The New Moon June 2024 falls at 16º Gemini Decan 2. Aspect: Conjunct Venus Square Saturn. Fixed Star: Rigel In The foot of Orion The Hunter. Asteroid: None. Tarot Card: 9 Of Swords. Healing Crystal: Dalmatian Jasper
new moon In Gemini Decan 2
The Moon here is torn between parental duties and their passions. These passions can be career, life-calling or just plain wild and uncontrollable pleasure-seeking. Another problem is spreading oneself too thin, trying to be everything to everyone. There are myriad possibilities with this position. The most negative manifestation of this new Moon (Especially with the addition of cold Saturn Mars) can be the archetypical narcissistic parent who doesn’t have a nurturing or protective bone in their body.
The Moon in Gemini decan 2 causes swings between hard work and debauchery when the wound-up work-stressed coil is released. On the opposite side of the spectrum will be parents who run themselves ragged for their whole family out of guilt. We might pressure ourselves at this time to be a superparent. For example, trying to hold down a high-powered career with a demanding family. Speed can become a drug as we crave the adrenal buzz from our roller-coaster lives.
Remember, this section of Gemini contains the chariot Auriga driven by the charioteer who is holding a mother goat who at the same time is nursing twin baby goats. So quite a handful! We must be realistic with what we can take on work-wise and socially. With the fixed star Rigel, there is a danger of overreach and burnout. However, by finding a balance between our work and personal life, we can navigate these challenges and find fulfilment in both areas.
New Moon Tarot Card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the nine of swords, unfortunately, the air signs are stuck with the swords suit as representing them so the imagery is not going to be so positive. We must remember that with the decans, the tarot is read differently. Decan cards indicate lessons learned in previous lives and karma that may have already been paid.
This is the most karmic of all the decans, where the past has accrued many paybacks and unfinished business with relationships. Its divinatory meaning: “Your past may have caught up with you or something you thought dealt with, done and dusted, has reared its ugly head and resurfaced once more bringing all its unpleasantness with it.
This may be on a physical level but more than likely a return of some inner-demons or past nightmare, which has thrown your mental equilibrium out of balance. Something from your past may have come back to haunt you.” ~ Teach Me Tarot. I take this card to mean that, like the boastful hunter Orion, natural law will come back to bite you in the foot if you try to mess too much with nature and play god. But those who do work with nature will be spared the nightmarish scenario seen on this card….
New Moon Fixed Star ~ Rigel
Rigel, the seventh brightest star in the sky, has significant symbolism. It represents a lesson in humility, as Gaia sent a scorpion to sting the arrogant hunter Orion in the foot, where Rigel is located. Despite this setback, Rigel bestows benevolence, honour, riches, happiness, glory, renown, and inventive ability. It has the power to propel individuals to great heights rapidly.
When Rigel is conjunct with important points like the Sun, Moon, MC, or Ascendant, it promises a swift rise in life due to inherent willpower, love of action, and a lucky hand in enterprise. This alignment holds the potential for significant success and rapid growth, instilling a sense of hope and motivation. However, maintaining success requires continuous effort, as challenges may arise. Yet, even amidst adversity, success can be achieved through focused determination.
However, carelessness or weakness may lead to failure and disappointment, resulting in a fall from success. Traditionally, interpretations of Rigel’s influence can be contradictory, emphasizing the need to contextualize it with whatever chart you are studying. Notably, after World War I, during the era of transatlantic flights, Rigel’s connection to sudden difficulties in executing planned endeavours was observed in record-breaking pilots’ charts, leading to failure to reach their goals.
New Moon June 2024 Astrology

New Moon June Aspects
Moon Conjunct Venus
Moon conjunction Venus transit begs you to indulge yourself. It’s a soft and slushy aspect perfect for a romantic night in. The pampering energy lends itself to spa weekends with the girls or a having ‘Rom Com’ sleepover with your best female friend. Sociable gathering do well under this aspect as everyone is sensitive to the needs of others and are more likely to co-operate. The only negative is over indulgence and possibly a touch of love addiction. But it’s a great conjunction for first dates, candlelit dinners and kissing under the moonlight. If you are single you might feel sentimental or nostalgic over a past love affair at this time.
Moon square Saturn
When the Moon is square Saturn circumstances force people to take responsibility for their actions. Heavy-duty work falls under this category. So if you need to put some hard graft into a task, this is the moment to do so. It enables one to practice focused discipline. Saturn always rewards hard work but can punish those who are lazy and entitled! Every event has a karmic feel, and omens are to be taken very seriously.
New Moon June 2024 Summary
This New Moon is about balancing hard work with pleasure and getting the best of both. You don’t want to be working so hard that you are using it as escape from connecting with others. (Venus!) At the same time blissing out in your comfort zone and avoiding your duties and responsibilities can also be a challenge with this New Moon. Working with the cycles of nature will help you understand whether the work/life balance is out of whack. Spending time outdoors and with your feet grounded will help you connect with nature’s inbuilt cycles of rest and activity.
In summary the Moon’s placement in Gemini decan 2, highlights the struggle between parental obligations and personal desires, whether they be career aspirations or indulgent pleasures. There’s a caution against overextending oneself, especially in the pursuit of being a “superparent,” which could lead to burnout or neglectful behavior. The tarot card associated with this decan, the nine of swords, suggests karmic lessons from past lives and warns against disrupting the natural order. The fixed star Rigel symbolizes both potential success and rapid rise but also the possibility of failure if not approached with humility and determination. The planetary aspects such as the Moon conjunct Venus encourage indulgence and cooperation, while the Moon square Saturn emphasizes the need for disciplined effort and responsibility.
New Moon healing crystal

The crystal I chose for this new moon is the Dalmatian Jasper since it is associated with the dual nature of Gemini and the balancing of opposites. You can quickly advance in life and discover your true purpose with this stone.
Dalmatian Jasper brings childlike joy and playfulness while at the same time assists with spiritual grounding and psychic protection. It transmutes negative energy through its Black Tourmaline spots without absorbing any toxic residue. So rather than letting negativity affect your well-being, it will convert it into positive energy.
“The vibration of Dalmatian Jasper helps one to release any lack of trust in other people. It lessens disillusionment and helps one see their strengths and weaknesses. Its energy reminds one to open up to life and have fun in the process.” ~ My Crystalpedia
Dalmatian Jasper symbolises health, peace, and mental clarity. In addition, it claims to protect against stress, depression, and negative thinking. As well as being a cleanser, this stone helps align and balance your mental state. It is an instant pick me up, filling you with joyful vibes while dispelling dysfunctional behaviour.