, Eclipse in 4th house for AQUARIUS, Eclipse in 5th house for CAPRICORN, Eclipse in 6th house for SAGITTARIUS, Eclipse in 7th house for SCORPIO, Eclipse in 8th house for LIBRA, Eclipse in 9th house for VIRGO, Eclipse in 10th house for LEO, Eclipse in 11th house for CANCER, Eclipse in 12th house for GEMINI.
Lunar Eclipse Tarot Card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the five of pentacles. Karmically this card means that you may have had many lives addressing poverty and possibly greed.
“The Five of Pentacles can be an indication that deep spiritual change is needed and an understanding that money is not everything and, most certainly, not a guarantee of happiness. Instead of being physically hungry, the hunger may be more on an emotional or spiritual level.
You need to evaluate your life to see where the true feeling of deprivation is coming from. You may need to take a look around you, and certainly further than your front door, to understand what true poverty means.” ~ teachmetarot
Lunar Eclipse october 2023 Astrology

Lunar Eclipse Aspects
Moon Opposite Mercury
When Moon opposite Mercury in the sky moods will change very swiftly. Think of it like a day where you have rain showers, alternating sunny periods and sudden gusts of wind. Therefore it is extremely difficult to plan. One needs to be super-adaptable and agile to shift with the public mood. Because of this uncertainty, you might feel like you want to say close to home. You will also want to do things on a small scale so that any last-minute changes are not the end of the world. The time is right for minor tweaks, attention to detail and adjustments. You don’t want to get involved with projects that need long-term planning or tackle anything wildly ambitious.
Moon Opposite Mars
Moon square can cause a disruptive and aggressive energy in the collective. Road rage and accidents are possible as people generally are impatient in survival mode. However if you want work done swiftly then it is easily achieved today. This is also a very courageous combination driven by impulse. It’s all ‘act now and think later’ which is often the best approach in emergency situations. The instincts are on red alert so there is no time for procrastination or doubt. It is also very brutally honest!
Mercury Conjunction Mars
Mercury conjunction Mars could trigger spiteful words and wounding arguments. It’s almost impossible to reach a compromise with difficult people since words will have very sharp edges. For entertainment purposes, this is the sort of material that goes viral however. These are very hard-hitting aspects and insults could leave scars for many years to come. Be careful what you say, tweet or write on this day. (Unless you purposely want to cause lasting damage with your words.)
Lunar Eclipse October 2023 Summary
This Lunar eclipse will force us to take seriously the issues surrounding the #CostOfLivingCrisis. It could be the case that marriages that would normally have split up during this period will stay together simply because neither partner can afford to live separately.
Hunkering down together to feed the children will be difficult for some since communications are absolutely treacherous at this time for relationships. Rows, rows and more rows could escalated into domestic violence. In the wider world the propaganda is also extremely war-mongering. The media will thrive from airing very bombastic and vulgar debates. Twitter will be on fire!
There is also a great deal of boastfulness from the haughty fixed star Cassiopeia. This lunar eclipse certainly has a big, brash mouth and there could be many people banned for so called ‘hate speech’ In our personal lives we must try and bite our tongue before we speak because the offence taken will be lasting. That’s not to say one shouldn’t express ones truth, but getting drunk and throwing insults is a different thing altogether. Keep a cool head and a dignified silence. Learn from the opposite sign of Scorpio!
Lunar Eclipse healing Crystal

I chose Emerald as it inspires eloquence in speech and improves mental acuity. It will help refine and transmute the vulgar, hurtful communications of this lunar eclipse. For occupations requiring visionary insight, Emerald should be held momentarily every day until facts can be easily recalled. Success in business is energised, particularly for older women, and Emerald helps with legal matters, trials, and litigation.
Emerald is an exceptional support stone for entrepreneurs. Whether for a job, an interest, or a person, Emerald is excellent for reviving passion. Emeralds are said to attract romantic love, so wear or carry one near your heart at this new moon. It is possible to call back an estranged loved one by speaking the words you intend to say while holding the stone close to your lips and sealing the stone in an envelope. If magic is their thing, send that envelope to the beloved along with a cryptic message at this lunar eclipse.
Generally Emerald is know as the ‘Success In Love’ stone, it promotes compassion, fidelity, patience, reunification, domestic bliss and un-conditional love. All this is sorely needed at the lunar eclipse where words can do so much damage to relationships. Emerald should also smooth over miss-understandings and calm any bickering.