Full Moon 23 May 2024 ~ Shameless!

The Full Moon May 2024 falls at 2º Sagittarius Decan 1. Type: Flower Moon. Aspect: Sextile Pluto. Fixed Star: Gacrux in the Southern Cross. Asteroid: Lilith. Tarot Card: 8 Of Wands. Healing Crystal: Red Calcite

Moon in Sagittarius decan 1

The New Moon bursts out of the Scorpionic hostage where it may have felt captive. The Moon here is fresh and urgent but not blindly impulsive. Sagittarius decan 1 corresponds to the 8 of Wands tarot card (“Swiftness” in the Thoth deck). So we will strike out only when we are sure of our target. The energy is swift, graceful, and to the point. It is also known as the flower moon by Native American tribes as, by now, the spring season is in full swing, and nature is in complete blossom.

Scorpio’s influence is still fresh during this New Moon, with the shadowy lone wolf ( Constellation Lupus) prowling through this decan. There are also poisonous snakes in the grass and voodoo dollies nailed onto trees… The Moon here is garish, like glow-in-the-dark makeup, so spooky, shamanic face paint and gothy Mexican ‘Day-of-the-dead’ type imagery spring to mind. Sagittarius Moon 1 can be unexpectedly covert in its operations, even if it looks like a scary clown. At this time, some folks might get away with murder just because they look so darned freakish. 

Our poison arrows need a target at this full Moon, or the venom will scatter everywhere. Without a specific aim, “the integrity… breaks down and (we) become prone to vice. Thus, many of these natives will pursue a questionable goal rather than none at all. They must learn to be discerning in which rabbits they choose to chase” [1]

Full Moon Fixed Star

Ptolemy says of Dschubba, “It is part of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It causes sudden assaults, malevolence, immorality and shamelessness.” I found Dschubba to be quite a psychopathic star, if strong in the chart of an unevolved person. The Ebertins say, “According to tradition, (Scorpio’s head stars) are credited with giving the ability to do research, and especially research into things of a particularly secret and hidden nature…. In lower types, however, a tendency to falsehood and treason can be noted.” [2]

Eric Morse says of Dschubba, “It is a fighter of great skill and characterizes Mars-Saturn perfectly. Anyone with this star strong in their horoscope is likely to show a patient and wary approach to any situation… Scorpio is famous for the surgeons born in it and this star shows up just the qualities which they need to have. The same applies to generals, policemen, private investigators and secret service agents.” [3] These stars are suited to detective work and make a thorough, in-depth researcher. This latter part of this decan could undoubtedly make a great forensic scientist, especially one who conducts autopsies in cases of poison. Otherwise, the Moon, specifically on Dschubba 2º, is “Reserved, suspicious, bad for business success, disgrace, loss by horses or cattle”.[4]

Full Moon Tarot Card

8 of wands

The tarot card associated with this decan is the eight of wands. You can see the intensity of this decan reflected in the frenzy of this card. Mercury and Jupiter, as rulers, show the desire to juggle many opportunities at once. “Things are beginning to move into action now as adrenaline fuels your system. It is time to make a move, so get moving.

You must now strike while the iron is hot and when you are so enthused. You have real momentum building behind you so all you have to do is take the first step and it will snowball after that…. Each opportunity will appear exciting and wonderful. Each will be hard to resist, but it will not be possible to take them all on board. ” ~ Teachmetarot

Full Moon Asteroid

The Full Moon is conjunct the Asteroid Lilith which is a different entity than Black Moon Lilith. Asteroid Lilith has more in common with the bible myth than the Black Moon version which is a point in space not a physical object. Biblical Lilith was Adam’s first wife, according to Jewish mythology. The myth delves into her refusal to submit to Adam during sex and her subsequent departure, cursing God. Lilith’s role as a baby killer stems from her agreement to have one hundred of her babies die every day. The story is primarily sourced from The Alphabet of Ben-Sira, with Lilith’s status as Adam’s first wife becoming widely known in the 17th century.

Over time, Lilith became associated with demonic attributes, depicted as a temptress leading men astray and a child-killing witch, disqualifying her from being considered a goddess. Both Jewish and Christian traditions portray her as an adversary, often equating her with Satan. In Kabbalistic texts predating the Zohar, Lilith’s marriage to the angel Samuel resulted in the birth of demonic offspring, prompting divine intervention by castrating Samuel. This narrative reinterprets a Talmudic myth involving the Leviathans. 

