Sun Sextile/Trine Ceres ~ Lush, Sweet & Fertile


Sun trine Ceres and Sun sextile Ceres share fertility and sweetness. But where the sextile has the excitement of blossoming flowers, the trine is more about lying back and gorging on their sweet, ripe fruit. The problem then is the tendency of the trine to slide into complacency and decadence which can bring into affect nature’s cruel way of balancing the books…

Enter Pluto! The weed killer. So Ceres in trine aspect can be a little too much of a good thing. However if the rest of the chart contains some dynamic squares, Sun trine Ceres will bestow great artistic creativity and sometimes musical genius.

When you experience a particularly hot and halcyon summer, a normal winter will seem devastating in its bitterness by comparison. More evolved souls with Sun trine Ceres somehow know that their good fortune or gifts need balancing, so they impose on themselves a “bleak winter” every now and then.

These subjects will not shy away from trying to understand and help those in poverty, pain or suffering. A more materialistic Sun trine Ceres will define himself by accumulating wealth and being rather ostentatious, that is until a Pluto transit comes along and strips them of everything. Another manifestation of this aspect could be over-identification with the mother or feeling that you need the family inheritance to shine.

Halcyon Days

Sun sextile Ceres seems to be an aspect that makes people want to share and be generous with their gifts. With most of the subjects, the common theme seems to be the propagating of their talents and spreading their seeds around to as many people in the world as possible.

They make great social commenters, can be charitable and generally just want to see the world grow and flourish around them. However, they can be hoarders also and just enjoy making wealth for the sake of it. The sextile is a Venusian aspect, so here it represents blossoming and bee’s flitting excitingly between the flowerbeds. This should make these people rather sexy in a wholesome, sensual way, lush and fertile, looking like they are constantly “on heat”.

Ceres, of course, has that sad tinge of sorrow, loss, and separation, but with the sextile, the subject is consciously steering away from the dark days and trying to use the experience to make the world a better place.

This will often mean they are prone to wearing rose-tinted glasses as they skip through their Utopia, which can be infuriating but at the same time charming in its innocence. Of course, not everyone with this aspect is going to be a saint, but the person may well see themselves as one! Being seen as the benefactor is important for their feelings of self-worth.

Sun Ceres ~ Soft Aspects

Sun Sextile Ceres

Shirley Temple (19′) her characters were deliberately cultivated to transform the lives of hardened criminals and the like “She assaults, penetrates, and opens [the flinty characters] making it possible for them to give of themselves” As an adult she worked in children’s TV, films and manufactured toys. She survived breast cancer and became an in international Ambassador in her later years.[1]

Princess Diana (58′) epitomises the loving Ceres mother, bringing rays of hope to so many of the sick and dying that she touched. She has a pure, unsullied innocence that was a breath of fresh air to the otherwise stuffy and stiff royal family. Of course, she had her struggles with bulimia which must be the most Ceres type illness you could have, gorging yourself and then purging.

Olivia Newton-John (88′) has had a long and successful career as a singer. She has used her celebrity status to actively campaign for the environment. Surviving breast cancer also inspired her to raise awareness of various health issues. She fundraises for various charities and runs a health spa.

On the other extreme Maurice Chevalier (94′) was known for being a penny pincher he found it hard to let go of the memory of his very poor roots. Then we get the super rich and powerful Jackie Kennedy Onassis (99′), John D Rockefeller (66′) and Il Duce Benito Mussolini (36′).

Psychologist and sociologist Erich Fromm (79′) wrote “The Art Of Loving” a practical approach to learning how to love in a healthy manner, other Sun sextile Ceres subjects include eminent microbiologist Louis Pasteur (88′), exceptionally gifted blind and deaf scholar Helen Keller (73′) Lastly social commenters through art and music respectively Peter Blake (40′) and Paul Weller (60′).

Sun Trine Ceres

Sean Lennon’s (03′) iconic father John give up his music to be a stay-at-home dad and Sean experienced an ultra close bonding with his father only to have him cruelly taken away at the age of 5. From then onwards, until his teens he collaborated closely with his mother musically.

Independent filmmaker Jim Jarmusch (42′) is a total one-man band, writer, actor, producer, editor, and composer.  His films are “ marked by a brooding, contemplative tone, featuring extended silent scenes and prolonged still shots”. [1]His work is noted for its irreverence to patriotism and has a keen wit mixed with black humor

“Bloody” Mary the 1st of England (42′), was a precocious and exceptionally gifted child who was doted on by her father Henry the 8th. He would boast of her musical and intellectual prowess. That was until he remarried Anne Boleyn.. At the tender age of 15, Mary was then sent away from court and not even allowed to see her own mother. From that time onwards she suffered terrible menses and depression.

The father of Sociology, Emile Durkheim (24′) “was concerned primarily with how societies could maintain their integrity and coherence in the modern era, when things such as shared religious and ethnic background could no longer be assumed” [2] He left no stone unturned, with individual books dedicated to suicide, incest and religion

The lighter side of Ceres shows the aspirational, super-rich, super-fertile, family orientated Beckham’s Davison (45′),  King of synthesizers Giorgio Moroder (61′) famous for his influential lush, ultra-electronic musical production. British over-the-top comic Rick Mayall (12′) and shiny Irene Cara (43′) whos Ceres wanted to “live forever”

Image Reference: Blake Cheek on unsplash
