Halloween ~ Its Spiritual Meaning
What are the origins and spiritual meaning of Halloween? The history of this spookiest of holiday dates back to the Celtic tribes of Briton. Halloween has a mix of Christian, … READ MORE
What are the origins and spiritual meaning of Halloween? The history of this spookiest of holiday dates back to the Celtic tribes of Briton. Halloween has a mix of Christian, … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse 28 October 2023 is at 5º Taurus Decan 1. Aspect: Opposite Mercury & Mars. Fixed Star: Caph in the chair of Queen Cassiopeia. Tarot Card: 5 Of Pentacles. Healing Crystal: Emerald. Lunar Eclipse … READ MORE
HUSTLERS & SEERS : A crow, but it’s all wrapped up in finest Venusian silk! You just don’t expect such a low down and dirty attack from your divinely adorable Libra decan 2. Utter opportunists.
The Solar Eclipse 14 October 2023 is at 21º Libra Decan 3 Aspect: Conjunct Mercury and quincunx Uranus. Fixed Star: Foramen in the keel of Argo Navis the Great Ship. Tarot Card: 4 Of Swords. Healing … READ MORE
Eris may be the west’s answer to the Hindu goddess, Kali the destroyer. The negative dark-goddess aspect seems to be showing the misuse of divine feminine energy in the form … READ MORE
Jupiter Saturn aspects usually work to balance each other out. Jupiter is growth while Saturn restricts and Jupiter is summer while Saturn is winter. Ideally, then with these two in … READ MORE
The Full Moon 29 September 2023 falls at 6º Aries Decan 1 Aspect: Quincunx Ceres Fixed Star: Alpha Reticulum in the Star Measurer. Tarot Card: 2 Of Wands. Healing Crystal: Mookiate … READ MORE
What does Ceres mean in Astrology? Dark goddess Ceres was discovered in Sicily in 1801. The new planet was named after the Roman grain goddess because of her close mythological … READ MORE
Regal Regulus at 29º Leo has the honor of being the closest star to the ecliptic and therefore closest to the red carpet path of the glorious Sun. Regulus is … READ MORE
The Full Moon 30 August 2023 is at 7º Pisces Decan 1. Aspect: Conjunct Saturn. Fixed Star: Biham in Pegasus the Flying Horses head. Tarot Card: 8 Of Cups. Healing Crystal: Blue Jasper. Full Moon In Pisces Decan 1 With all … READ MORE
All Lilith Ceres aspects represents the epitome of the Persephone archetype. The most powerful theme here revolves around the notion of having a stolen childhood or even being one who … READ MORE
The weekly horoscope runs as an Egyptian week, ie 10 days. It will start as the Sun moves into a new decan and looks at what fixed stars it hits during the decanate week. T
YOUR CANCER HOROSCOPE BY THE DECAN FROM JUN/JUL 2023 TO JUN/JUL 2024 Welcome to your Cancer 2023 to 2024 year ahead horoscope forecast running from birthday to birthday. These new horoscopes … READ MORE
How does Astrology work? How do the seasons relate to the zodiac signs? Once you know the answers to those questions, reading your horoscopes will make more sense. You will … READ MORE
Artemis is the Greek goddess of hunting, forests, mountains and animals. She is depicted as a young maiden with an archer’s bow and sometimes a crescent moon. The crescent is … READ MORE