The New Moon December 2024 is at 9º Capricorn Decan 1. Aspect: Quincunx Jupiter. Fixed Star: Facies, the nebula in Sagittarius the Archer’s face. Asteroid: Selene. Tarot Card: 2 Of Pentacles. Healing Crystal: Sardonyx
New Moon December Spiritual meaning
The Sun has now crossed the winter solstice and passed through the portal of 0° Capricorn. This second December New Moon in 2024 then ushers in a time of intense focus, resilience, and the power of unity. The energy of this decan is unyielding, shaped by the influence of Facies, a fixed star synonymous with precision, ambition, and at times, ruthlessness. This decan, ruled by the Archer’s stars in Sagittarius, brings a sharp eye and an unflinching drive to aim high and hit the mark.
This moon calls forth the black sheep and badasses, those willing to make hard choices and offer tough love to strengthen their foundations. Capricorn 1 looks backwards to Saturn’s discipline and forward to Jupiter’s expansion—mirroring Janus, the Roman god of transitions, who oversees this time of endings and beginnings. We see this reflected in Jupiter square Saturn which occurs under this rare duplicated new moon on the brink of 2025!