Moon Conjunction Lilith ~ TRUE Black Moon

Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith fuses two ‘moons’ together. So we get the mother and the anti-mother in one being. Moon conjunction Black Moon Lilith (when it is TRUE Lilith) has all the traits of the Lilith archetype in spades, because here the Moon really is at its apogee. The apogee is when the moon is the farthest from the earth, so the moon is out on the far side, as it were. Nobody has really written about the significance of the apogee, but it seems to be a fated kind of position, similar to the nodes.

I’m thinking Moon conjunction Lilith might have a similar meaning to Rahu in Vedic astrology because it creates a craving and obsession. I found some interesting non-astrological articles related to the Apogee and Perigee ( Moon opposite True Lilith ). Lunarium say that these two positions have a definite affect on weather and nature. A few titbits from their article “Apogee is curious, and behaves like perigee, bringing either mayhem or complete calm.” [1] and “The only plant to react positively to being planted at apogee is the potato.“[2] Maybe because it is a nightshade?

The Moon here is the Black Madonna, extra potent and a Virgo/Persephone archetype. This combination is forced to deal with the paradox of the virgin versus the whore. Moon conjunct Lilith also resonates with some of aspects of Hindu Goddess Kali. “She is often associated with sexuality and violence but is also considered a strong mother figure and symbol of motherly love.” ~ World history encyclopaedia.  At its best, this is sheer priestess and occult ability at the highest level. The conjunction can work as a hard or soft aspect, so when the lunar apogee is good it is very good, but when it is bad it is terrible.

Dragon Mother Kali

The Moon conjunct Lilith gives popularity to the unpopular and an offbeat sense of humour. The natives find their niche in the absurd and the surreal. Women and the dark goddess have a huge influence in their life. This can be because they were brought up by a single mother or by one who was quite bewitching and manipulative. Sometimes there can be problems of enmeshment with the mother.

There will be a glorification of the feminine. In unenlightened men, this can veer to the misogynistic, as they detest feeling so beholden to the devouring, dragon mother. The men can alternate between worshipping and then abusing females. Women will simply feel happiest in the bosom of the goddess which could result in them rejecting marriage and a husband altogether. Of course, this is how Lilith will baby-steal symbolically.

Women may not physically have children due to their sexual orientation. If they do marry they may have great difficulty conceiving, whatever happens, childbearing does not come or happen naturally for them. As the archetype of the witch and the crone, Moon conjunct Lilith is perfect for midwives, devoting themselves to nurturing other women and their children as a substitute for their own.

Moon conjunction Lilith in a man may focus on humanitarian issues and will mother those in suffering. They have an unconscious powerful sexuality always brimming under the surface, but it is concealed in an icy casing. They do not think they are sexy in the slightest, but others are intrigued by their sultry and somewhat coy mystique.

I have added Moon quincunx Lilith here for convenience, but it does not work like the apogee at all. Moon quincunx Lilith mixes two unlikely energies together ingeniously and produces original and sometimes downright barmy solutions to lunar issues. This Black Moon aspect comes out as a surreal, truly looney sense of humour, and often yields rather ludicrous domestic arrangements. These people don’t give a fig what impression they make on the rest of the world, so their imagination has a free rein to go wherever it wants to.

Moon/Lilith ~ (In*) Conjunct Aspects

Moon Conjunct Black Moon Lilith

Exiled Nazi, Herman Goering was separated from his mother for lengthy periods as a child. He ended up hospitalized as a severely disturbed morphine addict. He was often hysterical and violent when fearful, but surprisingly, although callous he was also mawkishly sentimental. Comic actor Steve Martin actually worked as a magician in his early days and is known for his illogical and absurdist comedy routines.

More sorrowful manifestations of Moon conjunct Lilith are Kate McGann, whose mysterious disappearance of her daughter Madeleine still haunts the public to this day as well as James Bulger who was taken from his mother in a busy shopping centre, then tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys. 

