Aries 2022 Horoscope
In 2022 Aries’s life shifts gear from an active social life with networking being the priority to more spiritual matters. Jupiter will join Neptune in your 12th house of mysticism … READ MORE
In 2022 Aries’s life shifts gear from an active social life with networking being the priority to more spiritual matters. Jupiter will join Neptune in your 12th house of mysticism … READ MORE
We have Mars in Gemini for a full seven months because it will be retrograde from October 30 2022 until January 12 2023. It will be in Gemini for the … READ MORE
What are the aspects meaning in astrology? In this post I will describe the significance of the major Ptolemic aspects used in traditional astrology. (Plus one!) However, In my practice … READ MORE
Venus trine Uranus or Venus sextile Uranus are harmonious connections in natal astrology. People with these soft aspect connections will need space and freedom in relationships and known for being … READ MORE
Lunar Eclipse on 26 May 2021 is at 5º Sagittarius decan 3 ~ Shamans & ‘Privates’ Investigators. 20th Lunar Mansion. Fixed Star Acrab.
I wrote this originally in January 2015, when I started getting into the question of hyper-dimensional realities and Archons. The sun was then in Aquarius decan 1 the decan of Mad Professors & Visionary … READ MORE
Solar Eclipse on June 120 2021 at 19º Gemini Decan 2 ~ Rollar Coasters & Strategists. 7th Lunar Mansion. Fixed star Bellatrix.
What could asteroid Hekate signify astrologically? Our first thoughts would tend to associate it with witchcraft. Looking deeper into Hekate’s mythology, we find much more than just the stereotypical warty witch! As we … READ MORE
In this article, I will go into a brief history of the decans, what they actually are and explain how to use them in your own horoscope. I have finally … READ MORE
The New Moon 11 April 2021 is at 22º Aries Decan 3. The Moon here does not have any dignity, and usually, the watery, emotional moon is quite uncomfortable and even quite vulnerable in Aries
There are two methods of using the fixed stars and their constellations for astrological purposes nowadays. 1) The fixed stars longitude method on the ecliptic or 2) The visual astrology … READ MORE
The twelfth house is associated with mysticism, self-undoing and hidden enemies. Traditional astrology called this house ‘bad spirit’ and it is the joy of Saturn. The sign of Pisces is … READ MORE
The eleventh house is associated with friends, common interest groups and wishes. The traditional astrologers call this house “good spirit” and Jupiter finds its joy here. The zodiac sign of … READ MORE
The tenth house is associated with one’s status in the world and life-calling. The traditional astrologers simply call this house ‘what one does’ and is the house of the mother. This … READ MORE
The eight house is associated with taboo subjects such as death and sex. This is also the house of the shadow. I like to think of it as the ‘underworld’ since … READ MORE