The Hyades star cluster is in the face of Taurus the bull, spanning 5 to 9 degrees Gemini. The Sun passes through these degrees around May 26 to 30 each year.
Some texts include Aldebaran here, but really he is separate from the rest of the cluster and needs to be read separately also. The Hyades themselves cluster around the left eye of the Bull and the face. Ain is the star in the eye, but Prima Hyadum is the alpha star of the Hyades which has separate interpretations for the planets listed below. For Hyades as a whole, Manilus writes:
“The Hyades are a stormy star group and was regarded as a separate constellation. Those born at this time take no pleasure in tranquillity and set no store by a life of inaction; rather they yearn for crowds and mobs and civil disorders. Sedition and uproar delight them” [1]
Generally, Robson’s interpretations for the Hyades are much harsher than those of Aldebaran. It is interesting that Robson himself has both his Sun and Midheaven in the Hyades. However Robson’s personal life is a mystery, so we have no way of knowing if he based his conclusions on himself. He says the Hyades;
“give tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning, blindness, wounds or injuries to the head by instruments, weapons or fevers, and contradictions of fortune” [2]
Like Aldebaran, fixed star Ain (the left eye) gives a flair for design and art, but needs to be careful of having a wandering, lusty eye. Generally, the left in anything tends to be more unusual or even a little sinister. This seems to hold true for Ain. Some people have a planet between the two eyes, this may be the ability to be a little ambidextrous, or even to be duplicitous.
Myra Hindley’s and Ian Brady’s Davison chart has Venus between the bull’s eyes, while Mars is closer to Ain. This is so obviously their unrestrained and predatory sexuality as a couple. Mars on Ain in the 8th house square Ceres, shows only too clearly the sexual abuse and subsequent murder of the children they abducted.
Hyades Keywords
Militant, activists, provocative, permissive, persuasive, fierce, violent, stormy, emotional, controlling, manipulative, cunning, sharp minds, strategic, single-minded, commanding, disgraceful, tactful, tactile, tacticians, forgers, quick-mind, hasty, impulsive, nit-picking, technical, crafty, craftsmen, strong passions, abrupt, brave, daring, stalkers, obsessive, compulsive.
So there is a difference between Aldebaran and the Hyades. Aldebaran fancy themselves as Casanovas. They seduce by attraction, Venus style, they don’t need to do the chasing. The closer you move towards the Hyades, the more pro-active and controlling it gets. Ptolemy likened the stars in the bull’s head to Saturn and in part Mercury, which could make a dark trickster. Aldebaran can get itself into sexual scandal through greed when it is handed to them on a plate, while Hyades scandal comes from going too far with their stalking and obsessions. This goes for all their desires.
“Striving for prestige leading to power politics leads to tremendous success in life if bridled, if not, failure and a fall from power. May exploit other human beings in quest of power. Staggering increase in sexual urge, a dissolute life, excessive and licentious ways.” [3]
Hyades & Planet Combinations
Ascendant Hyades
“Rising or culminating with luminaries, makes their natives military captains, commanders, colonels of horse and emperors. Injuries to the face, wounds, stabs (may be operations nowadays). Blindness, bad eyes. Imprisonment.” [2] The military success here is definitely shown in the high achievers below. These days the military is also business. Ptolemy’s comparison to Saturn and Mercury shows here with the planet’s ambition and the need to be boss with a sharp, cunning mind in commerce. Not too much evidence of injuries or stabs though. Maybe these are the survivors.
François Hollande. Ain (01′); French president. Controversial relationship with a female journalist after a 30-year marriage ended. Richard Rodgers. Secunda (01′); One half of famous songwriting team. Composer of 43 Broadway musicals. Queen Victoria. Ain (02′); Longest reigning female monarch in history. Miles Davis. Ain (03′); Influential Jazz trumpeter. Went through a period of cocaine, sex and alcohol addiction. Rumoured to have died of AIDs. Martha Graham. Secunda (05′); As influential as Picasso in her field of dance and choreography. Henry Kissinger. Prima (09’); Political scientist, diplomat author and Nobel prize winner. Greta Garbo. Secunda (12′); Enigmatic Holywood actress.

Madelyn Murray O’Hair. Ain (14′); American atheist activist. Greta Scacchi. Prima (16′); Australian-Italian actress. Louis H. Sullivan. Ain (17′); American architect who created the skyscraper. Julie Newmar. Secunda (19′); Actress and businesswoman. “Catwoman” in the Batman TV series. Tony Blair. Prima (20′); British Prime minister who won a landslide victory with his “New Labour” government after almost two decades of Tory government. Brought “Cool” back into Britain. Youngest PM since 1812. Staunch Catholic. Greg Blewett. Prima (24′); Australian batsman. E.E. Cummings. Secunda (24′); Controversial poet with erotic material. Christine Keeler. Secunda (38′), Prima (40′); Call girl who brought down the British government in the 1960’s. Burt Reynolds. Secunda (40′), Lari Pittman. Ain (48′); Multi-layered, symbolist post-modern artist dealing with the hyper-capitalism of daily life.
