Libra 2022 Horoscope

With your Libra 2022 Horoscope, relationships continue to be all or nothing. Saturn has been a right old party pooper in your 5th house of fun this last year!

Libra 2022 Year Ahead

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will enter Aquarius and your 5th house in January 2024. But the dark lord won’t be so much of a killjoy. Instead, he stands for a lot more intensity!

 Whatever way you cut the cookie, romances are never going to be light-hearted while either Pluto or Saturn are in a house associated with either love or sex.

BUT here is the good news, lucky Jupiter moves into your marriage house in the second half of 2022, which will mitigate Saturn’s damp dishcloth effect in your fun zone. You could get married and have children under these configurations. Which being the romantic Libra that you are, I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus will Retrograde your 4th House from December 19 2021 to January 29 2022. Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 6th. But we have a very Dark Cupid Venus retrograde where she slows down and switches direction while in the grips of that lecherous fiend Pluto. It is also unusual because Venus will meet Mars twice.

The first occurs in your home zone, which isn’t too tricky a placement. You are super-powerful in your own territory, so it will be hard for Hades to kidnap you in your own home! You would need to give him consent, which you will not, of course, will you?

SEED MOMENT! Sun Conjunct Venus at 18º Capricorn (January 8 2022)

This seed moment is an excellent transit for setting up a home with the one you love. It is also a fantastic period for redecorating your home. Retrogrades work best when you do stuff prefixed by ‘Re’! Venus can make you quite lazy here, though, and you might want to relax rather than be up a ladder.

If you can afford it, get someone else to do the legwork so you can spend happy hours browsing through wallpaper samples and soft furnishings. Otherwise, simple efforts to brighten up a room with cushions and new curtains will suffice. 

Darkstar at Red Bubble

The feeling of wanting to retreat into the sanctuary of your home will be strong at this time, so get hold of items that will support this. Candles, incense and colours that please the eye and help you feel relaxed are essential.

As always during a retrograde, there will always be the tendency to have a few events that prompt you to ask yourself, ‘is this domestic arrangement one that supports me?’ Do I feed ‘at home’ in my home? 

There may well be the odd altercation with those you live with, even if it’s with an over-friendly stray cat. During the first half of this period, from December 20 2021, to January 7,  Venus is in her prudent phase will want to make peace with her roots. During the second half, from January 8 to 30, 2022, Lucifer Venus gets restless with the urge to furnish the living room with glitzy gold paisley wallpaper. Do get a second opinion!

SEED MOMENT! Venus Conjunct Mars at 16º Capricorn (February 16 2022)

Your Valentines is right under your nose this year. In the bosom of your home. Ok, it might just be your cat..


Like I said earlier fantastic for moving in with your partner. This combo is more likely to affect you if you have personal planets or your descendant around 26º Capricorn (Or cardinal signs.) When Venus and Mars hit Pluto, you could buy a property together with your beloved. But venus conjunct Mars in your 5th house is just superbly romantic. It is a fairytale combination and a fantastic day for a wedding.

Saturn Challenges In 2022

Saturn in this fun sector could make you pressure your partner to settle down and make a commitment, or they may make the exact same demand of you. There is a very strong parent/child dynamic here, where you might want to play the child in relationships and just have fun! However, whenever you do go out to play, Saturn’s firm hand reins you away from frivolity. Such a waste of time.

SEED MOMENT! Venus Conjunct Saturn 21º Aquarius (March 28 2022)

The best way to use this period is to work hard on creative projects, for you will find you have great self-disciple when it comes to the arts and crafts. It could be a wonderfully inspiring time for very sculptural projects, or a creative engineering project would go very well. You can be very ambitious while playing around with ideas.  

SEED MOMENT! Mars conjunct Saturn 22º Aquarius (April 5 2022)

Taking a job that involves working with children would be perfect with his very responsible position. As you progress, you start to feel increasingly more mature and patient. The kids can then enjoy themselves while you take care of practical matters.

Part 2 Of 2022 Libra Horoscope is for members only

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