Solar Eclipse October 2024 ~ Bitter Sweet


The New Moon Solar Eclipse 2 October 2024 is at 10º Libra Decan 2 Aspect: Conjunct Mercury & Black Moon Lilith. Fixed Star: Gienah in the left wing of Corvus the Crow. Asteroid: Hesta. Tarot Card: 3 Of Swords. Healing Crystal: Ametrine.

Eclipse In Libra Decan 2

By dignity, the Moon is not happy in Libra Decan 2. It is unsure of itself and too concerned with what others think of them. At this time, we strive to succeed so we can win the approval of an audience. Yes, I’m afraid Moon Libra 2 could bring out the classic narcissist who forever craves adoration. On the positive side, we can use our charms to generate a following that does good deeds in the collective. Those touched by this New Moon Solar Eclipse will want to be loved and approved of so much that they may not be discerning enough about whom they give their body. 

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