Moon sextile trine Neptune ~ Musical Romance
Moon trine Neptune or Moon sextile Neptune must be one of the most romantic, poetic, idol-making aspect one can have. Its not surprising that there are a few matinee idols … READ MORE
Moon trine Neptune or Moon sextile Neptune must be one of the most romantic, poetic, idol-making aspect one can have. Its not surprising that there are a few matinee idols … READ MORE
Chiron was discovered November 1 1977, the year of Star Wars, the Sex Pistols, Apple Computers Incorporated, and the year Elvis died. 1977 is one of those years that sticks … READ MORE
Jupiter square Pluto or Jupiter opposite Pluto can be a zealous preacher, obsessive predator or magician. Sometimes all at the same time! At the very worst, this archetype is one … READ MORE
The Solar Eclipse August 21 2017 falls at 28º Leo decan 3. This is the big one, the Solar Eclipse on one of the royal stars of Persia, Regulus. The … READ MORE
The full moon Lunar Eclipse on August 7 falls at 15º Aquarius decan 2. The Lunar Eclipse August 2017 is a part geek, part charging knight. In modern times this … READ MORE
Chris Brennan has recently completed his long awaited book on Hellenistic astrology. The full book title is “Hellenistic Astrology. The Study Of Fate & Fortune.” I had the pleasure of … READ MORE
Sun conjunct Pluto is the black Sun shining. The Darth Vader of all Sun aspects, it is high contrast and stark lighting. The brighter the Sun the darker the shadow … READ MORE
Jupiter travels through the sign of Scorpio from October 11 2017 to November 8 2018. The great benefic is usually resident in a sign for a year and during that … READ MORE
The Solar Eclipse February 2017 falls in Pisces decan 1. The great imagination generated by the Moon is obvious when you find that both Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci had … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse on February 10/11 falls in Leo decan 3. This is the first of two eclipses in Leo decan 3 this year. This one is a bit of a … READ MORE
A made-to-measure reading using the decans and fixed stars. I discuss your natal chart and its potential on MP3 (30 mins). This reading uses a unique combination of esoteric and ancient techniques … READ MORE
Sun sextile Jupiter or Sun trine Jupiter endows the native with a magnanimous generosity, both of material goods but also of spirit. This exuberant demeanour means that they usually attract … READ MORE
Saturn travels through Sagittarius decan 3 until December 20 2017. Decan 3 starts from the 20º 00′ mark. After that, Saturn will enter Capricorn after two and half years in … READ MORE
Dwarf planet Eris* was only discovered in 2005, but her astrology seems like it has been with us forever. Eris is the uber dark goddess, and as such shares similar … READ MORE
Moon sextile Ceres or Moon trine Ceres brings together two mother archetypes in a way that is incredibly fertile and nurturing, but there is a budding urgency and slight desperation … READ MORE