Betelgeuse is the famous bright red star in the shoulder of Orion. Currently it is positioned at 28º 45’ Gemini*. Orion is probably one of the easiest constellations to recognise in the sky with three stars in a row for Orion’s belt and the sapphire blue Rigel at his foot.
This collection has fascinated sky watchers for millennia. For the Egyptians, Orion was Osiris, the greatest god of them all. The Greeks however, rather down-graded him to the arrogant stalker of his huntress counterpart Artemis.
Betelgeuse Mythology
Legend has it that the virgin goddess of the hunt grew annoyed at Orion’s constant boasting (That he could hunt down and dominate any animal on earth) so decided to bring him down a peg or two. She sent a scorpion to sting his foot, which made him blind.
The fixed star Betelgeuse itself seems to have escaped most of the ill fortune suggested the mythology of the actual constellation, but as you will see in the research, sometimes Artemis’s punishment and the resulting rejection bleed through.
Betelgeuse is quite volatile but shows Orion has the ability to resurrect itself after a fall. Betelgeuse is found in the striking arm of the hunter, where he holds a huge phallic club and you wouldn’t want to argue with that!
At a 0.5 magnitude, this star is giant, red and aggressive. But even if it seems rather brutish, Bernadette Brady still regards Betelgeuse as a very fortunate in her commentaries, saying it generally gives worldly power, great strength and success.
Betelgeuse Astrology Meaning

Other commentators below, who use the longitude method fixed star system, give Betelgeuse more of a military emphasis and in doing so add violent and explosive tendencies.
“War and carnage are presaged by Betelgeuse. The star is indicative of great fortune, martial honors and “kingly” attributes. Variable moods and the mind always anxious with the immediate problems of the day.” [2]
Betelgeuse’s Lunar mansion is ruled by the storm god Rudra and is a “ Sharp asterism belonging to the butcher caste and favorable for punishment, torture, imprisonment, exorcism, mesmerism and separation or union when containing the Moon.”
The Moon was on Betelgeuse when the 1st tower was struck on 9/11. I would’ve thought that this warmongering star would have the qualities of Mars with Jupiter, but instead, Ptolemy gives Mars and Mercury to Betelgeuse. Maybe this is because Mercury has the ability to merge between worlds.
As a hunter he is cunning and has to be nimble on his feet with fast reactions. In modern times this Martian, conquering element will be expressed in the business world. Mercury rules trade and commerce.
Constellation Orion
Jupiter and Saturn are said to represent the constellation itself. Diana K Rosenberg gives the following attributes to Orion in general which fit the two social and balancing planets. “Several symbols combine in Orion: giant, commander, warrior, hunter-stalker, brute. There are themes of self discipline, control, strength, power leadership; hunting, searching, stalking, killing; frightful father, brute force, bullying, clumsiness, desire, rape, destruction and/or creation.
The spirit that withstands animal instincts. Blindness (Spiritual blindness) and a search for enlightenment. In symbolism, a giant embodies overpowering natural forces; representing the dark side of the personality, which may burst forth with both the marvellous and the terrible, he is a symbol of dissatisfaction and rebellion that may turn up as the defender of the common people against their overlords….
the hunt may also be a symbol of passionate striving for spiritual goals, and as victory over (or destruction of) wild animals, it can represent victory over coarseness, disorder and ignorance” [1]