In 2021 Aquarius will learn to…… Shine!

Your Aquarius horoscope 2021 will be supremely interesting. That I guarantee. Shenanigans happening next door in Capricorn through 2020 had you twitching your curtains frantically. But now it’s your turn! The last few years have been a waiting game and your patience has been worn to shreds. But this year, yes, this year, is all yours. The super-massive Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of December 2020, shone its spotlight squarely on the water bearers.

So in 2021 it’s time for you to perform. It would be a crying shame to waste this opportunity with nothing to show. I have put these horoscopes up well enough in advance for you to come up with something so there is no excuse! This year Saturn will strip away the rotten deadwood and present you to the world as a fresh new shrubbery. A cosmic rebirth for you then,  all in preparation for tackling the mighty Pluto in Aquarius transit. The god of resurrection is set to completely transform your life from 2022/23 onwards. Are you ready for radical regeneration Aquarius?

Saturn Challenges & Opportunities

While Saturn is in your sign you will be doing some intense self re-structuring. This is a time for weeding out behaviour patterns that you don’t want and that are not serving you. However, while you are stripping away parts of your identity, you may at times feel quite lost and empty. Don’t worry that’s normal, you will resurrect soon enough. At least you will get very clear about what you don’t like about yourself, but also have fun finding out what you do like. Therefore this time in your life is all about getting to know thyself. Make sure you spend enough quality time with yourself, really by yourself. That way you won’t get influenced by other people’s preferences.

If you are the type of person who is over-reliant on a partner for identity, then cracks may appear in the relationship, and you may even lose that partner. With Saturn, the ultimate goal is to prepare the ground for new growth to follow. He is the rubbish collector, so try not to despair! If you do happen to lose a partner at this time it is for the best. Put the connection behind you straight away and don’t try to resist the letting go that Saturn is pushing you to make. This year it’s all about building your strong Saturn backbone, being very sure about who you are and what you stand for.

Jupiter Growth & Luck

Lucky you! If you didn’t know this already, Jupiter entering your sign this year is one of the classic good fortune aspects. (Apart from May 14 to July 28 when Jupiter moves into Pisces ~ Details in the full Mp3 report.) Here begins a whole new 12-year cycle of growth where you should find you attract more than your fair share of development opportunities. There is only one disadvantage of Jupiter in your most personal zone and that is weight gain! 


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Aquarius 2021 horoscope

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE 2021 eBOOK ~ Mp3 package with full transcript pdfs. 4 Seasons (20 mins each). Love Horoscope (12 mins) 2021 aspectarian. Transcript example: Aries Winter 2021

Invites to social events where the food and drink are copious will all add up to a more, erm, portly physique. Sometimes it’s not even the food, but just Jupiter expanding your presence so that you make a BIG impression on the world.

Jupiter makes you super-sexy when it enters your sign, so you are spoilt for choice and therefore far more likely to play the field.  Try not to rub too many of your conquests up the wrong way however as all that pulling-power could go to your head. There is the risk that you could get quite overbearing and pushy with your seduction techniques.

Jupiter tends to want to push the boundaries of what it can get away with. Yes, you will carry a roguish charm about you, which will inevitably be forgiven…for now. But this Midas-touch will not last forever, so use it wisely. You don’t want to leave any bitter leftovers lurking in your wake, plotting ugly revenge for when have to step off your pedestal.

Mars Action Periods

JANUARY 7 to MARCH 3 2021 Maintaining agreement with those you live with can be quite difficult at this time as you are much less willing to compromise than usual. You will certainly need some space from the rest of the household, so don’t let others enforce too much intimacy.

If you find you need to go out more or barricade yourself inside your bedroom then do it. You are easily irritated at this time so respect your need to disconnect, or risk majorly offending a family member or flatmate. If you live alone, then you will enjoy making it your sanctuary. Put energy into your living space, by clearing out clutter and refreshing the décor.

