Cuties horoscope

Cutie’s Netflix Horoscope

An audio analysis of the horoscope of the release of the controversial Netflix film Cuties. Full audio available for subscribers. Cuties Horoscope Audio Report (19 mins) Mobile users! ~ Please … READ MORE

Cancer decan 1

Cancer Decan 1 ~ June 21 to 30

RABID LOYALTY. These people are extremely opinionated and have to have their say. It’s impossible to put a muzzle on them. Try to gag them and watch out for a rabid fit.

gemini decan 3

Gemini Decan 3 ~ June 11 to 20

MEDIA GODS. This is a multi-talented, multi-tasking, multi-faceted super-parent who wants it all and does it all. It has two sides, each one is just as forceful and strong as the other.

Gemini decan 2

Gemini Decan 2 ~ June 1 to 11

ROLLER COASTERS. These people don’t do anything by halves. Too often they just take on far too much and then suffer burn out, by having an accident or becoming ill.