Sun Conjunct Lilith ~ Eclipsed & Exiled

Sun conjunct Lilith seems to play out as the ego feeling exiled from the ruling elitist system. Sometimes this is as a result of actual abuse from male authority figures. The closer Lilith is to the Sun the more it may feel eclipsed by the males in their life because a conjunction* of under 8º will make Lilith combust by the Sun, meaning symbolically you cannot see it. However it is possible the old rules may not work in the traditional way here, as one is not be able to “see” Lilith in the normal way anyhow!

Black Moon Lilith is the lunar apogee, an astrological point and not a physical lump of rock. So how can a point that is invisible anyway be blinded by the Suns rays? I leave this open to questioning. However looking at the examples below, you can see that the Sun representing the ruling elite had a domineering effect on some of the natives below. You could say the Sun has an eclipsing effect over Lilith who is also a lunar archetype. Therefore the taboo is cast over these subject’s identity, to the extent that they can become demonized.

The Outcast

These sensitive folk may fall for the forbidden fruit of drugs to numb the pain of feeling like an outcast. Despite Sun conjunct Lilith’s anti-establishment behavior, Black Moon subjects need more than most to feel like they belong and feel part of a family. The way they can do this successfully is to bond with nature and animals. If other planets confirm this, their sexuality will be instinctive and untamed, and they feel very comfortable in their own skin.

If we can use the combustion theory, the subject may defensively reject any male/solar collaboration for fear of being outshone. Females could refuse to marry, or have same-sex relationships. Most subjects, whatever their sex, will prefer to work for themselves. There is a case where Lilith and the Sun can work as a super-planet in the case of the phenomena known as Cazimi. This is when a planet is within 17’ of the Sun and sits in its throne. It is interesting that two Cazimi cases in my research worked closely with royalty.

Cazimi is pretty rare and is supposed to make one a genius with the regular planets. With the lunar apogee the effects may be different. I would imagine though that the fiery creativity of the Sun fused with the piercing intuition of Lilith would make these subjects sexually magnetic and intense. They are closely bound to the spirit world, and can perform powerful magic for good or for ill. Mostly it seems, even the combust subjects are exiled, they will create their own breed of sexuality or moral code. In effect then, Sun conjunct Lilith crowns itself.

Sun quincunx Lilith ** seems to be about creating unique and unusual ways to exorcise your demons. The quincunx shows the successful alchemical blending of seemingly incongruous elements. These self-divined people somehow get away with being respected and idolised combined with also representing the taboo, exiled or demonic. Sometimes they start their life being the darling of society, repressing their eccentricity and then shockingly flip over to their more authentic selves which then exiles them from the collective.

Sun Conjunct Lilith* Natives


John Dee (06′) was most famous for being court astrologer and advisor to Elizabeth I. He was a gifted mathematician, astronomer and occultist dedicating his life to bridging the worlds of science and magic. Even though Dee was a devout Christian, he was profoundly influenced by Hermetic law, Plato and Pythagoras, believing that numbers were the root of all wisdom and all God’s creations were based on geometry and numbering.

John Dee was obsessed with connecting to the spirit world because he believed it contained higher wisdom. He was unsuccessful until he collaborated with Edward Kelley a spirit medium. Kelley’s Moon at 1º Aquarius was opposite Dee’s Sun/Lilith conjunction at 29º Virgo. (And exact conjunct Dee’s Moon) Dee spoke to the angels through Kelley. Due in part to Kelley’s showmanship and fame as an alchemist, the partnership became very successful.

Lilith’s tendency for triangular relationships came into effect when Kelley claimed angel Uriel had demanded that they both share Dee’s second wife Jane Fromond (who was 28 years younger that Dee.) John begrudgingly complied for a while but then broke with Kelley eventually. After Elizabeth I’s death, Dee found no support and died in poverty. “Dee is now viewed as a serious scholar and appreciated as one of the most learned men of his day. His personal library at Mortlake was the largest in the country, and was considered one of the finest in Europe.” ~ Wiki


Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe was prolific as an epic poet, writer and critic. He also studied law and became a German statesman. Goethe was chief advisor to the Grand Duke and then was knighted himself. Fascinated by natural science he published works on morphology and colour theory. Goethe had the largest mineral collection in Europe having 17,800 rock samples in total. True to his Lilithian Sun, some of his literature was very erotic for the time he lived in.

Goethe was a visionary and influenced European thought greatly “a figure in two worlds: on the one hand, devoted to the sense of taste, order, and finely crafted detail, which is the hallmark of the artistic sense of the Age of Reason and the neo-classical period of architecture; on the other, seeking a personal, intuitive, and personalised form of expression and society, firmly supporting the idea of self-regulating and organic systems.” ~ Wiki

More Sun conjunct Lilith: Cheiro, Terence McKenna, H. P Lovecraft, George Gurdjieff, P. D Ouspensky, Madeleine McCann, Heinrich Himmler, Cesare Borgia, Ern Brockovich, Gary Numan, Jennifer Lopez, Mac Miller, Georges Bizet, David Cassidy, Kim Kardashian, Anjelica Houston, Ivana Trump, James Dean, Rita Hayworth, Wynona Ryder, Julie Christie, River Phoenix, Joan Rivers, Wikileaks chart, Ina May Gaskin, Jackson Pollock, Rembrandt, Valentino, M.C Escher, Cloning Of Dolly The Sheep, Fall Of The Berlin Wall, Victoria & Albert Davison, Charles & Camila Davison.

Sun Quincunx Lilith Natives

Sir Isaac Newton As well as being the astronomer who showed us how the cosmos was structured, he was also an occultist, secretly carrying out experiments in alchemy. Newton combined science with spirituality to understand the universe and predicted the end of the world in 2060!

The Kray Twins both had their Liliths in this aspect. These brutal gangsters ran organised crime in London’s East end, such was their charisma they actually became celebrities until they were jailed in 1969. Cat Stevens musician became enlightened after nearly drowning. Later he married a Muslim, changed his name to “Islam” and gave up music in favour of his new religion. In 2004 he was denied entry to the US because he was on the countries watch list.

More Sun Quincunx Lilith: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Jean Marie Le-Pen, Selena Gomez, Little Richard, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson, Ashton Kutcher, Brook Shields, Nelly Furtado, Christina Ricci, Phil Collins, Franz Joseph Haydn, Paul Klee, Georges Pompidou, Amedeo Modigliani.

** The Inconjunct is another word for the quincunx. In traditional astrology, nether the conjunction or the quincunx are technically ‘aspects’ because the planets are too close in distance to ‘see’ the other. The conjunction functions as a blind spot, while the quincunx an adjustment. They share the ‘blindness’,so that is why I have grouped them together. Aspectare is Latin for ‘To observe’, or look at attentively.
* I am only using True Lilith in my research from now on. Conjunctions are 3º and under, quincunx 2º and under.