The Lunar Eclipse on July 5, 2020, falls at 13º Capricorn, it is a turbocharged full Moon. The Moon is opposite the Sun in a full moon. In a lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and usually causes a blood red shadow. However, since this is just an appulse lunar eclipse, the earth will only cover the moon 35%. So although this lunar eclipse is not noticeable at all to the eye, its effects will certainly be felt at a psychic and emotional level.
9 Important Lunar Eclipse July 2020 Factors
1 It will take place in Capricorn decan 2 (‘Barristers & Baritones In Artistic Domination’)
2 The Sun aligns with deeply devoted fixed star Sirius
3 The Moon aligns with artist’s agent star Vega.
4 Cultish Jupiter conjunct Pluto will be in effect
5 The lunar eclipse is sextile smother/mother Ceres
6 A July full Moon is known as a Thunder Moon
7 Eclipse path falls across South America, North America & Africa
8 It occurs during the Mercury Retrograde
9 This Lunar Eclipse it the last of three eclipses. 3rd time lucky?
Lunar Eclipse July 2020 Astrology

This Lunar Eclipse July 2020 is best for: Mystery religions, America.. two-tone, learning a trade, architects, long term, heat, protection.
This Lunar Eclipse July 2020 is worst for: Cults, America.. grey, self-indulgent artistes, freemasons, lounging on the sofa, deodorant, protection rackets.