Taboo Relationships & Seedy Sedna

Mackenzie Phillips shocked the world when she published her book “High On Arrival” which accounts her taboo 10 year love relationship with her father, Mamas & Papas singer John Phillips. What role does astrology play in incest?

I have come back to this post because I have found that John Phillips has a Yod to minor planet Sedna. The myth has themes of betrayal and abuse by the father to his daughter.

Drugs played a huge part in this. Mackenzie says the first time she had intercourse with her father (aged 19) she blacked out through drug use and woke up in the middle of it. She says the first time was rape. However for the next TEN years, she says it was consensual.

John Phillips Horoscope

John Phillips has an astounding Yod, we don’t have his time but you can’t get more descriptive of utter betrayal and sleaze then what I see in the horoscope below. Mars conjunct Jupiter in one corner; a huge sex drive and nymph chaser. Jupiter cannot take no for and answer. This is an arrogant womaniser. On the other send of the sextile, Neptune, Lilith, Ceres and Venus. What a lethal cocktail of a stellium that is! It’s fuelling the Yod and feeding the corrupt and pimping Sedna. Ceres can be opiates and Neptune of course is the drugs.

His Mars is on fixed star Zubenelschemali. “High ambitions, success through energy, influential position, forceful writer and speaker.” It would be very hard to say no to this guy sexually. His Chiron square Lilith is childhood wounding from taboo sex.

He would have a very powerful Svengali influence and he would use Neptune drugs to bewitch. His Sun opposition Saturn (30′) would mean his ego would fight against societies conventional morals and his Sun trine Uranus guarantees unorthodox behaviour.

Mackenzie Phillips Horoscope

Well here is my proof of the Sedna myth being so powerful. Unreal, Mackenzie has Sedna square the AC by only 02′! Mars and Neptune both in the house of the father, sex and drugs. Lilith opposition Mercury the child, maybe shows a precocious sexuality, but also is about writing that is taboo. Mackenzie was exiled from her family as a result of coming out about the incest. Mercury on Antares is extreme, the daughter avenges her father. Saturn square Nodes. Her destiny is exposing father Saturn.

Venus conjunct North Node in the 3rd house of writing. Her life path was to write about this “Love” story. Venus opposed Moon, her step mother was against it. Eris is conjunct her MC, she has certainly stirred things up by writing. Eris the whistle blower, blurts out stuff people would rather keep in the closet.

By writing her book maybe Mackenzie has turned the victim role of Sedna around. Her Mercury on Antares in the heart of Scorpio, passionate and ambitious needs expression. As its an Archangel star she has to be careful she does not fall prey to exploiting the incestuous relationship and use the experience to help heal others. Sedna can mean ill-gotten gains. If she is sincere in her story however she can take it to the higher expression and find redemption.

Sedna Synastry

The thing that jumped out straight away was John’s Pluto on his daughters AC (07′)! Very symbolic of Pluto lord of the underworld pulling innocent Persephone down into a pit of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Opposing her DC he would have totally possessed her and not let her have her own relationships.

We have some double whammies which are shared karma. Sun trine Pluto and Pluto conjunct Sun. Her Pluto (24′) So he felt she had great power over him. But she would be obsessed by him too, like he was a part of her (conjunction).  Again sexual taboo love with the father. Chiron opposition/quincunx Mercury. Wounded child.

Her Neptune sextile his Sun. (44′) are the drugs but also she inspired him musically and was his muse. With Sedna? His Sedna is quincunx her sensitive Moon, which I think would work even worst than a Moon/Pluto, while her Sedna is quincunx his Sun. A lot of quincunxes feature between them and so many karmic Yods. Just to get an idea of it,

Controversial artist Tracy Emin has the Moon/Sedna quincunx. She was raped at 13 and aborted twins at 18 because she was afraid of her family. She famously exhibited the bed she had slept in while feeling suicidal due to relationship difficulties. And as for Sun/Sedna we get Nazi propagandist Paul Joseph Goebbels. The deluded ego-maniac killed all his six children before himself and his wife.

The Davison Chart

The Sun is conjunct Neptune. Showing deception, delusion, drugs again. Then the Sun, to make it worst is on the filthy scavenging crow Algorab. Neptune in it’s higher vibration is spirituality and wanting to merge with the source and even the crow can have a certain charm, but not here! It only emphasizes the rot and toxicity of this relationship.

In a higher vibration this could show a past life love affair and soulmate connection. But it is also delusion. Mackenzie said herself her father was a genius, who lived in his own fantasy world. He could have taken Neptune higher spiritually, and it is music after all, but John fell prey to the drugs and poison of Neptune’s dark side. He deluded himself into feeling the relationship with his daughter, was “normal”.

More Moon/Sedna, here it is in sextile.  The Moon is also widely conjunct Uranus. Icey cold and looking very psychopathic. So Sedna is feeding that Yod apex, making it callous and selfish in it’s pursuit of it’s goal (sex) and freezing out any sense of remorse on Johns part. Mackenzie would feel the shame that Sedna generates.

Lastly I note that the North Node of this chart lies between Algol and Capulus, which is male aggressive sexual energy and there is a very Persephone looking connection between Ceres, Eris and Mercury all within a degree.

This was originally published Oct 26th 2009, but has been edited adding Sedna and some fixed stars.