In 2021 Libra will learn to be…… Creative!

Your Libra horoscope 2021 brings you a year of paradoxes where one minute you are a hedonistic pleasure ball and the next craving for solitude. It will be quite hard to juggle two opposite energies the fun zone of the 5th house but it will fantastic for creativity. This is the lover’s zone too so you should easily find an inspiring muse for you to lovingly caress with your paintbrush.. (Or *Ahem* whatever your artistic tool happens to be.)

If you are trying for a child this year the combination of growth and stability in your kid’s zone make this the perfect soil for baby-making. Saturn alone in your 5th house would reign back too much indulgence but can be an annoying burden too. However, for this year, Jupiter keeps the old git buoyant and confident enough to crystallise all those unfinished projects finally.

Saturn Challenges & Opportunities

Hmmmmm, who let the party pooper in? No one likes Saturn here in your lovers and fun zone, but at least you can get very serious about creativity. This is the house of the three P’s: pleasure, pro-creation and playtime! Therefore you will be tested how well you express yourself through romantic encounters. What might well happen is that you find yourself attracting people who constantly challenge your identity or critique your artistic products.

The temptation at this point is to withdraw from dating altogether, as it feels too much like hard work. What Saturn will then do is poke you in the back and place you in very fated situations. You will find that you keep running into that annoying person who rubs your ego up the wrong way! Eventually, the coincidences get ridiculous and you might have to surrender to Saturn’s ironic ‘good timing’.

For those already with a partner, you might have to take on some extra burden that puts pressure on your relationship. It might actually be a nice kind of responsibility, like having a new baby! Whatever projects or people you take on at this time, it will cause you to have to place limits on leisure activities.

Jupiter Growth & Luck

Jupiter blossoms beautifully in your 5th house of pleasure and creativity. (Apart from May 14 to July 28 when Jupiter moves into Pisces ~ Details in the full Mp3 report ) This is one of the most joyful years you can have since the creative-self is pushed into manifestation. You are therefore unable to hold yourself back from expressing your feelings and unique ideas.


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Libra 2021 Horoscope

LIBRA HOROSCOPE 2021 eBOOK ~ Mp3 package with full transcript pdfs. 4 Seasons (20 mins each). Love Horoscope (12 mins) 2021 aspectarian. Transcript example: Aries Winter 2021

Creatives will find this time extremely productive and fun so that it won’t feel like you are working at all. Another reason for the outpouring of beautiful images or evocative poetry could be the fact that you have fallen head-over-heels in love. This is the zone of love affairs and Jupiter is the solar system’s most successful nymph-chaser.

Relationships with children will be much more lighthearted and exuberant than usual. You will have some great belly laughs with them, feeling more like a playmate than a parent. Acting the kid is one of the great benefits of Jupiter here. It doesn’t mean you become reckless or irresponsible, just that you can now afford to really let your hair down. The giggles leave you feeling energised and revived. This sprightly new attitude cannot fail to make your outward appearance seem more youthful too. For solo people, all these blissful factors add up to help attract a fun-loving mate into your life.

Mars Action Periods

JANUARY 1 to 6 2021 Woaahh! Mars in the house of open enemies could be interesting. You will certainly know who your friends are and you might well need them on your side when defending yourself against the wild mob who are hurling knives at you. Ok, it’s not going to be that bad hopefully, but Mars in its rulership here is going to be feisty, to say the least. You need to be able to take the high ground and not rise to the bait. Your partner at this time might also delight in just winding you up. The best approach with lovers is to make love, not war. It really is the only option. If they won’t let you, just take out the frustration on a tennis racquet or any ball that you can kick or hit.

APRIL 24 to JUNE 11 2021 Your ambition to achieve is aroused, but at the same time, you need to avoid igniting conflict around you with this fiery energy. Mars here is a great stimulant, but it is also hard to regulate. You can have your eyes so focused ahead on the goal that you fail to see your peers reacting beside you. In your mad dash for the trophy, you risk offending those you inadvertently trample over.

Yes, you might want the glory all to yourself, but is this solo prize worth the upset? If you can align your goals with your co-worker’s interests, you might find yourself the leader of a very successful team. Ok, you might have the share the bootie in the end, but your leadership skills will not go un-noticed. Non-threatening behaviour now will help you sail up the career ladder later.

Libra 2021 horoscope

SEPTEMBER 15 to OCTOBER 30 2021 This might be a period where you are quite insensitive to other people since your major focus is on your own needs. This is fine if you have been bowing down too much to other peoples demands. Now is the time to look at what you want and make plans involving only yourself.

You are probably feeling extra zestful and potent, so if others around you can’t keep up, then you might have to decide to leave them be for now. It would be a shame to waste this very virile and vivacious energy by holding yourself back. This va va vroom period won’t last for long, so enjoy it while it lasts and you can rejoin the others later.

Magic & Healing

FEBRUARY 21 TO MAY 7 2021 Dark Triad relationships can certainly become a problem when Ceres transits through your marriage zone. Triangles form not only in romantic relationships but also in business and family dynamics. The most obvious can be becoming the scapegoat for narcissistic parents when your sibling is the golden child. The other scenario is a mother or father-in-law coming between you and your spouse. In this case, there is often some unconscious sexual rivalry with incestuous overtones going on, which can become quite creepy.

MAY 8 TO JULY 30 2021 During this time you could see a most obvious shedding of the snake’s skin, signifying a period of intense and often shocking transformation. Ceres transits through the place of death could mean a stable and seemingly happy long-term relationship could end just like that. The cause of this sudden change of heart could be a no-good Pluto seducer, much to the dismay of your friends and family. You may feel ‘abducted’ by your libido or hormones.

JULY 31 TO DECEMBER 25 2021 You might find you are reaching out more than usual for herbs or the vine if you are so wired by modern life that you can’t relax enough to pick up the messages Sometimes you need to shut off the noise in your head and plants can be a good way to do that. However, the main theme of this transit is to get out into the world, breath fresh air, and travel out of your comfort zone so you can see things from a different and higher perspective.

Libra Horoscope 2021 artwork: Mixed media collage by Marina using archive photo of Libra woman Brigitte Bardot

Libra 2021 Love Horoscope

January & February

We start the year with Mars, in your seventh house of marriage, it can be passionate, and it can be fun there. But it can also cause some friction, you would have already had this for a while. So you’ll be glad to know it’s coming to an end, and it will leave by January 7th. So time to cool down and recover from any domestic upsets. But if you have been in a good relationship, then the Mars in the seventh would actually just pep up your love life somewhat. Saturn and Jupiter are in your fifth house of love affairs.

So even though this zone is not noted for long term relationships, having Saturn in there could push them towards being more committed. It’s certainly a lovely place for Jupiter to be and very good if you’re trying for babies as well. The Jupiter conjunction Saturn at the end of 2020 is also a baby-making conjunction due to the responsibility of Saturn with Jupiter as the fun side of things. So children bring a bit of both. For this year, if you’re going to try to have a child, 2021 would be a fantastic time to do that.

But we follow the movements of Venus for this forecast, because I’ve already looked at the other planets in the main reports. So Venus will enter your fourth house of home on January 9th. That will bring lovely, cuddly vibes and less friction into the home with the Sun in there as well. Having them both in the fifth will focus more on home entertainment and snuggling up with your beloved. If you’re single, you’ll probably be at your computer at home, looking for potential mates! You may meet them through being at home. If you’ve just started dating have them round for a romantic dinner. That’s Venus in the fourth house.

 eBook transcript sample below ~ Full Love report is free for Stellar/Deluxe members

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