The New Moon Solar Eclipse 30 April 2022 at 10º Taurus Decan 2. Aspect: Sextile Mars. Fixed Star: Beta Triangulam in the Triangle Tarot Card: 6 Of Pentacles. Healing Crystal: Yellow Jasper Sabian Symbol: A Woman Watering Flowers In Her Garden
The Solar Eclipse April 2022 astrology has Moon exalted in Taurus decan 2. This fine energy makes people fantastic hosts, and will generate the urge to throw lavish parties. We may pay for it the next day as this energy loves to indulge. Nevertheless, at this time, those touched by this moon will have great business sense and attract pentacles to themselves like bees to honey.
Mostly the Moon tends to be happy in this decan and be able to overcome the negative aspects of the more problematic fixed stars. The fertile well of songwriting (Mercury/Moon rulership) is seen in the Lennon/McCartney Davison, with the exalted Moon on Taurus Decan 2 making them so popular.
In sharp contrast, we have the Fred/Rose West Davison. This murdering couple had their Moon just 16′ from Menkar (In the sea monster), the moon ruled their house of death and opposed a Scorpio stellium in the 12th. With Lennon/McCartney their 1st house ruling Moon was totally un-aspected and unhindered to work its magic in the 11th house. The fixed star for this solar eclipse however is pretty benign and not too near monstrous Menkar thankfully.
The Solar Eclipse fixed star is Beta Triangulum at 11º Taurus: “is said to give a just, companionable, truthful, righteous and benevolent nature, with interest in architecture and Freemasonry.” Not much is written about this small constellation, but it is a triangle. The Ceres square to the romantic Venus/Jupiter conjunction makes me think of an interfering mother-in-law. So triangular relationships could be triggered by this eclipse.
Solar Eclipse April 2022 astrology
The Solar Eclipse Aspects
The Solar eclipse takes place at the same time as a very romantic Venus conjunction Jupiter which happens roughly every twelve months. This year the conjunction is even more fairytale with it being in Pisces and widely conjunct Neptune.
- Moon sextile Mars ~ Passion Fruit
- Sun sextile Mars ~ To Boldly Go
- Venus conjunction Jupiter ~ All That Glitters
- Ceres square Neptune ~ Mind Altering Drugs!
- Ceres trine Saturn ~ Ancestral Wisdom
Solar Eclipse Tarot card

The tarot card associated with this decan is the 6 of pentacles. “ It is a card of extremes. A card of having/not having, domination/submission, superiority/inferiority, generosity/meanness, supporting/not being supported, being appreciated/being used, teaching/learning, hiring/firing.
The list could go on and on. However, one of its strong traditional associated meanings is charity or patronage. After experiencing difficulties or finding yourself in a bind, usually, financially, someone has stepped in to help out.” ~ teachmetarot.
You can see how this card fits into the position of being a Svengali or stage mother. Karmically one will have to use one’s material generosity genuinely and not as a means to control another. If you are not the receiving end you will have to be careful not to lose your artistic integrity in securing your benefactor. Selling yourself out can be very tempting.
Solar Eclipse Sabian Symbol ~ 11 Taurus
A woman watering flowers in her garden. “As much as a flower is the resultant expression of sap rising and bud forming, so we can see the ego go through a process of stages in its development, beginning with physical urges and maturing through emotional experiences towards full understanding.” ~ This Venusian symbol is about developing the quality of care, the cultivation of beauty.
Solar Eclipse healing Crystal ~ Yellow Jasper

Yellow jasper is ruled by Persephone, the goddess of fertility, nature and vegetation. This crystal nurtures you with what you really need for your spiritual evolution. It is a stone that connects with its keeper’s energy in a deeply meaningful and intimate manner.
The energy is earthy, like the sign of Taurus and I love the fact this jasper image looks like it has sunspots on it, very fitting for a solar eclipse! Ceres is also a feature of the solar eclipse chart and Persephone is the innocent young maiden aspect of Ceres.
Yellow jasper has the best protection energy because of its yellow color and helps protect you from interference from jealous rivals (Triangulation!). The Sun’s color is yellow, so it gives off warmth. During the early summer days, the sun’s rays light up the landscape and provide the power of illumination, but with the eclipse the rays are temporarily blocked and there can be confusion. So yellow jasper can take the place of the Sun, illuminating the way and making it easier for us to keep to our soul’s path.