Midheaven Hyades
“Disgrace, ruin, violent death”. [2.] Very short and sweet! Robson himself has one of the Hyades here. To me the “disgrace” he speaks of may mean unconventional or eccentric behaviour, there are quite a few activists here. I also think he may be referring to anyone who didn’t conform to the 1930’s heterosexual, married with 2 children stereotype. So “disgrace” could also mean homosexuals and single mothers. My interpretation of Hyades here would be ambitious, visionary, tough, survivors, who are a law unto themselves.
Mo Udall. Secunda (00’); American Politician “Too funny to be president”. Lost an eye aged 6. Wallis Simpson/Edward VIII Davison Secunda (04’); Exiled forever, due to Edward’s abdication of the British throne for twice-divorced Wallis. Josephine Baker. Secunda. (04’); African – American/ French cabaret performer. Bi-sexual “Bronze Venus”. Lived as a slum kid. Active in civil rights movement . Adopted 12 children. Amedeo Modigliani. Secunda (07’); Italian painter/sculpture famous for his elongated, mask-like faces. Died age 35 in poverty. Addicted to alcohol and narcotics. Charles Baudelaire. Secunda (07’); French poet, credited with coining the term modernity. Barbara Hand Clow. Ain (10’); Esoteric Astrologer who claims to channel information from the Pleiades. Barbara Hammer. Secunda (11’); Experimental film-maker. Vivian Robson. Secunda (16’); 1930’s Astrologer known for his dramatic and sometimes very harsh fixed star interpretations. George Bush Senior. Ain (16′); Republican father of George W. Initiated first gulf war. K.D. Lang. Prima (19’): Canadian singer-songwriter. Vegan Buddhist. Animal and gay rights activist. John Cleese. Ain (29’); Surreal comedian and prankster. Created and starred in “Fawlty Towers” Moved to more serious acting roles. Black humour. John Barrowman. Ain (31’); Scottish-America actor. Handsome all-round entertainer and TV star. Has his own skincare range. Loni Anderson. Prima (35’); American blonde bombshell actress and sex symbol. Lyndon B. Johnson. Prima. (35’); American President who succeeded JFK. Escalated US involvement in the Vietnam war. David Byrne. Prima (33’); Lead singer of “Talking Heads”. Experimental classical music. Freddie Mercury. Ain (35’); Outstanding vocalist of rock band Queen. One of the first AIDs deaths. Ernest Hemingway. Prima; Nobel prize-winning American author. Influential understated writing style. Madonna. Prima; The world’s best-selling female artist of all time. Oprah Winfrey. Ain. The richest African-America of the 20th century. Raised in poverty.
Sun Hyades

“Evil disposition (used to be a term in astrology for homosexuality), disturbed mind, failure in study, muddled thinking, misfortune, murderer or murdered, death by blows, stabs, shooting, beheading or shipwreck.” [2]. Again Robson has this placement. One wonders if he may have been a closet homosexual and not at all comfortable with his sexuality. He doth protest too much! Interestingly there are literally quite a few people of “Evil disposition” with the horror film actors and yes there are quite a few gay activists here too. Much like the Midheaven position, I think these are people generally liberated with their sexuality and more likely to experiment. Only JFK suffered the violent death.
Stevie Nicks. Prima (01’); Singer-songwriter with Fleetwood Mac. Queen of rock and roll who overcame a cocaine addiction and tranquilizer dependancy. Still gigging as a solo artist. Mystical image with symbolic, poetic lyrics. Cilla Black. Prima (04’); British TV Presenter famous for “Blind Date”. Henry Kissinger. Prima (08’); Diplomat, political scientist and Nobel peace prize winner. Vivian Robson. Secunda (11’); 1930’s Astrologer known for his dramatic and sometimes very harsh fixed star interpretations. See Midheaven. John Hinckley. Ain (12’); Attempted to assassinate President Reagan as a love token for Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed. Melissa Etheridge. Ain (14’): Rock-singer and lesbian activist. Vincent Price. Prima (18’); American actor. Distinctive scary voice and known for horror films. Christopher Lee. Secunda. (18’); English actor famous for playing villains and Count Dracula. Kylie Minogue. Secunda. (20’), Ain and Prima. Australian pop singer. Started off “girl next door” and progressively got more provocative and risque in her performances. Riley Keough. Ain (23’); American actress, grand-daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley. Siouxsie Sioux. Secunda (23’); British Punk/New wave singer-songwriter. Has hinted at bi-sexuality. Melanie Brown. Ain (24’); Pop singer “Scary Spice”. Rupert Everett. Ain (24’); Actor who states that coming out as homosexual negatively affected his career. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Ain (32’), Idolised US President had many extra marital affairs. Assassinated with a bullet through the bull’s head. Helena Bonham Carter. Prima (34’); British actress. Started off in costume dramas, recently starring in darker fairytale roles. Married to gothic film-maker Tim Burton. Bob Dylan. Prima; Singer-songwriter. Political folk. Julian Clary. Prima; Gay, punky cross-dressing stand-up comedian and presenter, famous for his double attendres. Ian McKellen. Prima; Acclaimed English actor. Wide-ranging from Shakespearean to science fiction. Gay activist. Paul Weller. Prima; British new-wave singer-songwriter. Socialist and political activist.
