Best Capricorn Love Matches

What is the best Capricorn love match? The following Capricorn compatibility couples are based on the aspect or mode relationship between Capricorn and the other zodiac signs. The couples are ranked in order of the most compatible for marriage or long-term relationship down to the most challenging connection.

Best Capricorn Compatibility Signs

Capricorn with Virgo & Taurus Compatibility

This is the classic, compatible trine aspect that you share with your fellow earth signs. You will understand each other’s grounded, sensual love language while also enjoying a no-nonsense, practical approach to life. You show affection to each other with actions, not words. Taurus and Capricorn are probably the better of the two trine connections. Not because they both have hoofs but because Taurus brings sensuality and some indulgence to the table. Venus-ruled Taurus can do the rare thing of enticing the workaholic goat to relax.

With Virgo and Capricorn though, there is a danger of being overly critical of each other. A lot of nagging can happen in this relationship. Not sexy! Virgo works very well as a business partner so they can become extremely wealthy together as a couple. However, the romance can become rather dull and passionless without more challenging, spicy aspects between them. Boredom can also happen with Taurus if the bull gets lazy and seems unambitious to the aspiring goat.

Capricorn with Pisces & Scorpio Compatibility

These signs form a sextile aspect with Capricorn and are also considered a harmonious connection. Water signs go well with earth and transform the dry earth into healing mud. It’s a very fertile combination and great for having children together. Sometimes Capricorn can get exasperated with Pisces and its ‘go-with-the-flow’ approach but it is also fascinated by their glamour and imagination.

Capricorn will support their struggling artist partner through thick and thin, despite a few head butts along the way. Capricorn and Scorpio is quite a reserved combination but a slow sizzler underneath the sheets. To outsiders, this combination can seem cold and brisk. People wonder what they see in each other, but there is deep respect and loyalty below the surface. This pairing surprises everyone when they are still together 50 years later.

Average Capricorn Compatibility Signs

Capricorn with Capricorn Compatibility

If you are in a relationship with another goat, your Suns will be in conjunction with each other. This is quite a competitive position as the Sun in one’s chart wants to rule absolutely. Conjunctions are very much a soulmate aspect however, but they are also challenging, especially with bossy Capricorn. Goats are aspirational and micro-manage everything so before you get involved with another of your kind consider if you want to work with someone as busy as you. Who is going to look after the children? If you want a wifey, consider a Cancer! 

This double goat conjunction can work if you have other softer and complementary connections in your synastry. A female Capricorn moon conjunct a male Capricorn Sun can work exceedingly well and makes an efficient team. Be prepared to play a supporting role! Capricorn Sun is the patriarch, but he will look after you forever.

Capricorn with Cancer Compatibility

Cancer and Capricorn are opposite each other, so this can either work fantastically or terribly. It all depends on the sex of the signs. A Capricorn male with a Cancer wife will work better than the other way around. I know this may seem really old-fashioned, but the father/mother archetype of this polarity is unavoidable. So with that archetype in mind when it comes to relationships, a Capricorn woman will initially love her sentimental Cancer partner. She loves how he will be the house husband and cook while she is working late. However, over time the Cancer man may feel emasculated by the domestic arrangement and brood. Things will work out well if both sides can compromise and the Capricorn woman lets her man wear the trousers. However, if the Cancer man is too content playing mum, the Capricorn woman will start pining for a more alpha male. Capricorn respects strength of character and ambition. This combination works exceeding well in Trad, Christian-type couples with a Ron Swanson Capricorn male and a domestic-goddess-type Cancer female!

Spicy Capricorn Compatibility Signs

Capricorn with Libra and Aries Compatibility

These signs are in square aspect with Capricorn so can therefore be challenging. However, because the square is a Mars aspect it can spark a great physical attraction. These signs share the mode of Cardinal which plays a pioneering, leadership role. There will be power fights but also passionate rows ending in the bedroom. 

Squares can however mature into diamonds over time. So this connection can transform into an exciting relationship of growth if it progresses past the honeymoon period. Capricorn with Libra can also work well since Libra is great at diplomacy and finding a fair solution. Capricorn with Aries is more difficult since Aries is so impatient and Capricorn likes to take time to work through any problems. Usually, it’s Aries who ends the relationship once the thrill of the chase is over and Capricorn is demanding commitment.

Challenging Capricorn Compatibility Signs

Capricorn with Gemini & Leo Compatibility

These signs are in quincunx with Capricorn. Traditional astrologers did not consider the quincunx worthy of commentary as they said the signs do not see each other. (rather like the aspect that follows) In modern times, however, the quincunx is considered karmic. I have found that it works in an improv jazz kinda way, so either the relationship is utter chaos or magical. The quincunx is an unexpected combination like cheese and jam so the romance is often bitter-sweet and the sex?… Tangy.

Capricorn can get really exasperated with Gemini since the sign has so many fads and fancies from one day to the next. However the root of Capricorn is capricious, so some goats are intrigued by Gemini’s many faces. They will never find the twins boring. Capricorn with Leo is another matter both want to be the boss. A Capricorn man with a Leo diva can also be a surprisingly great union. The Leo Queen appreciates a dutiful and industrious partner who showers her with trinkets and gives her security for the rest of her life. Capricorn provides the fortifications and the moat around her Leo castle!

Capricorn with Sagittarius & Aquarius Compatibility

These signs are in semi-sextile relationship with Capricorn. They live on either side of the goat, but they don’t ‘see’ each other at all. Supposedly, signs in this aspect are least likely to strike up a rapport with each other since they have nothing in common (No traditional aspect connection). However, Capricorn and Aquarius share the Saturn rulership. So both these signs understand introversion and melancholy. This makes them that weird, reclusive couple that nobody ever sees. Capricorn and Aquarius can live together quite well if they give each other space. So maybe, like the aspect, they just don’t see each other much, despite living in the same house! In this case, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Capricorn and Sagittarius? Forget it. Both have hooves, but Capricorn can’t understand why the other is a nonsensical hybrid. The centaur is motivated by freedom, the goat by security. Chalk and cheese.