Aquarius Decan 2 ~ Feb 1 to 10
STATELY DUCKS. Things are a little mellower here. Masked with a milder manner. These brooding, sometimes insolent Aquarians dig their fixed-sign heels in real deep.
STATELY DUCKS. Things are a little mellower here. Masked with a milder manner. These brooding, sometimes insolent Aquarians dig their fixed-sign heels in real deep.
JUDGE MENTAL.Scientific and skeptical, but at the same time is open to explore other realms, it just needs to test them out first. Revolutionary and edgy, the old V the new
Jupiter in Pisces 2022 is a transit we have all been waiting for. Why? Because Jupiter rules Pisces, and he has spent far too long in signs where he is … READ MORE
Here you will find all the important aspects of 2022 by sign and degree position with links to the aspect post. Also listed are all the new moons, full moons and eclipses of 2022.
Pisces Best Months Of The Year The list below shows your Pisces monthly horoscope peak periods to achieve, receive and recharge as explained in my Seasons and the Zodiac post. … READ MORE
CRYSTALLIZING DREAMS. Everything in their life is a crusade, no matter how run-of-the-mill the situation might be. Even the comedians among them work incredibly hard to get a laugh
Capricorn season is most notable for being the month of Christmas* and Yule. When the Sun hits 0º Capricorn, it is at the lowest point in the sky in the … READ MORE
ARTISTIC DOMINATION. Display their achievements in quite an ostentatious manner. They do things grandly, but there is the risk of them having delusions of grandeur also.
Sun conjunction Venus can be a paradox. This is because modern astrology deems this aspect wonderfully positive while forgetting about the phenomena of… combustion! Venus becomes invisible under the rays … READ MORE
Venus Pluto aspects love truly, madly, deeply. There is no chance of having a lighthearted fling with these folk. They will do their utmost to keep you from leaving them … READ MORE
DISORDERED CRYSTALS. These people are often seen as trouble makers, misunderstood, exiled and tortured for their beliefs. Need to have access to the nature spirits.
13TH FAIRY. This decan seems to be about hidden knowledge and the importance of using it with integrity. It is vital for these subjects to keep in contact with nature.
‘PRIVATES’ INVESTIGATORS. The great attraction for foreign cultures serves these subjects well when looking for herbs (Or drugs..), cures and enlightenment from far and wide.
The ninth house is associated with philosophy, religion, wisdom and higher learning. Traditional astrology calls this the house of the ‘sun god’ (It is opposed the house of the ‘moon goddess’ … READ MORE
The New Moon Solar Eclipse December 2021 falls at 12º Sagittarius Decan 2. Aspect: Quincunx Uranus. Fixed Star: Alwaid in the Dragon’s eye. Tarot Card: 9 Of wands. Healing Crystal: Malachite The December total Solar Eclipse will be taking … READ MORE