Jupiter in Aries 2023 is important because it signals the start of a new 12-year cycle. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so in effect Jupiter is starting over. In this post I will look at the last time Jupiter was in Aries and from that give my prediction to what Jupiter in Aries will mean in 2022/2023. I will also look at Jupiter through the three Aries decans. Finally I will give the meanings for Jupiter through each of the signs. If you read for your rising sign you will get the meaning for which house it falls in. You can of course read for your sun sign too.
Jupiter In Aries Dates
Jupiter enters Aries on May 10 2022, until October 28 2022. Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20 2022 until May 16 2023.
The last time Jupiter was in Aries was: June 12 to September 9 2010, and January 23 to June 4 2011. Think back to what were the themes in your life back then. Jupiter will be hitting the same life-areas (Houses) as back then. Here are some reminders of what was in the news.
Jupiter In Aries 2010
- June 24 ~ Julia Gillard elected as the first female Prime Minister of Australia
- July 8 ~ The first 24-hour flight by a solar-powered plane is completed
- July 16 ~ First (test) Instagram posts made (Opens publicly on October 6)
- July 25 ~ WikiLeaks leaked over 90K reports about US involvement in the Afghan war to the public.
- August 10 ~ The WHO declares the “Swine Flu” influenza pandemic over. (Started June 2009.)
- September 4 ~ A 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits Christchurch, New Zealand. It is the first in a series of earthquakes there between 2010 and 2012.
Jupiter In Aries 2011
- February 22 ~ A 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Christchurch, New Zealand.
- March 11 ~ 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the east of Japan, causing the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
- April 24 ~ The 2011 Guantanamo Bay files leak occurs from WikiLeaks.
- April 29 ~ Royal Wedding of Prince William & Kate Middleton
- May 1 ~ President Obama announces the death of Osama Bin Laden, killed by the American military.
- May 21 – Grímsvötn, Iceland’s most active volcano, erupts and causes disruption to air travel in Northwestern Europe
Source: Wiki
Wow, three very major earthquakes and one volcano eruption. You can see the cardinal fire energy literally erupting during that time. I don’t think the lockdowns would have succeeded with Jupiter in Aries; violence would’ve been much more likely to burst with all that pent up frustration. Jupiter in Aries may bring us some forest fires and possibly more volcanic eruptions but perhaps it might need some more fire sign, or Mars triggers for that to be the case.
Jupiter In Aries 2023 Meaning
During Jupiter in Aries 2022 or 2023, I wonder if we will have an official declaration that the Covid pandemic is officially over. I mean, it’s been over two years, for heaven’s sake! The swine flu with Jupiter In Aries in 2010 only lasted a year. We also might get a significant new social media that rivals Instagram and Facebook. Could Twitter become more visual? Or maybe Tik Tok evolves from being more than just teens messing about.
Aries is an entrepreneurial, pioneering sign. It’s all about new starts and a totally different energy than we have been used to with watery Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter in Aries is way more selfish, but it probably needs to be after all that self-sacrifice of Pisces! We should now have the rise of the individual and less of the ‘hive mind’, which was strongly active during the Covid years. Aries is feisty and, most importantly, fearless! Let’s face it; we have been slapped senseless with so much fear porn during the last few years. Jupiter in Aries will be a breath of fresh air for many of us.
Each decan has a slightly different energy for Jupiter in Aries, so we shall look at them briefly. I have a more detailed write up of Jupiter in Aries in the Aries decans posts for members.
Jupiter In Aries Decan 1
May 11 to October 27 2022 and December 21 to February 20 2022.

When Jupiter is in Aries 1, freedom is more important than security, and self-sovereignty will be significantly stressed at this time. The entrepreneurial spirit will also be high, with people reaching for the stars despite obstacles.
Despite the fiery nature of Jupiter in Aries, Austin Coppock suggests that Jupiter here is not aggressive and instead wants to be generous and warm. Jupiter here is magnanimous and dramatic, maybe a little over the top, but generally not malefic once it has passed over the sea monster at 2º Aries. Just watch out for those ‘bad morals’ towards the end of the decan! Jupiter in Aries 1 is very lusty.
Jupiter In Aries Decan 2
February 21 2022 to April 5 2023
While Jupiter is in Aries 2, royalty becomes a trend. The Sun rules this decan of Aries. Royals may be in the news, with either current sovereigns making headlines or the kings or queens of the past. The concept of sovereignty is also important, similar to Jupiter in Aries 1. The ram is such an independent sign, and Jupiter was the god of all gods, so it makes sense that this position will be the more regal of all Jupiter positions, even possibly more than Jupiter in Leo. Crowns and elaborate baroque visuals could become popular fashion motifs at this time.
Jupiter In Aries Decan 3
April 6 to May 16 2023
This section of Aries has the most turbulent emotions, but Jupiter is right at home here since it rules this decan by triplicity. (This is the Sagittarian decan of Aries.) Here we should experience some incredible luck and also the receiving of bounty. (I called this decan bounty hunters and black gold.) Venus also rules this decan in the Chaldean system, which might account for the number of fashion designers with Jupiter in Aries 3. There is a definite feel of glamour here. The fixed star Alrisha falls in the knot that ties the two fishes together in the constellation of Pisces. So there is creative friction between these two fishes pulling in opposite directions.