The New Moon October 2021 falls at 13º Libra Decan 2. Aspect: Conjunct Mars & Trine Ceres Fixed Star: Algorab In Corvus the Crow. Tarot Card: 3 Of Swords Healing Crystal: Rhodonite.
What an exciting Libra new Moon on October 6! The main aspect for this new moon is Moon conjunct Mars which is great in emergencies, but negatively it can signify domestic explosions where everyone feels like they are walking on eggshells. In addition, the trine to Ceres means that protecting the family unit at all costs will be extremely important.
New Moon October 2021 Astrology
The new moon October 2021 astrology looks like Corvus the crow’s wings with the interesting trine and quincunx combination. We are missing red, decisive aspects, which just adds to the Libran indecisive flavour. But, the Moon is conjunct Mars which makes it super-passionate. Take heed for Moon Mars combos are a bit of a minefield in domestic situations. So lots of contradictions here.
The new moon aspect pattern may be pretty, and the fixed star Algorab has a very ‘colourful’ reputation. But it is hard to know which side of the tricky bird will come to the fore at this new Moon. Mars in Libra can be quite treasonous in its detriment. Mars can function in quite an underhand manner and there is the possibility of betrayal too. Plus, Mercury is retrograde too. Very, very tricky!
New Moon In Libra Decan 2
The Moon here seems to create either mad genius’s or bring out the vilest attributes of the crow. The “birth native will be active, resourceful, shameless, merciless, and a thief and drunkard.” [2.] By dignity, the Moon is not happy in Libra decan 2. It is unsure of itself and probably much too concerned with what others think of them. Those touched by this Moon will strive to succeed so they can win the approval of an audience.
Yes, I’m afraid Moon Libra Decan 2 brings out the classic narcissists that forever crave adoration. At this time, we could yearn to be loved and approved of so much that we may not be discerning enough when it comes to whom we give our body. (Quite hard to do with new relationships now in the current climate!) On the positive side, we can use this energy to generate a following that does good works in the collective.
Fixed star Algorab
Algorab is found in Corvus, the crow. All the stars of Corvus fall in Libra decan 2, so the mythology of this constellation is fundamental here. The sun god Apollo sent the raven with a cup (Constellation Crater) to fetch some water for his feast. On his way, he was distracted by some fine figs on a tree and lost track of time gorging upon them. When the crow suddenly remembered his errand, he picked up a passing snake (Constellation Hydra) and used it as his excuse for why he had not filled up the cup as asked.
What Will The New Moon October 2021 Mean For YOU?
The October 2021 New Moon in Libra will fall in the solar/horoscopic: 1st house for LIBRA, 2nd house for VIRGO, 3rd House for LEO, 4th house for CANCER, 5th house for GEMINI, 6th house for TAURUS, 7th house for ARIES, 8th house for PISCES, 9th house for AQUARIUS, 10th house for CAPRICORN, 11th house for SAGITTARIUS and 12th house for SCORPIO.
Another myth says: “The Raven, was given a task by Apollo of keeping a watchful eye on Apollo’s pregnant lover Coronis. The raven reported back to Apollo the unwelcome news that she was having an affair with someone else. Apollo in anger cursed the raven, and its colour changed from its former silver hue to the present black.”
More on the constellation; “Corvus is like Mars and Saturn. It is said to give craftiness, greediness, ingenuity, patience, revengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggressiveness, and maternal instincts, and sometimes causes its natives to become agitators.” [1.] I would add to this that they make great gossips, journalists and paparazzi. They sometimes prey on the misfortune of others.
Check out my Moon crow mug on red bubble
New Moon Tarot ~ 3 Of Swords
The tarot card associated with this decan is the three of swords. It is perhaps one of the most upsetting cards in the tarot deck, but it has to fit somewhere. So it is really not surprising that it should fall in the decan that houses the crafty crow. The karmic lesson here may include sorrow, heartbreak and (like Libra decan 1) love triangles. Saturn also rules this decan in both systems, so it has quite a heavy karmic burden.
So the lesson here is that any gold-digging or gigolo behaviour will come with a massive price tag. It is your choice whether you turn away from the trinkets or not.
“Release is key with The Three of Swords. A great sorrow, usually rooted in the (karmic) past, is often indicated….” So at this new Moon, we are allowed to release attachments to people or material goods that hold us back from ascending.
New Moon Crystal ~ Rhodonite

I picked Rhodonite because it brings calmness and emotional balance to the frustrated Mars energy of this New Moon. It is excellent for healing past love wounds and activates the heart to forgive. The karmic weight of the three swords suggests many karmic relationships that need reconciliation at this new Moon.
Libra is a sign of relationships, after all. Rhodonite helps heal co-dependency and self-destructive behaviours with partners. It can help you keep calm and centred when adversaries try to trigger you. Don’t forget, Libra and the 7th house are associated with the ‘other’ and open enemies.
New Moon October 2021 Summary
So with the added influence of the crow and Mercury retrograde, we will meet our evil twin in some form during this new moon period. Rhodonite is typically pink and red but also laced with black and grey. The dark patches remind us of our shadow and to be careful not to view any new relationship that comes along through rose-tinted glasses.
It will be easy to get carried away by the passion of this Mars injected, Mercury-shaded, Libra New Moon. On the plus side, this waxing new Moon is an opportunity to mend broken hearts from past romances so that you can move on. New moons are, of course, perfect for starting afresh.