Julie Walters; this character actress and comedienne was expelled from school for her “high jinks”. She is now famed for playing the mother of the witchy Weasley boys in Harry Potter. Evelyn Waugh wrote Brideshead Revisited. He was famous for his uncompromising and acidic sense of humour founding the Corpse Club “for those who were weary of life” [3] He offended many and was known as the nastiest man in Britain, but it was mainly a joke, he was warm and kind to those he was close to.

Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith natives: William Lilly, Stanley Kubrickª, 14th Dalai Lama, Tim Curry, Janis Joplin, David Soul, Lenny Kravitz, Robert Plant, Antonio Vivaldi, Bette Midler, Rose McGowan, Warren Beatty, Julie Walters, Steve McQueen, Burt Reynolds, Benedict Cumberbatch, Catherine Deneuve, Sean Penn, P. D Ouspensky, Dynamo (Magician), Dante Alighieri, Douglas-Zeta Jones Davison.

Moon Quincunx Black Moon Lilith

Eddie Izzard is a British stand-up comedian, writer and political activist. He lost his mother to cancer when he was just six years old. Moon quincunx Lilith has an improvised quality, like Eddie Izzard’s comedy it leaps from one stream to another and then often just fizzles out with no conclusion. Let’s face it, these eccentrics really do need a sense of humour to get through the outrage they so often ignite with their total disregard for social mores and moral codes.

Eddie is unusual in that he has performed his routine in German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, all languages he did not speak previously. He is fluent in French and has performed in the language too.

Izzard started to freely talk about his transvestism in venues like Edinburgh Festival as early as 1992…. His stance is that cross-dressing is neither part of his performance nor a sexual fetish… He remarks in his show Unrepeatable, “Women wear what they want and so do I.” According to Izzard, “Most transvestites fancy women.”.. Izzard identifies as “a straight transvestite or a male lesbian”. He has also described himself as “a lesbian trapped in a man’s body”,.. transgender, and “a complete boy plus half girl” ~ Wiki.

Lilith is sometimes identified as a hermaphrodite. Izzard supports the British Labour party and wanted to run for London mayor in 2020. Contrasting his very flamboyant public image and outspoken political views, Izzard prefers not to discuss his sexual partners and keeps his love-life private.

Moon quincunx Black Moon Lilith natives: Steve Jobs, Diana Princess of Wales, Anton LaVey, Justin Trudeau, Mikail Gorbachev, Cesare Borgia, Brian Epstein, David Bowie, Agnetha Faltskog, Tom Robinson, Placido Domingo, Richard Carpenter, Barbara Cartland, Rudolph Valentino, Matt Dillon, Peter Cook, Eric Idle, Meg Ryan, Rita Hayward, Jennifer Aniston, Ashton Kutcher, Dan Howell, Kim Kardashian, Antonio Gaudi, Emile Zola, Walter De La Mare, Ernest Hemmingway, Leonard Bernstein, Roger Vadim, Sonny/Cher Davison.

UPDATE 2022. I have revised my Lilith work, and am only using the true version of Black Moon Lilith from now on. I personally find the true Lilith makes more sense and seems to give physical effects. (See Are we food for the Moon? post). The Mean version is useful to use as a transit because it gives an averaged-out position where we can roughly see where the Lilith energy is dispersed, because the True Lilith version can move as much as 30 degrees in a day.

*The Inconjunct is another word for the quincunx. In traditional astrology, neither the conjunction or the quincunx are technically ‘aspects’ because the planets are too close in distance to ‘see’ the other. The conjunction functions as a blind spot, while the quincunx an adjustment. They share the ‘blindness’, so that is why I have grouped them together. Aspectare is Latin for ‘To observe’, or look at attentively.
ªTime unknown, but a strong possibility due to their traits.
1. The Lunar Code. Ken Ring. 2. Work on the Land and the Constellations. Maria Thun. 3.