News & Moonsletters EU Law


I wanted to inform my readers and subscribers about the new EU directive the GDPR *. This means I have to get consent from my EU subscribers in order to send them emails from my mailing list. It has taken me many years to build up this following and I treasure it because it is the one source of support I have that does not rely on google rankings, the foibles of the Facebook news feed, shadow banning on Twitter or any YouTube censorship. Most of you will have signed up using sidebar “Moonsletter” image which took you to a form that was not GDPR compliant. Well now it is!

Luckily most of my subscribers are from the new world and not Europe, but I did have to delete nearly 2000k EU subscribers for fear of facing the insane fine of 20 million Euros if one of them should deem my emails as spamming. I just couldn’t take the risk.

So I would ask all my EU subscribers  to please resubscribe using the box below. I never send out Moonsletters out more than twice a month and will not bombard you with any sales-type emails.

Darkstar Astrology Moonsletter

Other news is that I have added a new question reading  (priced $115 USD) to the readings menu. Like the Solar Return it is a shorter reading, but I wanted to provide something more affordable. I hope you like the new website logo redesign, I’m back to the old Darkstar violet. That green and black was rather TOO dark and sinister looking. I’m glad to say I’m feeling brighter these days :))

This is a sample of what the Moonletter looks like. With the New moon you get an update of what I’m working on, the new moon plus latest posts and YouTube videos. The full Moon letter is just the full moon plus new posts. You will also get updates on which new decans have been completed. Enjoy! All the best Marina.

*The GDPR is an EU privacy law that will take effect on May 25, 2018. It will regulate the treatment and use of personal data belonging to EU citizens.