Solar Eclipse January 2019 ~ All Seeing Eye
The New Moon Solar Eclipse 5 January 2019 falls at 15º Capricorn. The Solar eclipse is a partial one and the eclipse path will be mainly seen in northeast Asia. The … READ MORE
The New Moon Solar Eclipse 5 January 2019 falls at 15º Capricorn. The Solar eclipse is a partial one and the eclipse path will be mainly seen in northeast Asia. The … READ MORE
VIRTUOUS SHAME. They seem to need to test their partner’s backbones and push them to the limits. Only the strongest will stick around. A bleeding heart, and somewhat of a masochist.
GUARDIAN ANGELS. These seers usually develop their sensitivity after a period of suffering, dutiful caring and even a broken heart. Stars here are not particularly fun.
The full moon lunar eclipse on 27 July 2018 falls at 4º Aquarius makes a striking T-square with Mars square Uranus. The T-square activated by the lunar eclipse July is … READ MORE
Sun sextile Neptune or Sun trine Neptune can be a wonderfully glamorous, charismatic, musical, poetic and highly imaginative combination… that comes with a price! Surprisingly it appears that the trine aspect especially can also … READ MORE
The new moon solar eclipse on 12 July 2018 falls at 20º Cancer and is counted as a Hades Moon since it opposes Pluto. However, The solar eclipse July 2018’s … READ MORE
I wanted to inform my readers and subscribers about the new EU directive the GDPR *. This means I have to get consent from my EU subscribers in order to … READ MORE
The question reading is best for problem-solving. I will use the most suitable predictive technique (such as transits, solar arcs, progressions, horary or eclipses.) for solving the problem at hand. … READ MORE
Sun sextile Mars or Sun trine Mars makes for daring, courageous and impulsive creatures. All Sun/Mars aspects will have this bravado, but at least with these softer aspects, there is … READ MORE
My exploration into the dark moon’s negative aspect begins after a restless nights sleep during which I stumbled across an article by Tom Montalk. It was called ‘Food For The … READ MORE
The synastry reading covers the basic compatibility, aspects made between the natal charts and the relationship (Davison) chart. I look at its connection with both natal charts and then current … READ MORE
I will look at the themes of the year ahead of the Solar Return chart against the natal chart. 20 minutes on Mp3. The reading runs from birthday to birthday. … READ MORE
Amy Winehouse and her ex-husband Blake made the headlines with their stormy, toxic relationship. We now have an A rated birth time for Amy, so I can look at the … READ MORE
The New Moon solar eclipse on February 15 2018 falls at 27º Aquarius. This position is directly opposite the right, royal Regulus Solar Eclipse last August at 28º Leo. The solar … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 falls at 11º Leo and is exactly conjunct minor planet Ceres. The Lionine Eclipse theme from last year continues where we had the … READ MORE