JUNE 11 to JULY 29 2021 Your pride could take a big hit at this time, which causes you to feel like you have to defend yourself constantly. Your ego could well receive quite a bruising, but strangely, this can be quite an exhilarating experience. You might find yourself in tug-of-war with partners, which could be quite enjoyable in a competitive way.

The adrenaline stimulated will give you the impulse to raise your game, romantic or otherwise. You will find you have to prove that you are worthy of your beloved, or your position of authority. So paradoxically the effort put into relationships of all kinds at this time will be worth it in the long term, even if it isn’t apparent immediately.

OCTOBER 30 to DECEMBER 12 2021 This is an extremely powerful position for ambitious Mars, it loves to be in this most status-seeking zone and will do all it can to launch you higher in your profession. This position might be quite hard to temper if you are on the bombastic side with your dealings. You will certainly not be very tolerant of anyone else’s authority over you. This means you will not hold back from telling them where to go if they insist on putting obstacles in the way of your career goals.

Aquarius 2021

If you need a jetpack to reach your targets however, then this is it! You might offend a few people due to your ruthlessness, but right now you will do whatever it takes. Being annoyingly self-confident is one thing though, just try not to injure anyone in your stampede to the top. 

Ceres Magic & Healing

FEBRUARY 21 TO MAY 7 2021 Information is magic while Ceres visits the house of the goddess! Trust then that the relevant information or just the book you needed to read will fall into your lap from the ether. You will also enjoy charmed experiences with your siblings where you can relive magical childhood experiences or enjoy telling scary stories to each other around the campfire. 

MAY 8 TO JULY 30 2021 Ceres in your domestic zone means your home becomes a healing space where the food in your cauldron is medicine. You can use the magic of nutrition and herbs to revive and transform the lives of others. You might feel quite hermit-like, but if you are feeling more sociable you may open up your home to those who have experienced abuse and hardship. 

JULY 31 TO DECEMBER 25 2021 Ceres in your fun sector could get you into trouble, for she inspires triangular relationships and dark temptations. You may feel the pull of a teenage crush from the past which would be a problem if you are already spoken for. However, an old flame could be just a reminder of some of the dreams you once had, before reality slapped you in the face! Ceres the counsellor helps us look at any potential affairs psychologically, can see the bigger picture and help nip that forbidden fruit in the bud. 

Aquarius Horoscope 2021 artwork: Mixed media collage by Marina using archive photo of  Aquarius woman Mia Farrow.

Aquarius 2021 Love Horoscope

January & February

You should be feeling hopeful and optimistic this year because Jupiter is in your sign and Saturn too should bring stability as well. But we’re looking at Venus for this report and starts off the year in your house of friendship and common interest groups. You should have a sociable first week of 2021. Then Venus goes into hibernation for a little bit. While she does she bumps into Pluto in the deep recesses of your 12th house. This is the house of self-undoing and being your own worst enemy.

So just be careful of Pluto there. He’s there to trip you up just before Venus resurrects into the overworld when she moves into Aquarius, which is going to be such fun because of Jupiter and Saturn. So first of all, January 28th just keep away from Pluto, you don’t want him to mess up your chances of real love and long term happiness when Venus moves into Aquarius on February 2nd.

February is a wonderful time for Aquarius because so many planets in Aquarius. Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury are there as well. You should be radiating charm and good loving energy and everyone’s attracted to you! It’s the Age of Aquarius, at least for this month. So enjoy it. The first Venus conjunction is with Saturn. This can only be beneficial for you because Saturn is your ruler. So if a relationship has been dragging its feet, on February 6th, you should find some commitment there.

It can only work positively for you. So don’t fear it at all. No fear, just jump in headfirst! Venus is with Jupiter to make it even more positive on February 12th. So just before Valentine’s Day. So if you haven’t had any Valentine cards for the last few years. 2021 could bring you one because Mercury the messenger God is retrograde and he’s coming up to meet Venus and Jupiter as well.

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