Moon Hyades
“Tactful, fair ability, difficulties connected with writings, may forge the name of employer or friend but finally escape punishment and retain position, liable to sickness and disgrace, danger of blindness or eye injuries.” [2] Not much disgrace here, but there is some tragedy, bringing the famous Hyades floods of tears. Orbison even had a hit with “Crying”, as did K.D Lang (see Midheaven) who revived the song years later. Moon in the Hyades seems to give great creativity due to the imagination of the Moon and also its sensitivity to what is popular. The moon can ebb and flow, so these people can adapt to what is popular at the time and meander out of trouble. They seem to have an eye for fashion too.
M.C. Escher. Secunda (00’). Prima; Dutch graphic artist. Lithographs and woodcuts. Roseanne Barr. Prima (03’); American actress, comedienne, director. Creator of the sitcom Roseanne. The show’s namesake was a bolshy, working-class matriarch who wouldn’t let the patriarchal, consumer world grind her down. Ludwig II of Bavaria. Prima (04′): Eccentric. Preferred a life of seclusion constructing elaborate castles. Mysterious death. Officially said to have drowned by suicide. Jackie Chan. Secunda (06’). Prima; Actor, stunt performer, acrobatic fighting style, singer, entrepreneur. Herb Ritts. Secunda (10’); 1980’s/90’s fashion photographer. Black and white classical style, portraits of famous actors and models. Died of AIDs. Archie M. Griffin. Ain (11’) Secunda. Prima; American footballer. Frieda Hughes. Ain (14’); Daughter of famous poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. Painter and poet. Her mother committed suicide when she was three, father died in 1998 and her brother committed suicide in 2009. Shirley Conran. Secunda. (23’), Prima. Ain; Best selling author and ex-wife of British designer Sir Terence. Tina Turner. Ain (23’) Secunda; One of the greatest singers of all time. 50-year career. Queen Victoria. Prima (24′); Longest serving female monarch. Le Corbusier. Prima.(26’). Secunda (37’); Pioneer of modern architecture. John Inman. Prima. (32’); Camp British actor and pantomime dame. Roy Orbison. Ain. Secunda; American singer-songwriter. Powerful wide-ranging baritone voice. Dark, impassioned ballads. Many personal tragedies. Lost his wife in a car accident and his two sons in a house fire. Joan Baez. Prima; American folk singer. Strong, vibrato singing style. Humanitarian and environmental activist.
Mercury Hyades
“Quick mind, resentful, hasty temper, broods over small troubles, favorable for gain.”[2]
I think Mercury in the Mercury flavored Hyades gives a great sense of rhythm and timing, as seen in the amount of multi-talented musicians with great technical ability here. Hand-eye co-ordination seems strong with manual dexterity. Obviously, there are also Mercury’s writers. Hyades here will strive for something better, whether it be within the society they live or just the perfection of ones craft. The “broods over small troubles” suggests nit-picking. Possibly the subject is very hard on themselves and find failure unacceptable.
William Butler Yeats. Prima (01’). Secunda; Irish symbolist poet and playwright. Won the Nobel prize for literature. Mark David Chapman Ain (11’); Assassin of John Lennon. Dennis Rodman. Prima (12’). Secunda; Professional basket-ball player. Steve Winwood. Secunda (15’). Prima ; English songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist. 50 year career. Jeffrey L. Dahmer. Secunda (17’). Prima; American serial killer and sex offender. Peggy Lee. Secunda (17’). Ain. Prima; Versatile Jazz/Pop singer. Her sultry, purring voice shown at its best on “He’s A Tramp” in the Disney film. Karl Marx. Prima (23’); Philosopher, sociologist, revolutionary socialist. Henry Kissinger. Prima (25’); Political scientist, diplomat author and Nobel prize winner. Jack Bruce Secunda (28’). Prima (35’); Scottish musician and founder of psychedelic band Cream. One of the greatest bass players of all time. Charles Gounod. Prima (34’); French classical composer. Famous for “Ave Maria”. Georges Braque. Ain (36’) Secunda French painter. Cubist. Marilyn Monroe. Ain (38’). Prima; Iconic America actress and sex goddess. Died at 36 of barbiturate poisoning from a “probable suicide”. Anya Gallaccio. Ain. Secunda; Scottish artist whose intricate works are constructed with flowers, fruit and vegetables. Steffi Graf. Prima; German tennis player. Prince. Prima; American singer-songwriter, self-producing and plays most of the instruments on his records.