Lilith’s subsequent interactions with men, causing nocturnal emissions, further solidified her reputation as an evil temptress and succubus, sometimes depicted as the serpent who tempted Eve. In my research, I found that while Black Moon Lilith, the lunar apogee, can be associated with the sacred prostitute, tantric sex and the Kundalini, Asteroid Lilith is more specific to sex as a trade. I also think it works at a more lower chakra level than the Lunar apogee version.

Full Moon May Astrology 2024

Full moon may 2024

Moon Sextile Pluto

Moon sextile Pluto in the sky is a surprisingly obsessive energy. It is easy to become bewitched by very dark people on this day. This particularly bitter-sweet combination could leave you with a nasty aftertaste once the romance has soured. Even though this is a soft aspect, I would still be very wary of any supernatural/soul mate connections you think you have made at this time. This aspect is hugely seductive and manipulative. But it can be used as a honey trap if you want to go undercover and investigate corruption for the greater good!

What the Full Moon May 2024 means for your sign

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Moon in 1st house for SAGITTARIUS
Moon in 2nd house for SCORPIO
Moon in 3rd House for LIBRA
Moon in 4th house for VIRGO
Moon in 5th house for LEO
Moon in 6th house for CANCER
Moon in 7th house for GEMINI
Moon in 8th house for TAURUS
Moon in 9th house for ARIES
Moon in 10th house for PISCES
Moon in 11th house for AQUARIUS
Moon in 12th house for CAPRICORN

Full Moon May 2024 Summary

What a degenerate full moon! With Dcshubba and its immorality and Asteroid Lilith’s seedy side, weaker souls could likely be led astray! The fiery 8 of wands’ energy is also lustful and frenetic. At this time, we must try to maintain our composure and willpower, for it will be easy to be tempted into impulsive actions we could regret the morning after. The Moon sextile Pluto doesn’t help matters either, even if it’s supposed to be a soft aspect, as I found it to have obsessive tendencies.

In summary, the full Moon in Sagittarius 1 is characterized by swift, decisive action and a focused aim. It’s a time when the collective energy is competitive, but there’s a lingering sense of darkness and covert operations. This period requires careful discernment in choosing goals, as without a clear target, integrity can falter and lead to vice.

The collective will have tendencies towards aggression, immorality, and secrecy. However, these traits could be helpful in detective work or research into hidden matters. There is a desire to seize opportunities and take action. However, caution is advised, as the Moon’s sextile with Pluto can lead to obsessive or manipulative behaviour, tempting individuals into potentially dangerous situations. Overall, the full Moon in Sagittarius 1 urges decisive action and focus but warns against being swept away by darker impulses or deceptive influences.

Full Moon Healing Crystal

This crystal can assist in emotional healing for those who self-harm and experience panic attacks. Holding it can help you express anger in more appropriate ways. Red Calcite benefits people addicted to sex phone lines or online psychics by grounding them and helping them feel safer in their skin. This remedy directs love towards oneself rather than seeking it externally through indiscriminate sex.

Red Calcite is often associated with courage, vitality, and empowerment. In toxic relationships, Red Calcite symbolizes the inner strength needed to break free from unhealthy patterns and establish boundaries. Its fiery energy encourages self-confidence and assertiveness, helping individuals cultivate the willpower to resist being led astray by destructive influences. By working with red calcite, one can harness its transformative power to overcome addictive behaviours, embrace self-love, and navigate relationships with clarity and resilience.

Red Calcite safeguards you energetically, protecting your physical and emotional boundaries. It calms confusion and restlessness and prevents manipulative people from stealing your energies. Additionally, it helps avoid overextension to people who do not appreciate your efforts. The crystal’s energy also helps prevent the negative manifestation of Asteroid Lilith and the debauchery associated with the fixed star Dschubba.

1. The 36 Faces. Austin Coppock. p. 197.
2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.69.
3. The Living Stars, Dr Eric Morse, p.84-85.
4.Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923. p 172
Featured moon image available as a wall hanging tapestry on Etsy. By the author Marina Marchione from the 2024 Moon Phase calendar. Follow Heavenly & Holy for the 2025 Moon Phases and Goddess Calendars release dates.