Your Sagittarius 2022 horoscope continues to emphasise the heavy mob (of planets) occupying the root of your chart. Therefore introspection has been the name of the game in the last ten years or so.
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Sagittarius 2022 Year Ahead
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will enter Aquarius and your 3rd house in January 2024. When Pluto makes that shift, self-worth and your attitude to wealth will not seem so much of a life-or-death issue. Saturn in your 3rd house is laying the groundwork for when Pluto enters in two years time. So you are consolidating investments while Pluto comes to the end of his cycle.
You have also felt like you have been on the psychiatrist couch while Pluto has been in this sector. You have had your fair share of losses that have knocked your self-esteem. With fluctuating incomes, you have had to find other ways of boosting your confidence without the usual retail therapy or expensive beauty fixes.
Venus in Capricorn
Venus will Retrograde your 2nd House from December 19 2021 to January 29 2022. Venus will be in Capricorn until March 5th. But we have a very Dark Cupid Venus retrograde where she slows down and switches direction while in the grips of Pluto. (Who is sometimes associated with wealth.) The gravy train is over, but this is a good thing.
SEED MOMENT! Sun Conjunct Venus at 18º Capricorn (January 8 2022.)
Mix Venus and Pluto, and we are talking underworld and making money from black market activities. Not saying you are some kind of bootlegger, but often there is a feeling of something shady in connection to cash earned with Venus/Pluto. You might not even be aware of it until it comes to an end.
It is also unusual because Venus will meet Mars twice. The first conjunction will happen in your 2nd house. So with luxury lifestyles flaunted around you, it could be very tempting to keep up with the Jones’s. The retrograde could be the last test of how well you can live frugally.
Darkstar at Red Bubble
Venus is the planet of money and values, and here she will be activating a review of your spending and what you value. She will do this by using her extraordinary powers of attraction to pull abundance and money your way.
With your pockets bulging, you have the opportunity to be quite lavish with your spending. Beautiful clothes, jewellery, and rich food are paraded before your eyes, so you can easily find yourself lured into spending more than usual.
The problem is, you don’t know if this windfall will last beyond the retrograde period. During the first half of this period, from December 20 2021 to January 7, Venus is more sensible and prudent. She will want you to wisely invest her money or save it, while during the second half from January 8 to 30, 2022, she becomes the very opposite, the Luciferian temptress who wants to spend, spend, spend on her.
SEED MOMENT! Venus Conjunct Mars at 16º Capricorn (February 16 2022)
Valentines this year could have you laying out not just a dozen red roses for your lover, but the red carpet to go with it! Resist, resist..
- Mars Conjunct Pluto 27º Capricorn (March 2 2022)
- Venus Conjunct Pluto 27º Capricorn (March 3 2022)
- Venus Conjunct Mars 1º Aquarius (March 6 2022)
Wow, this stellium could be fantastic or fatal for your cash flow. This combo is more likely to affect you if you have personal planets or your descendant around 27º Capricorn (Or cardinal signs.) When Venus and Mars hit Pluto is the danger point. Can you be sure you haven’t attracted a gold digger? Say ‘No’, and all will be revealed on March 6.
Saturn Challenges In 2022
Saturn has been restructuring your 3rd house of communication, allowing you to reprogram your mind more positively and healthily. Sometimes, the only way to get a broken machine working again is to take it apart and reassemble it again from scratch.
SEED MOMENT! Venus Conjunct Saturn 21º Aquarius (March 28 2022)
Of course, while your brain is having this maintenance work done, others may perceive in you a kind of vacantness. After the changes have occurred, you could notice that your communications with neighbours or relatives suffer in the transition, as they are used to your old way of thinking.
While the internal and the external adapt to match one other, you may experience some fall-out from those who cannot communicate with you on an equal footing. That is only natural and part of Saturn’s lessons here in the learning zone.
SEED MOMENT! Venus Conjunct Saturn 21º Aquarius (March 28 2022)
It may feel like you are back in primary school again, and, as often happens during the transition, one can experience solitude and disconnection from your ‘classmates’. Try not to get depressed and wall yourself off further; reach out and test drive your new brain wiring; you should be pleasantly surprised by the response.
Part 2 Of 2022 Sagittarius Horoscope is for members only
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