Solar Eclipse November 2011 – God Stripper
The Solar eclipse on November 25 2011 is at 2º 36’ Sagittarius. It’s closest aspect is Moon quincunx Jupiter and it is on the Fixed star Dschubba in the constellation … READ MORE
The Solar eclipse on November 25 2011 is at 2º 36’ Sagittarius. It’s closest aspect is Moon quincunx Jupiter and it is on the Fixed star Dschubba in the constellation … READ MORE
Mackenzie Phillips shocked the world when she published her book “High On Arrival” which accounts her taboo 10 year love relationship with her father, Mamas & Papas singer John Phillips. What … READ MORE
What’s up with Italy’s astrology then? Doctor Europe has metaphorically ordered the Italians to have their stomachs stapled. For a country given to three hour long, four course lunches this … READ MORE
The Dark Goddess archetype* is rather like the 8th house. It is associated with sex, death, obsession, transformation, magic, the occult and the taboo. Lilith as the most infamous Dark … READ MORE
Planets and asteroids in astrology are a fantastic way to connect with mythology. However with asteroids one must be careful not to give them too much weight in a natal … READ MORE
Asteroid Europa 52 is the 7th largest of the main belt asteroids and takes approximately 5 and a half years to orbit the Sun. Europa is of low density and … READ MORE
Asteroid Thereus 32532 falls under the category of a Centaur. It is one of a small group of bodies known as “Saturn crossers”, Chiron, Pholus and Asbolus are also in this … READ MORE
Asteroid Fortuna 19 is the Roman Goddess of luck, good and bad! She represents the tide turning for or against you according to life’s whims. Her father is not surprisingly … READ MORE
Asteroid Iris by Darkstar Astrology. Iris is the rainbow messenger goddess. From Iris comes the word iridescent.
Sun trine Ceres and Sun sextile Ceres share fertility and sweetness. But where the sextile has the excitement of blossoming flowers, the trine is more about lying back and gorging … READ MORE
Elizabeth Taylor has a huge Lilith corridor which houses the North Node, Eris, Part of Fortune, and Venus conjunct Uranus which is near exact (05′). Since her passing I wanted to look … READ MORE
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is under the spotlight because of the phone hacking which forced him to shut down his popular “News Of The World” paper. This guy is ranked … READ MORE
What are the astrological indicators of a psychopath?* Before we address that question, we have to define what we mean by psychopath. People generally think this is the serial killer, … READ MORE
The solar eclipse on July 1 2011 is at 9º Cancer and conjunct the fixed star Alhena in constellation Gemini. It is also square Saturn and opposed Pluto. Both these … READ MORE
The June 15 2011 Lunar Eclipse is at 24 degrees Sagittarius and on the Fixed Star Lesath. The Lunar Nodes are important in an eclipse and the North Node is … READ MORE