Antares ~ Birthdays November 28 to 30

Antares is the alpha star in constellation Scorpio. It is literally found in the heart of the scorpion at 9º 47′ Sagittarius. Fixed star Antares represents one of the important four Archangels stars. He is Oriel, the watcher of the west. Befitting its lofty angelic status, Antares also looks awesome, a flaming red binary star that occasionally glimmers emerald from its tiny green sibling.

At 883 times the size of our sun, Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky and second only to fellow super red giant Betelgeuse in size. All red stars have a passionate nature, and like the sign of Scorpio generally, this powerful star has a dangerous and fearsome reputation.

Robson says: “It causes malevolence, destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages and danger of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy.”

Antares or anti-Ares means the rival or equivalent of Mars. This could be because, like Mars, Antares shimmers a blazing red colour in the sky and by all accounts, its nature is similar to Mars. Mars is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio and this Mars energy is a night energy. It is more subversive than the raw Aries Mars.

The Ebertins say “Antares makes people tough, belligerent and pugnacious. This is an important star for military personnel, it is said to convey mental alertness, strategic ability and courage to make daredevils” [3.]

Scorpios fearsome reputation could originate from its position in the south, regarded as the gateway of the Underworld. Other deathly associations for the Scorpio Sun sign period are the pagan festival of Samhain or Halloween. The Mexican day of the dead (November 1-2.). The Catholic “All Souls”, (or I Morti. “The Dead” ) is celebrated on November 2.

The constellation of Scorpio was originally much bigger than it is in modern times and spanned both Scorpio and Libra. The two Libran scales used to be the Scorpion’s claws. For the Egyptians, the scales are also used to weigh the souls of the dead before they pass into the underworld too. Generally in mythology then, Antares represents that difficult transition from life to death, and then death to life again and the burning off of karma.

Antares & Scorpio Mythology

Scorpions are feared and revered throughout mythology. There is a recurrent theme of a fear of nature from these heavenly gods. The Egyptian Solar god Horus was stung by a Scorpion and sent to the Underworld to reign as green-skinned King Osiris! In Greek myth, Orion was stung in the foot ( The site of  Star Rigel) by a Scorpion sent by Gaia for his boasting. In Christianity the solar god Jesus is tempted by the devil and betrayed by Judas, both depicted accompanied by poisonous snakes or venomous Scorpions.


Back to Antares then, we can see why it has such a difficult time of it. Antares works at the root chakra, survival level. If a lioness kills a poor sweet innocent Bambi of a deer to feed her cubs, we don’t say she is cruel, callous or a psychopath. She is just operating in survival mode in order to protect her family.

Antares has a beastly side and must learn to harness these primal urges. He is most often triggered by opposing royal star Aldebaran, (Archangel Michael and God’s soldier.) Through facing his nemeses, Antares is pressured to engage his logical, solar mind. This is the battle that lies at the heart of the Scorpion.

Like with Aldebaran there is a “Good versus evil” theme with this star. But if Antares has been honoured with the title of a royal star then it must have some redeeming qualities. Aldebaran could just be a little too good to be true, and maybe just a tad too worthy. Aldebaran is “the enlightened”, but I think Antares’ purpose is to remind Aldebaran that he isn’t quite a god yet, and to keep in touch some of the harsh realities of human life. This might burst Aldebaran’s balloon somewhat, but that’s Antares’ job, smashing sickly meringues!

So Antares will always play the baddie, will always take the rap, will tend to play out the collectives demons for them. It is the man or woman you love to hate. Antares will gladly play the red-eyed monster in the corner with a long black cape going “mmmwwaaahhaaahhhaaahaaaa.” Ok, maybe thats way too obvious a stereotype, but if you look an Antares rising, they probably really do have a wicked grin or a devilish twinkle in their eye.

Antares Keywords

Intense, dramatic, militant, fiery, passionate, obsessive, compulsive, fast and furious, spicy, awesome, eminent, primal, demanding, ruthless, ambitious, survivors, trailblazers, combative, driven, maniacal, pushy, tyrannical, villainous, human, bestial, ravenous, natural, impulsive, instinctive, challenging, raging, rampant, revolutionary, highly sexed, devilish, demonic, wicked, devils-advocate, teasing, taunting, provoking, phoenix from the flames, dare-devils, self-sabotaging, envious, valorous, competitive, temperamental, emotional, hot-headed, self-motivated, self-governed, mover & shaker.

