Eris may be the west’s answer to the Hindu goddess, Kali the destroyer. The negative dark-goddess aspect seems to be showing the misuse of divine feminine energy in the form of the devouring mother. Negative Kali is ‘devouring’ in the sense that in order to feel powerful, she has to destroy the sacred masculine.
Eris Artwork by Marina Marchione at Heavenly&Holy
Uranus was in conjunction Eris exactly in June to September 2016 and again in March 2017. Around this time many anti-feminism videos started appearing on YouTube, and many from women, not just men. It was around this time that I wrote this article and realized that the men who were criticising feminism were not (As my very liberal-leftist education would have me believe) misogynists, but had very valid points.
Eris was discovered in 2005, so finally we now have a solid incarnation of the dark goddess in the sky. As Persephone, Eris is the consort of Pluto, so they work as a duet. Together they describe the transformation that occurs from going through a dark night of the soul. Usually, the trigger is great suffering, mourning, pain or torture. In their negative manifestations, Pluto represents the abuse of power and is the predator, whereas Eris (as Persephone) can be seen as either the enabler or the victim.
The Dark Goddess Archetype
Negative Eris can be someone who protests at the power Pluto has over them, but still chooses to stay the victim and continue in the abusive situation. The polarity plays out as the victim/ savior dynamic and can be quite sadomasochistic. It is also reminiscent of the addict who will find every excuse in the book as to why they cannot cease taking their drug, no matter how destructive it is to them.
Positive Eris is the phoenix from the flames that escapes from abuse in the underworld and crowns herself queen. Eris can also be the whistle-blower and spy. The crown symbolism is important as you will see later. Eris is irreversibly wiser after her dark night of the soul. Like the tarot card the Queen of Swords, Eris has scars, is now skeptical about life and not as naive as when she first took a bite of Pluto’s forbidden fruit.
Eris as a planet moves so slowly, so its energy can only be looked at trans-personally. Some people will have Eris very prominent in their birth chart if it is connected to the AC, MC, Sun or Moon. These folk then may end up representing the Dark Goddess archetype in the collective. They may become famous for addressing Eris/Dark Goddess themes in their work. The apple connects both Eris and Lilith, as both are exiled, banished outsiders. You could say that Lilith is the lower octave of Eris, just like Mars is to Pluto. Mars = 2 years (to orbit the Sun) while Pluto = 248 years. Lilith = 9 years while Eris = 560 years.
Re-divining The Feminine
More recently the researcher Michael Tsarion has released a book called the Dragon mother and I have watched his Female Illuminati series the forerunner to the book. He talks about the baby-killing, Lilith side of the dark goddess and Eris. he also refers to the narcissistic mother also which can be the negative Ceres.
Eris square Pluto occurred throughout 2020 and 2021 which is very interesting in term of so-called ‘The Great Reset’ and the trans-humanism agenda. Please note, Steve Jobs (he of Apple the forbidden fruit) had Moon conjunct Eris. Eris stays within orb of square Pluto until the end of 2024!
Eris is categorised as another Plutino and can be seen as Pluto’s spouse (She has many Persephone attributes). Now in the aftermath of Uranus square Pluto, Uranus conjunct Eris awakens us to the uncomfortable reality of the 1960’s counter-cultural revolution ignited by Uranus conjunct Pluto in 1966. This so-called “counter-culture” has now become utterly mainstream.. There is nothing “shocking” (Uranus.) left, we are all now, in the words of Pink Floyd, comfortably numb.
Back in the 1960’s with the Uranus conjunct Pluto, women’s lib exploded into pop culture with women burning their bras for freedom. The contraceptive Pill liberated women from the worry of pregnancy and back-street abortions. The Pill was marketed as giving women power over their bodies, but did it really? The hormones in contraceptives cause all sorts of problems too vast to go into on this post, never mind the fact the pill doesn’t seem to have stopped teenage pregnancy anyway.
Eris square Pluto Dates 2020-2024
- January 26 2020
- June 14 2020
- December 10 2020
- August 28 2021
- October 9 2021
- In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023
- In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023
- In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024
- Leaves November 3 2024
Pill Power?
The heavy petting in the 1950’s doesn’t exist anymore as young girls are pressurised to go the whole way earlier and earlier. So I have since changed my views about just how empowering so-called feminism really is. If you examine deeply what the true agenda behind feminism could be, you might think again. For me this last Uranus square Pluto shows us the crisis point of how the feminist ideals of the sixties really work in practice.

Women these days are just as much worker drones as their husbands. Now, in order to pay the mortgage it is often a necessity for both partners to work full time. With children spending more time in childminders and state education, the end result is parents have less control over what programs (TV or otherwise) go into their children minds.
So we have the illusion of equality, but the top jobs and the positions that really matter are still pretty much male-dominated. Most women who do manage to get to the top, have had to turn into men to get there. That means switching off their right brain, empathic side, turning psychopathic and growing even larger “balls” than their male colleagues. Margaret Thatcher and Madonna are great examples.
Dominatrix Agenda
The masculine, left-brain, dominator agenda continues, but in order to correct this imbalance, it will mean that the divine feminine does, in fact, have to start defending itself and learn to say no. “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” ~ Albert Einstein.
Some of us have become unwitting enablers of the system through ignorance. If we researched the origins and ingredients of every single product we bought, our convenience food, cosmetics, clothes etc etc, we might question how ethical is the company? Are its products toxic to ourselves and the environment?
Knowledge is power and we need arm ourselves with wisdom. The information is out there in abundance if we look. However, most of the population are too tired, busy, distracted by the mass media or difficult relationships to sit down and read anything longer than a magazine article. The internet is great but we still need to make a conscious effort not to click, click, click and click onto the next pretty picture.
Which brings us to gender. “The female of the species is more deadly than the male” sang Space. The sacred feminine has been debased, abused and used to control the majority of men by their dicks.. Hence the reason porn is the biggest search term on the internet (Followed by Astrology, which I find hilarious.) This is no criticism of men, in fact, the reason this porn trap is so successful is that the media sorcerers knew damn well that men really do want to connect with this wonderful, liberating, sacred feminine energy, which originates from our empowering, living, goddess earth.