Sun Square/Opposite Pluto ~ Top Secret
Sun square Pluto or Sun opposition Pluto’s persona is serious about secrecy and control. The subjects personal life may remain a mystery, as they are experts at armour plating their … READ MORE
Sun square Pluto or Sun opposition Pluto’s persona is serious about secrecy and control. The subjects personal life may remain a mystery, as they are experts at armour plating their … READ MORE
Moon sextile or trine Jupiter brings out the very best of the warmth, charisma and entertaining potential from the two planets. The subject cannot help but attract followers as they … READ MORE
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 8 2016 is at 19º Pisces Decan 2. This Solar Eclipse activates no powerful fixed stars, but there is a very strong Jupiter/Neptune theme … READ MORE
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 23 2016 is at 3º Libra Decan 1. This Moon brings with it the potential for great illumination since it is ruled by Venus/Lucifer the bringer of light … READ MORE
Moon conjunction Ceres or Moon quincunx Ceres is super-mum, the ultimate in matriarchs, the Queen of Pentacles and the Empress archetype. This does not necessarily mean he or she is … READ MORE
Moon square Uranus or Moon opposite Uranus finds it extremely hard to put down roots. This may come from an experience of early childhood trauma, or premature expulsion from the … READ MORE
Moon quincunx Saturn is the quintessential eccentric headmistress or master. They command respect because they carry a rock-solid air of authority and a stoic approach to life. What the quincunx adds … READ MORE
Moon conjunct Pluto or Moon quincunx Pluto is penetrating, provocative and plunges headlong into the dark sea of lunar emotions without fear. They want nothing less than dramatic and intense … READ MORE
Moon conjunct Mercury can be very naughty or very nice, this is the trickster we are talking about after all. At best, the combination of logic and intuition gives great common sense. A lot depends on the house placement, sign and the fixed star these are on because this is a shape-shifting combo.
The Lunar Eclipse on September 28th 2015 is at 4º Aries and falls in Aries Decan 1 To Boldly Go & Red Ambition. Decan Ruler: Mars & Mars (Aries Triplicity). Deity: Aidoneus. … READ MORE
The Solar Eclipse Sept 13th is at 20º Virgo in Virgo Decan 3Sacred Prostitutes & Skeptics. Rulers: Mercury & Venus (Taurus Triplicity.)Deity: Hestia. (Goddess of the hearth.) A Solar Eclipse is … READ MORE
On July 5 Greece will vote wether to accept EU imposed austerity measures or not. I don’t usually write mundane astrology posts, but I feel moved to look into the current Greece debt crisis having only just returned from my … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse on April 4 is at 14º Libra and falls in Libra Decan 2Sweet Hustlers, Stylists & Seers Decan Ruler: Saturn Deity: Kiaros (God of opportune moments) Aspects: … READ MORE
The Solar Eclipse on March 20 is at 29º Pisces and falls in Pisces Decan 3Daring Visionaries & Star Measurers. Decan Ruler: Mars Deity: Elpis (The Spirit Of Hope) Aspects: … READ MORE
Amy Winehouse was found dead on July 23, 2011 at 3.54 pm, in her London flat. It was confirmed that the cause of death was alcohol poisoning. She was 5 … READ MORE