Back to mythology again. Horus was stung by the scorpion and became Osiris God of the underworld, he is interestingly depicted as green from then on. This inhuman colour is of course associated with reptilians, demons, green-eyed monsters, envy, rivalry, little green men. Whether we subscribe to the notion that the world is secretly run by reptilian psychopaths or not, we are still all in possession of a reptilian brain.

“The limbic system is part of the old mammalian brain, inherited by our ancestors as we evolved from reptilian creatures into warm-blooded, feeling, social, furry creature. It is also the central relay center responsible for conveying neurotransmission messages from the old reptilian/hindbrain through the midbrain and into the higher cortical centers.”

We could easily over-simplify Scorpio stars and brand anyone who has them strong in their chart as a budding psychopath. A badly afflicted Mars may be a problem, as this will only inflame the more aggressive side to Antares. Otherwise, the psychopath tendencies were actually found more commonly in Scorpio stars Lesath, Acrab and Dschubba. (In the stinger and forehead). These stars came up with great frequency in my Psychopath Astrology research, but I would say it simply means that this very potent sorcery must be used responsibly. Antares is found in the Scorpions heart which may actually give it some heart!

Antares Meaning

As a royal star, Antares will give great worldly success. However, their ambition is quite ruthless and Antares finds it hard to modulate itself. Brady suggests

“ it also indicates that one can be the cause of their own undoing. The natural theme of this star is to generate success by going through a cleansing life-and-death experience. It can suggest one seeks intensity even when not required. By its mythological symbolism it indicates extremes, whether by choice or not.” [2]

Antares woman

Antares’ problem is being driven by high drama, sensation and extremes. Because if this they may find it hard to fine tune or be sensitive to life’s subtleties. If this brave, fearless spirit is channeled in the right way, then its energy can help move mountains. Antares works better in partnership with more laid-back souls who can temper the “devil” inside it. All energies are important in our Universe, it’s just a question of balance. Antares is needed when we get too compliant and accept other’s modus operandi too readily. This red star shakes us out of our complacency.

For the Persians, (who made Antares a royal star), there wasn’t much of the negativity attributed to it later on by the Greeks and Romans. Instead, Antares was very fortunate and gave eminence and achievements for humanity.

“It has been said that “Antares demands we ‘take a stand’ for our truth against the established conditions of our personal lives and against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions and that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting or evolutionary freedom.”

The main problem for spicy Antares is it’s quite a challenging star to live with at a day to day level, so people with it prominent should try to leave their battle armour outside the front door when they get home. Antares households have lots of spaghetti stuck to their kitchen ceiling, and very well worn bedsprings…

Antares Planets & Angles

 “Riches and honor, violence, sickness, benefits seldom last.“ [1] “To be driven by passion & obsession. A potential to be abrasive or even ruthless…” [2] Examples: Nick Clegg (00’), Jude Law (16’), John Dee, Tim Leary, Helen Keller, Brad Pitt, Elizabeth Taylor, George Braque, Ian McKellen, James Dean.

MIDHEAVEN “Honor, preferment and good fortune”.  [1] “To feel like one’s life is always full of archetypical struggles between black and white; prone to obsession and being driven to deal with and even work with issues of injustice” [2] Examples: Wallis Simpson (05’), Jay Leno (15’), Harvey Milk, Howard ‘Hopalong’ Cassady, Whoopi Goldberg, Heinrich Himmler, Janis Joplin, Andrea Dworkin, Fay Weldon, Edward Degas, Auguste Renoir, H G Wells, Christina Aguilera, Prince William/Kate Middleton.

“Too see the struggle of the masses; to understand or work with large groups. To focus on the small and in doing so reveal the larger issues”. [2.] To battle with one’s demons, addictions and obsessions and having succeeded finding spiritual reward through helping others do the same. Creative products reflects societies traumas and dark underbelly. Examples: Mary Pierce (06’), William Wordsworth (14’), Pablo Picasso, Nietzsche, Louis Lord Mountbatten, Bjorn Borg, Tom Hanks, Sarah Gilbert, Jerry Hall, James Joyce, Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt, Franklin D Roosevelt, Beckhams Davison.

