Sun Square Opposition Pluto ~ Top Secret


Sun square Pluto or Sun opposition Pluto’s persona is serious about secrecy and control. The subjects personal life may remain a mystery, as they are experts at armour plating their true emotions. They don’t let much slip and can be extreme control freaks.

The expression ‘anally retentive’ was invented for these guys, for they rule over their domain with an iron will and a steel fist. They need to know where everything is at all times and woe betide anyone who changes the order of their alphabetically arranged CD collection. They can be intimidating and in extreme cases tyrannical. Sometimes the father can be experienced in this way.

Sun square opposition Pluto transit

When the Sun is square or opposite Pluto in the sky leaders and bosses want to exert more control over their underlings. This can be a time when the public feel they are under more surveillance than usual. However this is a great period for those who work in psychological fields as they will find it easy to go in depth with their patients. So shadow work and getting to the roots of any unresolved trauma is advised at this time. The investigative vibe is just perfect for exploring your authentic self. It is also a good opportunity to detox those dark thoughts and move towards the light of optimism. Self-hypnosis would be beneficial.

Sun square Pluto in particular can be stalkers and obsessive callers, they panic if their lover doesn’t return a text or goes off radar, it’s like they have died or something. Sun square Pluto or Sun opposition Pluto natives have a real fear of death, but in their panic they are often self-sabotaging and create the very scenario they fear the most. They are are most afraid of their demonic, unacceptable, beastly thoughts, which can translate as feeling that something about them is ugly, and that they are deformed in someway.

Ministry Of Obsession

Sun square Pluto or Sun opposition Pluto might hide behind a mask. Mostly the cover will simply be very plain or dark clothes they can disappear behind or conversely the mask will be composed of elaborate, over-the-top and almost freakish make-up. The natives will use any disguise that distracts from the real self which they find unacceptable.

As you can see from the list of natives below, once the hard aspect is mastered, the power and magic potential is phenomenal. At some point the natives may indeed have to face some sort of “death”. Having survived their crisis they become indestructible and exude the awesome aura of a Phoenix that has been through the flames and come out 10 times stronger.

Sun opposite Pluto swings between extremes of light and dark. Extrovert and introvert. The brighter the Sun the darker the shadow is a cliche, but works so well with this aspect. These natives may have a very sunny exterior which belies heartache and a very traumatic life. 

Sun opposed Pluto people often live life on the edge. Their lives will be full of drama and there will be much brushing with death and the taboo. At worse this can involve drugs and crime.

Sun opposite Pluto may have been exposed to the seedier side of life prematurely. Because of this, Plutonian children often have that “old-soul” look inside their penetrating glare. Their eyes have seen it all, therefore nothing really shocks or phases them. The father could exert a very powerful hold on the person, even from beyond the grave!

With the opposition, in particular, the natives are adept at pulling the long-buried demons out of the woodwork and shining their glaring solar torch right in the beasties eyes. Generally Sun in hard aspect to Pluto natives enjoy exposing secrets and hypocrisy. If they do not own their Pluto they could attract very dark, abusive and domineering partners into their lives.

Sun Pluto Hard Aspects

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto personalities all have a strong presence, examples are Joanna Lumley (67′), William Wordsworth (60′), Omar Shariff (94′) and Ricky Martin (73′). Dirk Bogarde (19′) and Leonardo Di Vinci (28′) both kept their private life hidden, 80’s popstar Morrissey (65′) was noted for his emotionless, dead-pan drone and “Elephant man” John Merrick (81′) was hideously deformed concealing the cultured and intelligent gentlemen within.

Super secretive Barbra Streisand (05′) even had “The Streisand Effect” named after her; “a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of perversely causing the information to be publicised more widely” [1], we also get imposing comic John Cleese, who made a career out of playing obsessively anal headmasters, policemen and bank managers. The Ministry Of Silly Walks sketch says it all, it is controlled, utterly serious and scarily freakish.

Sun Opposite Pluto

Sun opposite Pluto subjects include Marie Curie (43′) famous for her work on radioactivity. Talk about dicing with death. Her 1890s papers are still so radioactive they have to be kept in a lead box. Child psychologist and daughter of the famous Sigmund, Anna Freud (32′) referring to lost objects in dreams, described the ‘simultaneous urges to remain loyal to the dead and to turn towards new ties with the living’. [2]

Sunny TV reporter Jessica Savitch (11′) kept smiling despite an extreme personal life, Farrah Fawcett (61′) went from playing fluffy haired Angel to critically acclaimed portrayal of a battered wife, while John Hurt (14′) is famous for playing every type of taboo role you can think of. Lastly we have nihilistic ex Sex pistol Johnny Rotten (24′).

1. Wikipedia
2. Anna Freud: A Biography. Elisabeth Young-Bruehl Pg 291
