Full Moon 21 June 2024 ~ Resilience

The Full Moon 21 June 2024 falls at 1º Capricorn Decan 1. Type: Strawberry Moon. Aspect: Square Neptune. Fixed Star: Spiculum, the nebula in the bow of Sagittarius the Archer. Asteroid: Leto. Tarot Card: 2 Of Pentacles. Healing Crystal: Rhodochrosite

Full Moon in Capricorn: A Time for Unity and Resilience. This full moon on the 21st June 2024 is significant because it coincides with the Summer Solstice when the Sun has just entered Cancer season. During this period, the Sun is at its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This celestial alignment amplifies the energy and influence of the full moon.

Moon in Capricorn Decan 1

The moon is positioned in Capricorn decan 1, an area known for the presence of the ruthless fixed star Facies. Like the Spiculum, the star associated with this full moon, it is located near the archer’s bow, suggesting a focused and potentially harsh influence. The name Facies bears a striking resemblance to the term “fascist,” a connection that is hard to ignore given that several prominent and controversial figures were born under this decan. These individuals include Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Marine Le Pen, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who has faced death threats), Melania Trump, Mark Chapman (the killer of John Lennon), and even the horoscope of John Lennon’s death, pointing to Facies’ association with extreme actions and even assassination.

The values of Capricorn Decan 1 can reflect a fascist mindset, whether one finds this agreeable or not. Although the term “fascist” is heavily tainted by its association with World War II, its original definition is not inherently sinister. Derived from the Italian word “fascio,” meaning ‘a bundle of rods,’ it signifies strength through unity. A single rod is easily broken, but a bundle is harder to snap. Fascism typically arises in times of national emergency, when a strong authoritarian leader is deemed necessary to restore order amid chaos. According to Brady, Facies can manifest as either humanitarian or sadist, indicating the potential for a leader to emerge during this full moon who can effectively manage the state’s challenges.

This full moon June 2024, could reinforce the importance of the family unit. A strong family is difficult for the state to dominate, making family loyalty crucial. This loyalty can extend to tribal or national loyalty, supporting the interests of a specific group or nation. Moon in Capricorn Decan 1 embodies a sense of collective effort towards a long-term goal, reflecting the resilience required to survive harsh Northern winters. Just as a single man would starve without support, family unity provides strength, akin to the metaphor of a bundle of rods. This dynamic can also give rise to protective groups, similar to Mafia-type families that emerged during the 1930s depression in the USA when gangsters took the law into their own hands. History, as they say, may repeat itself.

Full Moon Tarot Card: Two of Pentacles

The Tarot card associated with this decan is the Two of Pentacles. This card represents the need for balance and moderation in life. The man depicted on the card must juggle multiple aspects of life, finding equilibrium between work and play. If he neglects relaxation and fun, he risks becoming exhausted and tense, leading to mood swings as symbolized by the waves behind him.

Material concerns and the passage of time are central themes of this decan, highlighting a prophetic understanding of natural law. The figure-eight loop surrounding the pentacles signifies the infinity symbol, reminding us that energy is cyclical and ever-recycling, whether positive or negative. This reinforces the idea that what goes around comes around.

Full Moon Fixed Star: Spiculum

The fixed star Spiculum, located at 1º Capricorn in the Lagoon or Trifid Nebula, means “spear” in Latin. This nebula is known for its dual influence: it can evoke a morbid outlook and a fearful religious perspective, leading to depression and negativity. However, when well-aspected, Spiculum can foster a deep sense of connection with the universe and its creator, along with profound philosophical insights. This star’s influence brings both challenges and opportunities for spiritual growth.

Full Moon Asteroid: Leto

Goddess leto

Leto, the serene and graceful goddess of motherhood in Greek mythology, symbolizes maternal strength and perseverance. Her beauty captivated Zeus, but her enduring spirit truly defined her legacy. Pursued relentlessly by Hera’s jealousy, Leto wandered tirelessly until she found refuge on the floating island of Delos, where she gave birth to the radiant twins Artemis and Apollo amidst divine light.

Revered as the mother of these powerful deities, Leto is often depicted with a serene countenance, surrounded by lush vegetation that reflects her close connection to nature. Her story is one of unwavering devotion and resilience, making her an enduring symbol of maternal love and fortitude. Leto is also associated with wolves and palm trees.

Strawberry Moon

The full moon in June is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon, named by Native American tribes who saw it as a signal to harvest ripening strawberries. This moon is also referred to as the Honey Moon or Rose Moon in various cultures, reflecting the seasonal changes of early summer, such as the blooming of roses or the production of honey. These names emphasize the natural cycles and agricultural practices tied to this time of year.

Full Moon June 2024 Astrology

Full Moon June 2024

Full Moon Aspect: Square Neptune

Moon square Neptune brings potential for confusion, deception, and escapism. This aspect can lead to corruption and gaslighting within the collective. Gurus or spiritual leaders might abuse their positions, and there is a risk of falling into spiritual bypassing. It is crucial to stay grounded and avoid substances like alcohol or drugs that can lead to escapism. Instead, this highly imaginative and fairytale-like energy should be channelled into creative and uplifting endeavours. There is potential for a spiritual warrior to use this aspect for the greater good, transforming the challenging energy into a force for healing and positive change.

Healing Crystal: Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite, also known as Inca Rose Stone and Raspberry Spar, derives its name from the Greek word for “rose colour.” This crystal supports feelings of compassion, deeper emotional connections, and openness to love without judgment or expectations.

Rhodochrosite symbolizes selfless love and encourages taking action on behalf of others. It focuses on healing the emotional body and helping to release anguish, pain, and trauma. This makes it an ideal stone for anyone struggling with coping or suffering from PTSD. Rhodochrosite promotes emotional health and well-being, enabling individuals to provide love and support to others once they have healed themselves.

What the Full Moon June 2024 means for your sign

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Moon in 1st house for CAPRICORN
Moon in 2nd house for SAGITTARIUS
Moon in 3rd House for SCORPIO
Moon in 4th house for LIBRA
Moon in 5th house for VIRGO
Moon in 6th house for LEO
Moon in 7th house for CANCER
Moon in 8th house for GEMINI
Moon in 9th house for TAURUS
Moon in 10th house for ARIES
Moon in 11th house for PISCES
Moon in 12th house for AQUARIUS

June Full Moon Summary

This full moon during the Summer Solstice in Capricorn Decan 1 is a powerful time for fostering unity and resilience. It emphasizes the importance of family and tribal loyalty, encouraging strong bonds that can withstand external pressures. The influence of the fixed star Facies suggests the potential for strong leadership and decisive action in times of crisis. The Two of Pentacles tarot card advises maintaining balance and moderation in all areas of life.

The fixed star Spiculum and the asteroid Leto highlight the dual potential for deep spiritual insights and maternal strength. At the same time, the Neptune square warns against deception and escapism, urging the use of imaginative energy for positive transformation. The healing crystal Rhodochrosite supports emotional healing and selfless love, making it a valuable tool for repairing family trauma during this full moon.

Featured Moon image & Leto Goddess by Marina Marchione. Follow Heavenly & Holy on Etsy for the 2025 Moon Phases and Goddess Calendars release dates.