Lunar Eclipse May 2013 ~ Close Encounters
The Lunar Eclipse May 25 2013 is at 4º Sagittarius which sits between Acrab and Dschubba both on the forehead of the Scorpion. These stars have a somewhat fiendish reputation. … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse May 25 2013 is at 4º Sagittarius which sits between Acrab and Dschubba both on the forehead of the Scorpion. These stars have a somewhat fiendish reputation. … READ MORE
The solar eclipse May 10 2013 is at 19º Taurus on on fixed star Rucha on the knee of haughty Queen Cassiopeia. The chart is heavily weighted to the South Node which, … READ MORE
The Lunar eclipse April 25 2013 is at 5º Scorpio on fixed star Gacrux in the Crucifix. The Lunar eclipse forms the backbone of a heavenly Kite aspect pattern and … READ MORE
The Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of relationship and Pluto rules taboo sex, so this combination is bound to breed love lives that feature anything from; fierce loyalty, deep love, protection, jealousy, secret affairs, possession, obsession, fetishes, bondage..
The Lunar Eclipse on 28 November 2012 is at 6º Gemini 47’ in the stormy Hyades star cluster found dappled along the face of Taurus, the Bull. I think this is an extremely … READ MORE
The total solar eclipse on November 13th, 2012 is at 21º Scorpio and on Fixed star Unukalhai in the heart of the serpent. This star is in the very snake … READ MORE
Pythia was the name given to the priestesses who served at the oracle of Delphi. People would make the pilgrimage from all over the Mediterranean to consult it. The oracles’ … READ MORE
Asteroid Hylonome 10370 was a female centaur in Greek mythology. Hylonome was heartbroken and killed herself when her beloved partner, the centaur Cyllarus was killed in battle. She immediately took … READ MORE
The lunar eclipse on June 4 2012 is at 14º Sagittarius 13’ and in constellation Hercules the kneeling man. We have an interesting T-square to Mars, while the Sun is … READ MORE
The Solar Eclipse on May 20-21, 2012 is at 0°20′ Gemini on the fixed star Alcyone in the notorious Pleiades. This star cluster is also known as the “Seven Sisters” … READ MORE
The sinking of the Titanic has always fascinated me as a very sad story of a vessel being pulled down into the underworld, to me it has elements of the … READ MORE
Minor planet Chaos was discovered on November 19 1998. For it’s meaning the first thing we think of is disruption and the world falling apart. The use of the word … READ MORE
Asteroid Atropos (273) is a main-belt asteroid discovered in Vienna on March 8, 1888. Named after Atropos, the third and final figure among the three Fates in Greek mythology, this … READ MORE
The Lunar Eclipse on 10 December 2011 is at 18º Gemini 10′. We have the Eclipse (Sun opposite Moon) making a T square to Ceres and the Moon is quincunx Venus. … READ MORE