Venus Hyades

“Many accomplishments, artistic, ability to write or paint, strong passions, which influence work.” [2]. Yes, Venus does well here, generally functioning more like Hyades’s archangel neighbour Aldebaran. We still get Hyades “strong passions” which in the case of Brady/Hindley were channeled nefariously. Henry the 8 also spilled much blood and caused much suffering in his single-minded pursuit of a male heir.
Omar Sharif. Secunda (00’). Prima; Egyptian Hollywood actor. Mary Wollstonecraft. Prima (00’). Secunda; Writer, philosopher and feminist. Unconventional relationships with married men. Dramatic life and intense friendships. Malcolm X. Secunda (15’); African-America civil rights activist. Oliver Cromwell. Prima (16′); Political leader and devout puritan after a religious conversion. Tyrone Power. Secunda (18’); American Hollywood actor. Romantic leads. Swashbuckling hero. Edie Sedgwick. Secunda (18’); Warhol muse and model. Jason Donovan. Prima (19’). Secunda; Australian singer and soap star. Henry VIII of UK. Ain (23′); Tudor king who married six times in order to ensure a son would succeed him. Paul Gauguin. Secunda (29’); French post-impressionist artist. His bold colours and primitive style were inspirational to modern artists. Brady/Hindley Davison. Prima (38’); British serial killers who sexually assaulted, then murdered children in the 1960’s. Zara Phillips. Prima (38’); Royal equestrian. Ronald Isley. Ain; Record producer and musician.
Mars Hyades
“Abrupt, brave, aggressive, courageous, lacks concentration.” [2] You can see the impatient, physical, aggressive and sexual energy Mars whipping up the stormy Hyades here. There are more actors and activists here than the more introspective artists and musicians. Their daring could get them into conflicts and/or put them in physical danger.
Marjoe Gortner. Prima (00’). Secunda; Aged 4 became the youngest known ordained preacher. He revealed later that his parents forced the preaching career onto him and made much money from their talented prodigy. He later became an actor. O. J. Simpson. Secunda (06’); Football player, broadcaster and actor who is serving time for armed robbery and kidnapping. Rutger Hauer. Secunda (07’). Prima; Dutch actor. Environmentalist. Joe Frazier. Prima (09’). Secunda; American professional boxer. Anita Pallenberg. Secunda (09’), Prima. Ain. Italian-born actress, model and fashion designer. Stylist, forbidden fruit, groupie and muse to the Rolling Stones. Jimmy Page. Prima (09’); Founder of rock band Led Zeppelin. One of the most influential guitarists in rock history. Aaron Spelling. Prima. (11’); American film and TV producer. Bullied so much at school that he lost the use of his legs and was bedridden for one year. Camille Claudel Prima (13’); French sculptress, muse and lover of fellow sculptor Rodin. Diagnosed schizophrenic, and wrongfully committed to a mental hospital. The press accused her family of confining a genius. Brady/Hindley Davison. Ain (21’); British serial-killer couple. See Venus. John Denver. Prima. (24’); Singer/ songwriter, activist and environmentalist. Died flying his own plane. Antonio Banderas. Prima (25’). Secunda; Spanish Hollywood film actor. Much work for charity with his actress wife Melanie Griffith. John Havlicek. Prima (28.) American basketball player. Bettie Page. Prima (28’); Dark Angel pin-up model. Famous for erotic S & M photos. Converted to Christianity. Suffered depression and volatile moods. Confined to a psychiatric hospital for many years. Douglas/Zeta Jones Davison. Secunda (30’). Prima (33’): Hollywood showbiz couple with a large age gap between them. Uma Thurman. Ain. (33’); American actress and model. Charity work and supports gun control.
The Hyades in Your Chart
If you don’t have a chart, yet get a free one here: FREE HOROSCOPE MAKER. To work out the exact position of Prima Hyadum (The main star of the Hyades), stars move forward through the zodiac at one degree every 72 years. You can find all the star positions here: The Fixed Stars in Longitude Order. *Prima Hyadum positions:
1900 – 4° 24′ Gemini*
1950 – 5° 06′ Gemini
2000 – 5° 48′ Gemini
1. Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.308-311.
2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923.p 189
3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.28.
Image: Snow Storm. Steamboat of a Harbour Mouth ~ Joseph M W Turner
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