On July 5 Greece will vote wether to accept EU imposed austerity measures or not. I don’t usually write mundane astrology posts, but I feel moved to look into the current Greece debt crisis having only just returned from my third visit there. At the time of writing, banks are closed indefinitely and Greek citizens can only withdraw 60 euros a day from cash machines.
If the Greeks say ‘Yes’, then the current radical left wing PM, Alexis Tspiras says he will stand down. Like his party, this is a radical move. There is the possibility that if Greece does leave the Euro, the country will be hung out to dry as an example to anyone else who dares leave the EU Mafia. Just look at the natal chart of the European Union. I really wouldn’t mess with that fixed T-Square. It’s a very loan-sharky looking Scorpio Pluto/Mars opposite the Moon on ‘evilest star in the heavens’ Algol. All square malefic Saturn no less! The Moon is actually closer to Capulus (12′) the slaying arm of Perseus, so heads will roll. Mars, Venus, Pluto and Saturn are all in their domiciles and the Moon is exalted. One wonders if the EU consulted an astrologer for it’s inception chart!

The natal chart for modern Greece is taken from Greek Astrologer Thomas Gazis. He uses the chart for when the Greeks became independent from the Ottoman empire on January 13, 1822 GC. (No time) The esteemed mundane astrologer Nick Campion* accepts this chart too. It looks about right to me because there is a tough cardinal square from Greece’s Sun to a very godly Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Sun/Ceres conjunction is very appropriate for the land of the Elysian mysteries. Ceres square Jupiter = inflation. Sun square Saturn = austerity measures. So we should look at transits to this square regarding the current crisis. Sun/Ceres conjunction is very appropriate for the land of the Elysian mysteries. Using precession nothing too much is happening to Greece with the outer planets. Currently it is only Uranus which is currently squaring the planet of commerce Mercury. Pluto is nowhere near Greece’s Sun yet. The worry is that dissolving Neptune is approaching Venus, the planet of money, using precession this won’t happen until May 2016. Uranus/Eris will both sit on Greece’s Saturn in June 2016. But Uranus will not square Greece’s Sun until May 2017 when Pluto will also sit on Mercury. I have a feeling Greece will be given another chance for now, but the proverbial s*** will hit the fan in May 2017 if the Greek government doesn’t get it’s act together.
Synastry ~ Tsipras & EU to Greek Horoscope

Will Alexis Tsipras still be PM in 2017 though and is he good for Greece? Let’s look at the chart of Alexis Tsipras. Not surprisingly, he has a charismatic Lilith/Neptune Yod. It points to Venus on Alhena, in the foot of Pollux the dark, immortal twin. You can see why this young, handsome ‘bad boy’ would appeal to the disaffected youth of Greece where they face unemployment of 50%. If Alexis does succeed in taking Greece out of Europe, his name will become ‘immortal’. Saturn on Sirius is conjunct that Venus Yod apex. But would we describe him as “Steady, reserved, diplomatic, just, persevering.”?
Maybe there is that side of him, but it could be that his very hotheaded Moon square Mars on Regulus is more strongly placed by house (It is, see page 3) and therefore overrides any steadying influence of Saturn. Alexis’s Moon is close enough to deceptive Neptune in Sagittarius decan 1 to also be of concern. This decan “ can easily abuse the powerful Scorpionic aspects of this decan and use them for manipulation and control. A great example is Livia Drusilla, great grandmother of infamous Caligula, great-great grandmother of Nero and portrayed in I Claudius as “as a thoroughly Machiavellian, scheming political mastermind.”

Is Alexis Tsipras good for Greece? His Uranus is square Greece’s Sun, so he is definitely a rebel/revolutionary figure for Greece. His Wasat Mercury is opposite Greece’s Mercury. This could build bridges or equally knock them down. His Mars Regulus is widely conjunct Greece’s South Node,which could mean he is taking Greece backwards and not forwards. Mars can also be about cutting off ancient karma. Alexis Neptune is square Greece’s money, again Neptune dissolves currency. His Neptune squares Greece’s Mars. Propaganda, deception, lies? All Alexis’s outer planets make hard aspects to Greece with only a benign Saturn trine to Greece’s Venus. Again I won’t make a judgement, I am just pointing things out.
Is the European Union good for Greece? Luckily that EU bully-boy Mars/Pluto conjunction does not make any hard aspects to any of Greece’s personal planets. On the contrary it actually sextile’s the Greece Sun. This can be harsh ‘pruning’ which later brings resurrection. It would be better if this was a trine, as a sextile is more of a potential blossoming, so it will take some work. The EU Uranus/Neptune conjunction to Greece’s Ceres is also close enough to Greece’s Sun. This is a big deal, but hard to diagnose. Palden says “The Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993 was expected by some astrologers to bring noticeable, definitive, even disastrous events – such as financial market dramas or systemic collapses. Yet, if anything, the time passed off with no greater blockbuster events than most years, and less than some.” It has a conscious raising effect, but hard to see that right now, with the EU laying down the law. There is a victim/saviour dynamic going on too. It could also be that the EU looks far worse for Greece than it actually is. Initially though, this Utopian conjunction could have lured Greece into the European union quite starry-eyed. This conjunction promises to wave a magic wand on all of Greece’s woes, but the disappointment when it doesn’t deliver can be crushing.