There are three Liliths in astrology that you can place in your chart. We have Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith and the lesser known Dark Moon Lilith. I used to see them together as the Triple Moon Goddess and thought it made sense to use them in that way. I then found out that Demetra George had come up with a similar concept about Lilith, so I thought we might be onto something. Comparing the three Liliths to the bible story she says:
“The Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in a fiery rage to the desolate wilderness. The Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. The Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expression” [1]
However, I now believe that splitting the energy of Lilith into three separate parts dilutes its meaning and confuses matters more than it clarifies. I keep this post up just so people understand the difference between the three of them.
The lunar apogee version, the Black Moon Lilith has always been my primary Lilith, but I no longer use the mean version in my research or readings now. I have discovered that only the True Lilith version has significance astronomically. After more research, I have found that the astrology seems to support that too. You can read about why I came to that conclusion in my “Are We Moon Food” post.
Because Asteroid Lilith is a physical object, it seems to function at a more materialistic/base chakra vibration than Black Moon Lilith, which I feel is more transpersonal and magical. Asteroid Lilith appears to resonate more with 3rd wave feminism, prostitution, forbidden fruit, addiction and the bible myth. Like all asteroids, Asteroid Lilith is more helpful as a tool of divination and synchronicity rather than anything classically astrological. But I have added it to my Asteroids studies as I have found it can be useful as an additional object in chart interpretation.
I no longer use Dark Moon Lilith (Waldemath’s Moon.) in my readings as there is not much proof of its existence and it is pretty much a hypothetical planet. There are enough other solid, dark goddesses that tell the same story. My studies of Eris and Ceres have shown these bodies have far more cosmic meat than any hypothetical body. Eris and Ceres are both now classed as dwarf planets, putting them on the same level as Pluto. Anyone who has gone through a significant Pluto transit knows that it is anything but ‘dwarf’.
But for those that want to clarify which Lilith is which here is a short description of each of the Liliths.
Asteroid Lilith
(1181 on The only solid representation of Lilith found in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
ORBIT. Takes 4 years to orbit the Sun. Discovered in 1927. Diameter of 67km.
Black Moon Lilith
This is the Lilith most in general use. Comprises True Osculating Lilith (h13 on & Mean Lilith ( from their regular drop down menu.)

ORBIT. Mean Lilith has a 9 year orbit and spends 9 months in each sign. The true version fluctuates wildly.
This is not a solid object, it is a point of alignment. The Black Moon is the apogee of the Moons orbit, the point that is farthest from the earth. Just as there is a Lunar Mean and True Node, so there is a Mean and True (osculating) Lilith.
Dark Moon Lilith
Also known as the Waldemath Moon or Sepharial’s Moon. (h58 on Sighting of this mysterious 2nd Moon goes back as far as 1618. it is supposed to resemble a sphere shaped dust cloud. In 1918, Astrologer Sepharial claimed to have confirmed the existence of Waldemath’s ‘ghost moon’.
ORBIT. It flies through the chart, like a witch on it’s broomstick taking 119 days to travel round the earth spending 10 days in one sign.
The Three Liliths In Your Horoscope
Create your chart HERE. It will take you to a page that shows says free Horoscopes at Astrodienst.
Scroll down to right at the very bottom and click on “Extended Chart Selection“
In “Additional objects“, select “Lilith”. This is Black Moon Lilith (Mean)
In the box for “additional asteroids or “hypothetical” planets” add 1181, h13, h58. This will show asteroid Lilith, Black Moon Lilith (True/Osculating) and Dark Moon Lilith in that order.