“Pretended religion, insincere, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, military preferment, danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered.” [1] Focused on a passionate self-projection of the ego. An attraction of combative situations and challenges to their authority. Examples: Woody Allen (10’), Bette Midler, Britney Spears, Charles Patrick Graves, Gianni Versace, Nancy Mitford, Rose West, William Blake, Winston Churchill.

“Popular, broad-minded, interested in philosophy, science and metaphysics, liable to change religious opinions, influential friends, favorable for business and domestic matters, active in local affairs, great power, honor and wealth but benefits may not prove lasting, danger of violence, sickness, drowning or assassination.” [1.] Domestic dramas and unashamedly temperamental. Prone to emotional outbursts. Devoted, but verging on obsessive with family affairs. Examples: Bob Geldof (05’), Pablo Picasso (06’), Copernicus, Nietzche, Rock Hudson, Carl Wilson, Sean Lennon, Maurice Chevalier, Saddam Hussein, Ramsay McDonald.

“Suspicious, wrongfully accuses friends, unpopular, uses ecclesiastic influence in business, money obtained slowly and with much difficulty.” [1] Anxious, obsessive-compulsive thoughts and potential for stalking behaviour and revenge. Examples: Mackenzie Phillips (06’), Wassily Kandinsky, Uri Geller, Tina Turner, Steven Spielberg, Richard Burton, Paul Klee, Noel Coward, Neil Young, Marie Curie, Joan Sutherland, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Danny DeVito, Cynthia Payne.

VENUS “ Insincere, dishonest, energetic and able but selfish”. [1] Destruction of class division. Breaking down of emotional armour. Penetrating the heart through intense emotional turmoil. Guarded in social situations.

 Examples: Salvatore Giuliano, Kevin Costner, Connie Francis, Whoopi Goldberg, Lyle Menendez, Jimmy Page, Christina Rossetti, Dylan Thomas, Cecil Beaton, Helmut Newton, Kelly Osbourne, Katy Perry.

MARS “Detrimental habits powerfully affecting the life, quarrels with friends and relatives, fairly favorable for gain”. [1]. Obsessive ambition. Rash, impulsive acts. Seeing the world as a battle between good v evil. Swinging from sinner to saint. Extremist views. 

Examples: John Basilone, Ronald & Reginald Kray, Arthur Koestler, Julie Andrews, Tatum O’Neal, Dennis Wilson, Lena Zavaroni, Charlotte Church, Jack Kerouac, H. P Lovecraft, T S Eliot, Terence McKenna, Captain Beefheart, Johnny Lydon.

JUPITER  “Great religious zeal real or pretended, ecclesiastical preferment, tendency to hypocrisy, benefits through relatives.” [1] Extremist religious views and fundamentalism on the one hand or a great ability to synthesise symbols and transmit esoteric wisdom. A psychic, seer or occultist. Examples: Enoch Powell, Ayatolla Khomeini, Heinrich Himmler, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Hans Christian Andersen, George Oppenheimer, Phil Donahue, John Cage, Winona Ryder, MacKenzie Phillips.

SATURN: “Materialistic, dishonest through circumstances created by environment, religious hypocrisy, many disappointments, loss through quarrels and legal affairs, trouble through enemies, many failures, hampered by relatives, unfavorable for domestic matters, much sickness to and sorrow from children.” [1] An internal conflict between good and evil. Interested in playing the sinner or saint. Swinging between polarities. Black & White. Often demonised or sanctified without any good reason. Easy to typecast. Examples: Chernobyl Disaster, Oscar Pistorius, Lady Gaga, Nick Cave, Marc Almond, Charlotte Church, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Stephen Fry, Kevin Rudd, M.C Escher, Paul Cezanne, Pope Benedict XVI, Sidney Poitier

1. Antares: Robson

2. Star and Planet Combinations, Bernadette Brady, pg 124 -125
3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.70-71.
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