Twin Flame or Hell Fire?

This site isn’t called Darkstar for nothing, for I have a fascination for Pluto and Dark Goddesses. The lord of the underworld is square my AC/DC relationship axis so how could I not? For some time I have noticed the Persephone Myth theme coming up in synastry readings. Was I attracting clients who had a weak spot for the “Pluto Bad Boys” (as I called them.) or was it my own Plutonic projection reflecting back at me through their charts?

Then recently I was sent a link to a Youtube video “ The Dark Side Of Cupid” I was stunned. These “Pluto Bad Boys” did exist outside my brain and I was not alone! These entities are known by various different names, ETs, psychic vampires, mind parasites, weitiko, archons, psychopaths etc etc. Psychology explains them away by calling them projections of our shadow. But could they be more than that?

Psychic Vampires, Archons, Psychopaths…

First off, it is really not healthy to start branding every ex who has wounded our ego as a psychopath! It is vastly more complex than that. According to Eve Lorgen an entity can attach itself to one or both partners. I believe the creature tends to spend the most time with the partner with the least boundaries. (This can simply be because they are more psychic.)

However co-dependant relationships, where one or both partners have an addiction, are easy prey for these entities. Then the creature can have fun jumping between the two, playing the angel/martyr on one side and the demon/addict on the other. The entities, like vampires need blood, feed off trauma and unloving sex.

Sometimes, the demon will push the couple towards porn and more perverted forms of sex. Some couples in long-term love relationships do spice things up with sex toys and “50 Shades Of ” erm.. role playing. I’m not talking about them! But a new relationship that very quickly descends into needing pornography for stimulation should bring up a red flag. UPDATE! Porn is a real problem and usually the portal through which these ‘Dark Cupids’ enter in the first place. More research is needed on this subject alone.

50 Shades Of Red Flags

The most common scenario of all is the affair with the married man or woman. The spouse will play the Moon and the lover Lilith, whatever sex they are. This does rather demonise Lilith, but she has a powerful kundalini energy, which makes her a prime target for the possessing demon. Lilith here is like Persephone, she can be overcome by her powerful sexual feelings so the sex becomes a drug.

This generates obsessive, stalking behaviour, desperate for our next Plutonic fix, we hate what we have become… and then we seek the astrologer. After it is all over, we say “What the hell possessed me?!” and the astrologer will say. “Well, you just had a Neptune transit…” But sometimes it’s more than that, and the transit just opened the portal.

A toxic relationship with a demon is as addictive as heroin. Why do you think I have a syringe picture on my Pluto post? I mentioned “love bombing” on the Psychopath Astrology post. A Pluto possessed partner will love-bomb the other into submission. They will pick people at their most vulnerable, coming out of a divorce, a debilitating illness, after a loss of a parent or job.

Love Bombing

The Neptune possessed partner will come across as the knight in shining armor and be anything you want them to be. Again we also have to look at ourselves, because at these times we can project onto these people our perfect soulmate. If they happen to match the anima/animus as described in our chart then that’s it, we are hooked.

At the end of the relationship we might blame the partner for being a charlatan, but did we really see them for who they really were? Psychologists say we tend to experience new partners as 75% of our own projections.

When we are in love it’s very hard to discern whether a relationship is the real thing, or if it is possession or projection? This hyper-dimensional explanation could account for why so many people, even after suffering burns, jump straight back into Hell’s fire despite very obvious red flags.

We like to think that as “enlightened being” types we should know better. But ironically it’s the questioning, curious type, the one who takes a big bite from the apple of wisdom that gets targeted. It stays with me to this day that my Catholic uncle blamed the ending of my first marriage on me taking astrology classes… You don’t want to dabble in the occult!!

IN PART 2 I look at the Nigredo Process, Neptune Angels, God & Satan, Dark Davison Charts, Soulmates Or Cellmates?, Sin Or Synastry..

This site isn't called Darkstar for nothing, for I have a fascination for Pluto and Dark Goddesses. The lord of the underworld is square my AC/DC relationship axis so how could I not? For some time I have noticed the Persephone Myth theme coming up in synastry readings. Was I attracting clients who had a weak spot for the “Pluto Bad Boys” (as I called them.) or was it my own Plutonic projection reflecting back at me through their charts?

Then recently I was sent a link to . . .

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