Aries decan 1

Aries Decan 1 ~ Mar 21 to 31

TO BOLDLY GO. These impulsive souls try everything at once and grab with both hands. They want it all and they want it now, being the start of a new cycle.


Aries Decan 2 ~ Apr 1 to 10

JAIL BREAKERS. Make efficient bosses, activists and fund raisers, winning respect and support easily. People feel that their cause is safe with them .


Taurus Decan 1 ~ Apr 20 to 30

RAGING BULLS. They may take ages to start a project, but once they get the momentum going there is no stopping them and they will flatten everything in their path.

Pisces Decan 3

Pisces Decan 3 ~ Mar 11 to 20

STAR MEASURERS.The zone of the impossible, for here we have aeronautical fishes! It is bursting with anticipation for the future and impatient since they have been cocooned for so long.

Pisces Decan 1

Pisces Decan 1 ~ Feb 20 to 28

BOHEMIAN MUSE. An artists dream. Catch the muses and write inspiring music, art and poetry. Blends into the landscape and receptive to the flow of inspiration from the collective


Aries Decan 3 ~ Apr 11 to 20

BOUNTY HUNTERS. Everything with these rams is played at epic proportions. It is also very sexual, since we know Jupiter was the biggest nymph chaser of them all.

Antares ~ November 27 to 30

Antares is the alpha star in constellation Scorpio. It is literally found in the heart of the scorpion at 9º 47′ Sagittarius. Fixed star Antares represents one of the important four Archangels stars. … READ MORE

scorpio- decan 3

Scorpio Decan 3 ~ Nov 12 to 22

FOREST LURKERS. They are considerate folk who just like to blend in and make as little fuss as possible. Close to nature and like the natural world it do not have much of an ego..

Scorpio Decan 2 ~ Nov 1 to 11

SPIRITUAL ACCOUNTS. A Poker face. Inside, they may be experiencing a tumultuous emotional storm, but on the outside, nothing, not a flicker, awesome…It’s all in the eyes.