Leo Season Meaning


Leo season runs from July 21 to August 21. We are in the height of summer, and the season has stabilised now in this fixed sign. We can rely upon the Sun’s consistency more, so it is at this time most of us take our summer vacations.

Leo season also marks the start of the Summer holidays for children at school. Six weeks of fun for the kids then, plus some mayhem for the parents no doubt! This time of the year is also known as ‘silly season (At least in the UK) when government also takes a break, and there is less newsworthy action.

Leo as a sign is associated with children, and its house is the fifth. The hottest weather of the year is not the best for working, so what better time to take some time off. The religious festivals that many Mediterranean counties have during Leo season reach their peak of frequency.

Leo season Matchmaking & Dancing

Fireworks, processions, open-air theatre, dances and feasting happen at this time, all very Leo activities. It is a time of celebration and matchmaking too. Leo is THE most romantic sign, while the 5th house is the house of recreational sex. Leo season emphasises leisure and playtime.

Leo season is a sharp contrast to the Cancer season we have just left behind. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is more inward-looking, which is a bit of a contradiction when you think that June 21 to July 21 are warm and pleasant weeks usually.

With Leo season, we can be bold and confident as we have acclimatised to the heat. No scorched skin and pale legs that have not seen the light of day. In Leo season, we have got our act together. We have by now sorted out our summer wardrobe and painted those grubby toenails. It’s time to show ourselves and get on the Leo catwalk.

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