Rupert Murdoch


Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is under the spotlight because of the phone hacking which forced him to shut down his popular “News Of The World” paper. This guy is ranked 13th most powerful man in the world and the 117th richest. Now there are calls for him to scrap his takeover bid for BskyB. As head of News International Murdoch is also responsible for “The Sun” and “The Sunday Times” newspapers, which are also now implicated in yet more hacking, this time with ex Premier Gordon Brown.

It seems more and more revelations are coming out of the woodwork. Looks like Murdoch is fast becoming the mighty Orion I mentioned in an earlier post, the large corporation brought down by the little man. The mere Scorpion. Interestingly Murdoch has his Moon on LESATH, the very stinger in the Scorpion, right where the Lunar eclipse was on June the 15th just a month ago! So the next 5 months for him will be crucial.

His Moon is in the 12th house of self-undoing so has he stung himself in the foot? Transiting Saturn is semi-sextiling his MC on ZOSMA, victim or Savior? I doubt a man this powerful will let himself become the victim of this scandal. What does his chart say, can he survive this? I think he is smart enough to duck and dive this one when you look at his stars.

Moon on LESATH “With Moon here at birth native will be conceited, wealthy, luxurious, kind-hearted, happy and resolute.” [1]. But also “Its qualities in the horoscope are very much those of a probing, sharp intellect and incisive wit, every bit as damaging as a knife to its opponent”.[2] This describes very much the effect of the media he owns, they can bring down a government with a few choice headlines. Rapier wit indeed.

His immense power is obviously shown in this Sun trine/sextile the Saturn/Pluto opposition. His Sun is part of a secretive stellium all hiding in the 4th. Mercury is in there too, the media planet is near enough trine his Pluto which is great for an investigative journalist and it is on ANKAA in the Phoenix “It is said to give a pioneering disposition, ambition and power, together with a long life and lasting fame.” [3]  Looks like he could literally rise like a Phoenix from the flames. His Lilith is also on ANKAA too, much closer and on the IC making it powerful and giving him the ability to spellbind and spin his way out of this hole.

What is interesting is his Ceres opposition Uranus, which seems to describe fluctuating fortunes. Ceres up in the 10th could show his wealth and it is square Jupiter, so it might be describing his need to acquire more and more commodities. This Ceres is on our friend ALGORAB the crow. The tricky crow a perfect description for the shifty journalist and hack . Saturn is fast approaching this scavenging Ceres which is also conjunct the South Node. Some old karma needs paying back there I think.

But the big one for Rupert Murdoch is Pluto transiting his ascendant. He had this exact back in November last year. Now his chart is rated B in Astrodatabank, so it may well be the case that his AC is actually more like 4º instead of 2º degs Capricorn in which case it would be in effect now.

Jamie wrote “Pluto can be extreme in transit, especially to such a personal point as the Ascendant. Therefore changes which occur in life now can reflect this through an obsessive drive to succeed or to retreat into a hermit phase of reflection.” Today ironically as he arrives in the Uk to try and sort out this mess, “The Sun” is transiting his natal Pluto, which happens to be on CASTOR in Gemini, the journalists star.

1 & 3. The fixed stars & Constellations. Robson. p. 83 and p.57.
2.The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.85-86.